The 5th Dimension is full of curiosity and wonder! Or how to ascend, live in, or become a 5th Dimension Master? If we already have, consider becoming a member. Atmic Body. As with most things, you’re intention to become a 5th Dimensional Master will attract the right information for doing so to you! For example, you may describe yourself as “awake” while judging those you feel are “asleep.”. 15 Ways YOU Can Help the Global Shift in Consciousness! Third Dimensional Reality – The Physical Realm, Fourth Dimensional Reality – The Hallway into the Fifth Dimension, Consciousness begins to Awaken, Fifth Dimensional Reality – Unity Consciousness, The All is the One, and the One is the All, Heyoka Evolving: Updating Outdated Mythos, 7 Ways to Stay Centered in the Midst of Chaos, How Ego Turns Your Spiritual Process into Manipulation, Four Theories About the Independent Consciousness of Thought. Pause, slow down, take a slow long breath, feel relaxed and calm. It’s hard to be in the wrong relationship. Dimensions of health consist of 5 elements, Social, Physical, Emotional, Spirituality Education Community Vocation Ministry. Spirituality is part of the self in the same way that my body or emotions are part of who I am. While we may have many friends or family who are still rooted in third dimension, we find ourselves resonating with fifth dimensional consciousness. To elevate my life from the hell of addiction and pain I was living in. Dimensions of Spirituality: A Value Perspective. From a 3rd Dimensional perspective, man operates from the rational mind, ego, and survival with a scarcity mindset (And an overactive, yammering mind!). Greenwald DF(1), Harder DW. What spiritualists mean by spiritual dimensions is levels or personal progress and development. Daily life will be bubbling frequently with sensations of gratitude, joy, lightness, love, … When I speak of the 5th Dimension in this post, I am talking about the 5th Dimension of Consciousness, a spiritual shift and ascension from the 3rd Dimension to the 5th Dimension. On this day, the Ascended Masters and Teacher’s of Light, together with Source Consciousness decided to close the door to the 3rd Dimensional Consciousness on planet Earth. While all the dimensions are special the spiritual dimension brings us to a place where we consider meaning and purpose, where we explore who we are as the self and beyond the self. Brothers and Sisters, I would like to address the topic of spiritual values by defining two levels of spirituality. Those living from 3d, 4d, or 5d consciousness are experiencing the same reality (on some level), but rather their way of perceiving it is completely different. If we don’t go with it willingly – we will inevitably struggle! It is important to remember that one is no better than the other. The seventh dimension is the realm of cosmic sound – not the vibratory patterns that we hear in the physical dimension, but the harmonics of creation. The NEC CHANNELING Series [Updated Jan 23, 2021] A … Turn off or stop reading anything that doesn’t uplift, elevate, and delight you! This Global unrest is creating huge challenges in the form of earthquakes, dis-ease, and has been very stressful for many! Here are many of the 2021 Ascension Symptoms being experienced by others. There are good decisions and bad decisions, good thoughts and bad thoughts, good people and bad people, for example. Related Post: 15 Ways YOU Can Help the Global Shift in Consciousness! ), 33 MOTHER’S DAY Gifts for the Mom who has Everything (2021 Curated Guide! You realize that the darkness of the world is a direct reflection of the shadow that still exists inside of you. Make time each day to simply enjoy the ride and be happy! This is a 2021 Global Shift from living in the 3rd Dimension to the 5th Dimension, where greater ease, joy, and manifesting abilities are possible! The resulting five themes of faith and spirituality identified among the project participants suggested relevant dimensions that guide the assessment of the spiritual and faith-based resources available to these women. I appreciate every moment, every laugh, every sensation. In fourth dimension, comparison and judgment still exist however with more ‘spiritual’ themes. Perhaps the most difficult part of the ascension … You no longer try to change the world, but rather begin to heal yourself. Thank you for being part of our journey Although I no longer judge people from a moral standpoint, I use discretion in what I spend my time and energy on. You may even become angry or resentful of the society that implanted these belief systems. It is common for some aspects (belief systems) to still be rooted in 3d while other aspects are rooted in a higher dimension. By doing more of what they love, by spending more time with the people they love, and by understanding that Source, or God, or the Universe is unconditionally loving and wants us to have the experience we want to experience while embodied on Earth at this time! Six dimensions are theoretically derived by a cross-classification of three general components: religious belief, commitment, and behavior, and two modes of religiosity: personal and institutional. “A shift in perspective makes the particles in your universe dance to new possibilities.” ~ Annie Kagan. It’s hard to be in the right one. In the third dimension you see yourself as a separate entity in comparison to other people and the universe. A mass awakening began on December 21st, 2012 as predicted by the Mayan civilization! Related Post: 5 Powerful Benefits of Practicing Mindfulness. The labels I have for myself define who I am as a person. A joyful, childlike, curious stance is taken by many! are how I identify myself in comparison to others. More are choosing to step away from the drama, gossip, and noise – And focus on things that uplift them! After a synchronistic turn of events led her to receive a "oneness blessing" in 2011, Nikki Sapp experienced a huge shift in her awareness and an awakening of her consciousness. Fifth Dimensional Reality – Unity Consciousness, The All is the One, and the One is the All As consciousness begins to awaken even further, the ego drops and judgments begin to fade away. We can better understand that we are in fact holy by considering the three dimensions of spirituality. Ego is my ultimate enemy and therefore my ‘goal’ is to get rid of it. The dimensions become more abstract and less easily described in human language. It’s hard to be stuck in the middle, not really feeling anything at all.... “As soon as the generals and the politicos can predict the motions of your mind, lose it. And, Source (All That Is), being an unconditionally loving being, has honored our free will in letting us ascend to the 5th Dimension in our own time, and in our own way. Dimensions of Spirituality. 1. After my near-death experience and hard and Bizarre Spiritual Awakening, I came back to life with the psychic ability of Clairaudience (The ability to hear unseen guides with my spiritual ear). I’ve wanted to be a Fifth Dimensional Master since I was a teenager! If you are in a hurry, please bookmark this post for later reading! And had no idea what would be waiting for me if I ever did reach the 5th Dimension…. The Earth itself is ascending to the 5th Dimension, whether we like it or not. The information is too long and in-depth for a blog post, so I’ve made it into a very convenient, easily affordable eBook available here for just $5! Your email address will not be published. This is what Fractal Enlightenment is about, to help you understand your self better, work with the inner to help you experience the outer. Trying to force someone who is rooted in 3d to see the world from a 5d perspective will not work until that person is energetically aligned to a frequency in which fifth dimensional perspectives seem obvious rather than idealistic. In order to better understand how dimensions work and what it means to be living in the third, fourth or fifth dimension, we must think of a dimension as a point of perception rather than an actual place to travel to. Leave it as a sign to mark... 3 Timelines On A Multi-Dimensional Reality And How…. The Dimensions of Consciousness . It can be to our own spirit, our spirit guides or to the higher infinite spirit that connects us all. I also got A LOT of really terrible information explaining WHAT the 5th Dimension was! Many of us question our worthiness by thinking we aren’t holy enough, we aren’t spiritual enough. 5th Dimensional living is available to everyone currently alive on planet Earth right now! In order to enter into the Fifth Dimension and stay there, all mental and emotional baggage must be left at the door. What Happens in the 5th Dimension? The Fifth Dimension. The Universe allows the illusion of Free-Will on the Third and Fourth Dimensions which gives us the experience of acting like saints or demons or somewhere in between... by choice. We’ve held on to the struggle, drama, and imbalances of the “devil we’ve known” for many lifetimes while experiencing this 3rd Dimensional Consciousness. Required fields are marked *, Privacy Policy     CCPA Disclaimer      Affiliate Policy      Do Not Sell My Personal Information. =). “Be the change you wish to see in the world!”. In five or more dimensions, only three regular polytopes exist. You realize that the darkness of the world is a direct reflection of the shadow that still exists inside of you. An empirical test of the model is reported using data collected from a large sample of Mormons. Currently, the 5th Dimension is the goal for humanity to ascend to and is available for us all to move into while still inhabiting a physical body. However, they are aware of just a part of their consciousness and have the potentiality of accessing the first 5 dimensions. I must warn and tell others about the Illuminati, government, reptilians, chemtrails, etc…. Changes in our bodies happen when we move from 3D to 5D simply because our physical bodies are very heavy and dense. Prioritize YOUR and YOUR FAMILY’S needs. The dimensions of spirituality. When a person reaches 5th dimension consciousness, they may experience existing in a permanent state of peace, bliss, love, and joy. The second, posited by Swedish physicist Oskar Klein, is that it is a dimension unseen by humans where the forces of gravity and electromagnetism unite to create a … LOL!). Thus started her spiritual journey. As consciousness begins to awaken even further, the ego drops and judgments begin to fade away. I ultimately hold all the power to ‘create’ my perception of reality, nothing is inherently ‘good’ or ‘bad’. By seeing things this way, it gives us a better understanding of how we can identify what dimension we are mostly resonating with. Having spiritual awareness allows us to find meaning and individual purpose in our lives and live in… I am beginning to see that “god”, “the universe,” or “source” lies within. Get the Ascended Master's Manifesting Secrets Now! For when Moses was about to erect the tent, he was instructed by God, saying, “See that you make everything according to the pattern that was shown you on the mountain.” In five dimensions, they are: The 5-simplex of the simplex family, {3,3,3,3}, with 6 vertices, 15 edges, 20 faces (each an equilateral triangle), 15 cells (each a regular tetrahedron), and 6 hypercells (each a 5-cell). This is an incredible time to be alive as more and more people are stepping into their personal power and taking charge of their lives once again! Below are some examples of belief systems that are indicative of third, fourth and fifth dimensional reality. All of the other lions in this zoo had been born in … I’m just grateful to be present, to walk in nature, to feel the Sun on my face, to play with my kids, and to try new things. While the outer world appears to be being torn apart to some, many are experiencing more joy, freedom, and euphoria than ever before, because they’ve consciously chosen to shift themselves. My Bizarre Spiritual Awakening: How I Overcame Grief & Addiction to Spiritually Awaken & Create My Own Reality! A 5th Dimensional Master is capable of staying present in every moment. I must compete with others in order to ‘make it’ so I can get my share of abundance. Living the Five Dimensions On the Spirituality Dimension: In our lifetime, new definitions of spirituality have been offered,new applications have been tested and new expressions have emerged. Including mine! Your immediate environment is a product, or mirror, of your inner self. Resilience drives personal readiness, and personal readiness relies on five dimensions, sometimes called pillars: Physical, Emotional, Social, Spiritual, and Family. (You can read more about my near-death experience, addiction, grief healing, and spiritual awakening in my book: My Bizarre Spiritual Awakening: How I Overcame Grief & Addiction to Spiritually Awaken & Create My Own Reality! This takes place naturally and automatically. But, I didn’t know I could simply ask my spirit guides and also pray for guidance on exactly how to do this! So, imagine my surprise when one of my spirit guides clairaudiently said to me that I walked the line between the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Dimensions all the time! (They obviously saw the movie Avatar! I am a person, the thinker of these thoughts, and these thoughts are my thoughts. We hope to achieve a unique and thought-provoking perspective to alter conditioned thinking. This dimension of spirituality grows when we invest in our prayer life, when we seek … Hebrews 8:5 ESV / 5 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. No fear, anger, hostility, guilt exists there—no suffering or … Dimensions of Health. Image 4948073. I have been told by my guides that this is the “density leaving period”, and is a necessary part of the global shift in consciousness. ), will inevitably come! ), Another free online video said, things like plastics and other inorganic materials not aligned to your new light body would simply fall out of your awareness…, I had experienced neither of these things! The spiritual being begins to take precedence over the human character we are playing and because of this all things have a deeper meaning and the implications are more spiritual in nature. In other words, when you are happy, quiet, mindful, observing, and at ease, you ARE IN THE 5TH DIMENSION. “Dimensions are not places or locations, but levels of consciousness that vibrate at a certain rate. Spiritual disciplines are those personal and corporate habits that promote spiritual growth. Life is characterized by polar opposites. One video even said when you reach the 5th Dimension, you would be assigned two tall blue alien spiritual teachers, and find giant purple fruits that you must eat, which would help you ascend. Again, I highly recommend the e-book How to Ascend to the 5th Dimension to shave months or maybe even years off your spiritual awakening and to get the key activations for changing your body to that of a 5th Dimensional living light body. Five Dimensions of Well-Being. Pyramids. 2) The universe has 10 dimensions, or possibly 26, according to String Theory. Many have already moved, or are currently moving, into this state of joyful ease simply by living the way life was meant to be lived…. When I’m in the 5th Dimension, I just smile, I’m so calm, allowing, and still of mind. What is the 5th Dimension of Consciousness? Beings believing that the Third is the only Dimension suffer from the illusion of separation from their Spirit. It’s the human’s being highest plane, its spirit, the purest consciousness. September 2018; In book: Religion, Spirituality, Mental Health. The Four Worlds (Hebrew: עולמות ‎ Olamot/Olamos, singular: Olam עולם), sometimes counted with a prior stage to make Five Worlds, are the comprehensive categories of spiritual realms in Kabbalah in the descending chain of Existence.. As time transpired, it became apparent to her that her talent for writing and communication would be how she could give back to humanity and help others who were also experiencing a spiritual awakening. I seek happiness outside of myself. Picture of 5 dimensions of personal development: spiritual, emotional, mental, physical, social - concept on blackboard presented with colorful sticky notes and white chalk stock photo, images and stock photography. Dimensions artwork Body raising in consciousness I am no longer attached to my labels, but see myself as an ever-changing field of consciousness. The love that grows within begins to translate into compassion and understanding for the external world. Focus on YOU. Vertical dimension: This is our relationship with God and how our relationship to God is maintained. All dissonant energy is automatically filtered out. So, the best way to increase your spirituality is to work on the dimension that you have currently grown the least in. (No pressure! This study described the religious and existential dimensions of spirituality of patients with CKD, provided evidence to support construct validity of the ESRD Spiritual Beliefs Scale, and examined the relationship between constructs of spirituality and HRQoL. Physical; Emotional; Spiritual; Social; Financial An extreme spiritual awakening and healing was needed by me in order to elevate to the 5th Dimension the fastest, because of my intention to survive and thrive. “Because we are living in a material world and I am a material girl…” Madonna pictures the third dimension pretty perfectly in her song. Love is the only weapon that truly holds power. It might be better if the question were: “What are the dimensions of spirituality and materiality.” I will offer as my answer a summary and simplification from the Ageless Wisdom. The 5th Dimension is not a place, or destination, or an immediate change in your outer world, it is simply a state of “being”. The Universe will always open the door for you by your intention, then it is up to you to walk through it…. You are happy, understanding, and balanced from a 5th Dimensional perspective, but, most importantly you are MINDFUL! Dimensions in mathematics has to do with shapes, areas and size. Current Approaches in the Psychology of Religion (pp.85-106) And once I could hear my guides clairaudiently, and also knew I have to ask them my questions, they’ve given me plenty of information on exactly how to ascend to the 5th Dimension, how to stay there, and some key 5th Dimensional Activations that will assist those who wish to become 5th Dimensional Masters! From a 3rd Dimensional perspective, man operates from the rational mind, ego, and survival with a scarcity mindset (And an overactive, yammering mind!). Things like money, material possessions, relationships, and physical attributes seem to be the key to my fulfillment. Dimension means an aspect, a feature, the scope or extent, the measurement or size of something in another direction. The nature of health needs to be addressed, before investigating the relationship between spirituality and health. Summary In our prayer lives, praying in the Holy Spirit takes us to a deeper spiritual level than praying in our own language ever could. 5 Powerful Benefits of Practicing Mindfulness. You respond to outside stimuli rather than quickly react to things that trigger you. More knowledge and better understandings seem to be the key to my fulfillment. She describes how she will only go out with guys that have money to buy her things and how she fears losing her money once she got into that state of possessions. But we don’t have to struggle upstream anymore…. Melbourne, Australia, May 1992 . We see that Spirituality is both personal and communal. ), BEST 25th Birthday Gift Ideas for DAUGHTER (Curated List 2021), 10 Best CRYSTALS FOR PROTECTION (From Negative Entities, Energy & Psychic Attack). The Five Dimensions. As she grew, she made it a point to investigate, as best as she could, all of the aspects of the world around her. 4 Natural Energy Boosters Without Caffeine (#4 is a Game-Changer! Be an example of all the things light and good in the world, and the massive change we’ve all been watching and waiting for (The Golden Age of Light! Sustaining healthy behaviors within and across these dimensions is essential to personal readiness. “The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness.” ~ Lao Tzu, “Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness.” ~ Alejandro Jodorowski. From a 5th Dimensional perspective, man operates from the heart, awakening to our spiritual gifts, intuition, unconditional love, and an abundance mindset! 4) People seem to be a lot nicer wherever you go. Become a Member! In the 5th Dimension, reactivating your living light body becomes possible, joy is experienced more often, and extreme lows of sadness and depression leave your awareness! This teaching was given at the National Tennis Centre, Melbourne, Australia. ... (NEC) series of articles that define and explain key concepts in New Age spirituality. Meaning fosters spiritual development through its exploration. The Dimensions of Spirituality Project has designed a new survey instrument that helps researchers examine the wider landscape of spirituality in its many variations. Contact us:, © Copyright -2006 - 2021 Fractal Enlightenment. Mindful, aware, unconditionally loving, and noise – and focus on things trigger. To elevate my life from the drama, gossip, and brings us to the 5th dimension is of. Be confusing angry because I have for myself define who I am my mind, I am of... May have many friends or family who are still rooted in third dimension, comparison and still. 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