European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform, Contribute: submit content for the website, Amsterdam City's circular economy strategy 2020-2025 shapes itself on the 'Doughnut' model, Publications Office of the European Union. An antidote to the prolific waste generated by planned obsolescence, the circular economy is all about keeping products in circulation for as long as possible. The ‘Batterygate’ scandal in which Apple found themselves embroiled is a classic example of planned obsolescence. As Google's head of sustainability, it's Kate E. Brandt's job to strategize solutions that cut the cost on our environment and our economy. But it means designing products that stand the test of time. The Circular Economy Club (CEC) is the global circular economy network with +280 CEC local clubs in 130 countries. Kate leads the Center for the Circular Economy at Closed Loop Partners, an innovation center for research, analysis and collaboration to accelerate the transition to a circular economy in which materials are shared, re-used and continuously cycled. We transform our community’s knowledge into an evidence-based collective action agenda, and identify areas where action needs to … In a circular economy we reuse raw and other materials over and over again. In a circular economy, the value of raw materials is retained as much as possible throughout a … This Circular strategy covers a large number of measures for businesses, the City and its residents: from waste reduction to resource management to circular construction. Ook kan je bewust inspelen op hergebruik of reparatie van. It could be because support and spare parts are withdrawn for older models. Circular economy approaches could reduce energy use in economic activity by 6%–11%. Seasonable fashion as a concept is arguably a kind of planned obsolescence, giving clothes a limited lifespan as trends go in and out of fashion. Inovo Raises €54 Million For Poland’s Rising Tech Stars. CEC’s mission is to bring the circular economy to every corner of the world. To thrive in the 21st century, she says we need a new circular economic … • Large potentials in food waste, material efficiency, refurbishment and construction. And we all know the value of repeat business. I write about circular economy businesses and the journey to b-corp, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society BrandVoice, How Automated Software Can Skyrocket Your Meal-Delivery Business, How To Hire In A Zoom World, Part Two: Building A Comprehensive And Consistent Video-Screening Strategy, How Businesses Can Respond To Three Big Changes In Consumer Behavior, Budding Entrepreneurs Should Aim For Second Best, Meet Saka Saddiq Nuru: Tech Professional Working To Become A Role Model For Those Without One. A healthy economy should be designed to thrive, not grow | Kate Raworth - YouTube. Through this transition, we can not only address the challenge of climate change but can also strengthen the local economy, support communities to thrive and improve people’s lives. The strategy makes use of an adapted version of British economist Kate Raworth's "doughnut model". It might mean offering an option to rent rather than own. Katie Thomas, Low Carbon & Environment Senior Strategy Manager, York & North Yorkshire LEP will explain what circular economy is all about, how it is key to achieving our region’s economic and environmental ambitions, and will introduce the new ‘Circular Economy: 6 Benefits to Business’ e-guides. Looking at other kinds of product, how many uses does anyone get from a pair of stockings before they’re laddered and need replacing? Our aim is to accelerate the transition to a circular economy across York and North Yorkshire through bringing stakeholders together and creating the conditions for a circular economy to flourish. CEC’s mission is to bring the circular economy to every corner of the world. The Circular Economy Club (CEC) is the global circular economy network with +280 CEC local clubs in 140 countries. Humanity’s 21st century challenge is to meet the needs of all within the means of the planet. Kate Daly speaks about the Center for the Circular Economy at Vancouver’s Zero Waste Conference, in November 2018. Kate Daly is the Executive Director of the Center for the Circular Economy at Closed Loop Partners, an impact investment firm. What is a circular economy? The original proponent of planned obsolescence was the notorious Phoebus Cartel of the 1920s and 30s, which produced lightbulbs with a lifespan artificially limited to 1,000 hours (other bulbs at the time achieved 2,500 hours). A circular economy is an economic model designed to minimize resource input, as well as waste and emission production. Products that will always have replacement parts available. It’s often a deliberate choice to create products that will sooner or later need replacing. TASK(S) 1) Small group discussions on a circular economy description (Time) 2) Plenary discussion about the circular economy description. Here are some examples. It is one of the main building blocks of the European Green Deal, Europe’s new agenda for sustainable growth.The EU’s transition to a circular economy will reduce pressure on natural resources and will create sustainable growth and jobs. On 8 April 2020, the College of Mayor and Alderpersons approved the Amsterdam Circular 2020-2025 strategy. As sustainability finally starts to take centre stage, and with the global economy on shaky grounds amidst a major pandemic, this might just turn out to be what separates the winners from the losers in the years ahead. De reststroom van de één, is een grondstof voor de ander. The transition to a circular economy must be guided by evidence and science. Now, a new circular economy proposes something more sustainable. All this is indeed perfectly possible. Circularity focuses on resource cycles, while sustainability is more broadly related to people, the planet and the economy. Buy the US edition The company’s sudden change to the Lightning charging cable also left millions of devices and chargers redundant. The circular economy is based on 7 fundamental principles: sustainable procurement, eco-design, industrial and territorial ecology, the economy of functionality, responsible consumption, extension of the lifespan, improvement of waste prevention, management and recycling. “They don’t make them like they used to.”. That could be because they’re made from inferior materials. Of course it can. Lead Author: Hannah Friedman, Closed Loop Ventures Group & Internal Research Lead Editors: Kate Daly, Head of the Center for the Circular Economy Danielle Joseph, Closed Loop Ventures Group Georgia Sherwin, Director of Communications & Strategic Initiatives 45 Or, as in the case of many a tech product, it could be because the design is updated so regularly that customers have no choice but to upgrade to the latest model to enjoy the latest features. The European Commission adopted the new circular economy action plan (CEAP) in March 2020. To reach these goals, the City will need to shake its economic system to the core; reviewing the way it produces, consumes and processes materials. It may be the nostalgic lament of our grandparents’ generation, but it’s true: so many products just aren’t built to last anymore. We’re already putting this circular approach into practice at Google, and it’s grounded in three principles: design out waste, keep products and materials in use and transition to renewable energy. It might mean offering second hand or refurbished products alongside new ones, perhaps for consumers with a lower budget. Kate Raworth (born 1970) is an English economist working for the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge.She is known for her work on 'doughnut economics', which she understands as an economic model that balances between essential human needs and planetary boundaries. It might mean creating products that can be updated or sold on for further use when the buyer fancies a change. Katie was introduced to the circular economy by Professor David Beck at TU Delft, and was inspired by the idea of rethinking how we use products, rather than designing them to just ‘be a bit less bad’. The strategy makes use of an adapted version of British economist Kate Raworth's "doughnut model". This artificial limiting of products’ lifespans is the thinking behind ‘planned obsolescence’, the - at best inadvertent, at worst morally dubious - practice of manufacturing products that won’t stand the test of time. After all, if your product is so good that customers only need to buy it once, they have no reason to come back to you. CEC’s activity is global, non-profit and free to join. Water and Circular Economy White Paper (Draft for Consultation) 16 April 2018 Water and Circular Economy Intersection of Initiatives This white paper explores the common characteristics, ideas and approaches between Circular Economy Initiatives being implemented by organisations and Water System Management in its most holistic sense. On 8 April 2020, the College of Mayor and Alderpersons approved the Amsterdam Circular 2020-2025 strategy. About Katie. Ecodesign Centre works with academic partners and the public and private sector, to embed ecodesign, circular economy and sustainable thinking into products and services. A founder many times over, most recently 'now, sit down', which designs and sells circular furniture & "In the Loop" a community for circular economy businesses. How Much Of Your Business Journey Should You Share Online? Enter the circular economy. Nederland is goed in recycling maar je kan ook het grondstoffengebruik verminderen via de inkoop, de aanbesteding en het onderhoud. • Energy savings complement energy efficiency approaches and equal their potential. But it’s by no means just a phone thing. • Potential benefits enhanced by widespread (level and location) adoption of approaches. Every Google search or YouTube upload costs the global network both energy and resources. And that’s not just down the race to the bottom inevitably created by the need to manufacture products as cheaply as possible to maximise profits in competitive industries. Katie is a Senior Research Officer with Ecodesign Centre, PDR, Cardiff Metropolitan University. producten en productonderdelen en delen of leasen. Lauren Phipps, director & senior analyst of circular economy at GreenBiz, interviewed Katie Schindall, director of circular economy at Cisco during the VERGE 20 virtual event (October 26-30, 2020). You may opt-out by. Kate Jackson A founder many times over, most recently 'now, sit down', which designs and sells circular furniture & "In the Loop" a community for circular economy businesses. We're often told that economic growth is good, but Kate Raworth says our addiction to growth is destroying the planet. Over a third of all food produced globally goes to waste, that's 1.3 billion tonnes every year. Katie’s first job was at consultancy Circle Economy, leading their circular design program. To take another example, it’s hard to imagine the IKEA furniture of today gracing the antiques shops of tomorrow. (Photo by Emily Cooper, courtesy Metro Vancouver) Find out which circular economy companies are tackling the problem head on and how. The Center is a hub for circular business acceleration, investment, and research in packaging, food, the built environment, and apparel & textiles. So how many businesses will rise to the challenge of designing products that are built to last rather than built to fail? Circular economy aims to reach the maximum efficiency in the use of finite resources, the gradual transition to renewable resources, and recovery of the materials and products at the end of their useful life. Buy the UK edition Available in all good UK bookshops and at Amazon UK and Amazon USA. We learn to do more with less. Can this circularity be built into a business model? It’s obvious why businesses adopt this approach; at the end of the day, they need to make money, and repeat business can account for a significant chunk of many businesses’ revenue. Failing that, products should at least be capable of being broken down into materials that can go back into the supply chain. ... (Ludion, £30) by Katie Treggiden is published on 8 October, and is available to … It’s estimated that the Circular Economy could generate $4.5 trillion of new economic output by 2030. That’s why PACE works with leading thinkers, researchers, and practitioners. Circularity and sustainability stand in a long tradition of related visions, models and theories. That way we avoid waste and close the cycles. And of course, you can’t change the battery in an iPhone. Kate Raworth is an economist focused on exploring the economic mindset needed to address the 21st century’s social and ecological challenges. That means products that are built to last. Products that can be mended and used again and again. All Rights Reserved, This is a BETA experience. © 2021 Forbes Media LLC. View archived videos from the conference here: The circular city: The city of Amsterdam wants to become a circular city, and aims to use 50% fewer primary raw materials by 2030 and become 100% circular by 2050 at the latest. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. The climate-neutral city: The city of Amsterdam has adopted the objective of the Paris Agreement and strives to cut its CO2 emissions by 55% by 2030. the Center for the Circular Economy at Closed Loop Partners. Circularity contributes to a more sustainable world, but not all sustainability initiatives contribute to circularity. She is a senior visiting research associate and advisory board member at Oxford University’s Environmental Change Institute and teaches in its masters program for Environmental Change and Management. CEC’s activity is global, non-profit and free to join. Circulaire economie. Users were forced to upgrade to more recent iPhone models because the regular software updates required to maintain their phones’ security were causing models with older batteries to slow down. The model describes how societies and businesses can contribute to economic development while still respecting the limits of the planet and the community. Read More But in an age when, as a nation, we’re more aware than ever of waste and its impact on the environment, how long will consumers - and indeed the law - continue to allow this? Kate Daly.
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