As people with a negative Ketu look for shortcuts in life, one needs to remember to forget about taking any shortcuts - there are no shortcuts to success in life. Mine is 05.10.1994 timings 5:20pm please give me any suggestions, My date of birth is 14 April 1986 and my ketu is in 7th house and there is no any other planets with ketu,, Astrological and Ayurvedic Tips on Getting Pregnant, Effects of Solar Eclipse on all Astrological Signs. The inauspicious effects of Ketu can also be reduced by wearing silver ring or white thread in the both the thumbs of a feet. Most of their lives will be for a big cause and their spiritual goal will be attain moksha (salvation). Ketu can make it seem like you can quickly achieve a lot of things, only to realize that the chosen path does not exist in reality, which causes one to be feel very low and unable to rise up again. Whereas, Ketu represents solitude and imprisonment. The individual may seem attached and … Ketu in Vedic Astrology rules over your karma balance, spirituality, religiousness, detachment of mind, Near Death Experiences (NDE), After Life, Astral Body etc. Saturn and Ketu together in the first house. This is a sign that these people may get very frustrated and depressed between the ages of 30 and 42. Ketu or South Node of Moon stays in each sign for about 1.5 years and usually takes 18 years to complete a zodiac cycle. It can be hugely impacted by the effects of Ketu. She has a lot of anxiety also. 12.30AM. Hi my Dob 10.01.1993 it's affecting my marriage, when I will get married & how will be my life, I'm losing all my hair I don't use chemicals and apparently I have good health and good nutrition I read that for this case I need to take care of a black dog Ketu in Capricorn at House 11 Please help me. These adversely effect the potency of the conjugate planet thereby causing surgeries, accidents, loss in property, unnecessary depression and worries to the native. It's a process. DISCLAIMER: Our intentions behind this blog is to offer anyone the chance to learn a bit of astrology whereby they can improve their lives. Try to be as spiritual as possible and the effect of ketu will give you good benefits. Ketu in 2nd House: Ketu is the most psychic planet and wherever it is placed it gives a mystic association with the effects of that house. The exact results of Ketu in a native's life, depend on which house it is positioned in, which houses it is aspecting, which planets it is conjunct with, which sign it is present in and so on & so forth. via the contact link in the menu. It's usually people in the friend circle, but why take the chance. Your choices and your luck. #naomiwhittel #highfiberketo #glow15 #ketoGlow 15: High Fiber Keto (available for pre-order now!) Use the Ketu planet's mantra to become more spiritual in nature and get the benefits of this mysterious shadow planet. Will try to give an impression that they have supernatural experiences. But the major effects of Ketu are seen in its Mahadasha or its primary and longest period of operation in one's life that comes for 7 years. You may slowly lose your interest in spirituality. Ketu is known as the tail of demon in astrology and Ketu Mahadasa will last for 7 years. Swathi you didn't mention which mahadasha you are passing through. It always travels in retrograde motion and in general, Ketu is benefic if placed in 1st, 3rd, 6th, 11th, 12th houses from ascendant. Any remedies to be done? Also, a negative Ketu can create problems in study due to friends. This is just an informational site and we do not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the information provided here. Check your son's birth chart and don't worry every thing will be fine. My bod is 28 dec 1961 in kuala lumpur , malaysia. The person will have a very nervous disposition and may fail in tasks or exams due to this nervousness. Its affecting my job. But malefic effect of Ketu in house 8 in horoscope stimulates the person to enjoy other's things or belongings like other's wife, other's house. For example, if it's with Sun or Moon, it will make the person over-confident; if it's with Mars, it will cause immense anger issues in the individual; if it's there with Mercury, it will make them too clever; if with Jupiter, it will cause immense arrogance - bad relations with seniors, teachers, and bosses; if with Venus, it will make the Rahu Ketu are the direction your life experiences flow. If you have any suggestions or if you notice we may be infringing on your copyright content (albeit unlikely as the articles are based on Vedic astrology), please notify us Ketu related to a planet here During the time off Ketu present in Libra, lots of misunderstandings and arguments may be seen. The shadow planet may also affect your thinking abilities and analytical mind. But all the time I m in fear for my son. There will be. I am going to marry a person who having ketu dasha from 2022 to next 7 years but some people are telling noworry about that but some people telling that don't get marry but I am loving him I want to marry him only his date of birth is name saisuryakiran,25.12.1990, timings 4:00 am Learn the correct pronunciation in the video below and possibly use it as a background to your initial meditation to keep you focused. Ketu in Pisces can give highest order spiritual knowledge. Will utilize all oppurtunities that come across. When Ketu affects the 5th house, a student will do anything and everything, but be a student despite having a sharp brain. They are good orators, highly spiritual and can bring changes in many persons. Ketu effects Sleep gets affected, some people get into drugs and addictions, everything becomes a nightmarish dream if ketu is badly afflicted in the horoscope. Results of Effects of Ketu The intensity of Ketu can be from soft to severe, where it may cause loss of the entire business, the sudden shift of powers, public humiliation without any valid reasons, caught in the trap, daydreaming, loss of love without any valid reason. When Ketu affects the 2nd house, it will make the person imaginative in terms of earning a lot of money and fame, but the person will actually not do anything to achieve these. - a good Ketu maintains the knowledge learned in previous births - for instance, some people take good business decisions despite not having gone to any business school - or in many cases in India not having gone to any school, - such children aren't able to study with concentration despite sitting in front of the book and reading every word out loud. Most of them will become fake-babas in their middle age. Moreover, there are many more things that are influenced by Ketu. Unafraid, actually emotionless, he uses his intelligence to rip open all illusions. Ketu in 9: Ketu in house 9 affects the person to become unsympathetic, indecent, sweet speaker but ire from inside, cruel, angry, and influences him to take pleasure from backward or lower class women. In General, Ketu is benefic to people born in ascendants (lagna or rising sign) of Aries (Mesha), Cancer (Karka), Scorpio (Vrischik), Sagittarius (Dhanus), Pisces (Meena). When ketu affects the 4th house, it will make one very negative. Occult, spiritual powers, ghost experiences, black magick are their favorite subjects. Now my son is with me. It also causes nervousness in the mind. The native will keep the poor business and maybe an individual gave to talking irresponsibly. He might be greedy and covetous and might be worried due to sign in elevation or the kids. Ketu in the 5th house can have negative effects on the mind of an individual and can lead him/her towards depression and seclusion. And what remedy can be done for mental peace... plz reply. Its high time one should gather courage to lift one's existence. will we be the results, if Ketu is in his debilitation Rashi and, if Ketu is in Randra (8th), or Vyaya (12th) along with a combust Grah. Rahu is the desire for new experiences and Ketu is the learnings related to your past experiences. They do not have ability or interest in wealth making, nor can cheat others. Can be good teachers, writers, astrologers, psychic or tarot card readers. Impacts Of The Ketu In The 4th House On Your Personality. Born in mithuna lagna. How to know if planet Ketu Benefic or Malefic in individual or mundane horoscope chart They try to project themselves as honest persons. Ketu rules all the viruses in our body and may even make the native suffer from viral infections. They will try to do equal justice to everyone and ignore injustice done to them. The person with Ketu in the first house will be rich and laborious but will always be … Ketu also does the same thing but on the mental and soul levels. Their mind may suffer from lots of thoughts and can result in serious medical issues. Rahu is the energy which pulls… Nandakumar. Will lack personal hygine, charisma to motivate others. I jave shani maha dasha and ketu antardasha, and ketu is in 4house its causing trouble, please van u tell me that is it good to recite ketu mantra at home pooja ghar? They will try to project this as trust of management in their abilities. Negative Mercury Mahadasha effects: As the whole Mahadasha period is surrounded by mind and wit, it is a great possibility that you experience some mental issues and nervous disorders. They find themselves more clear in mind and actions. Moon in cancer 11th house and ketu in capricorn 5th house. Ketu is responsible for developing one's intuition and is not as negative as Rahu. When Ketu affects the 7th house and there is another planet there along with it, then it will create problems in relation to that other planet. person astray; if with Shani, it will make the person extremely lazy. Their favorite timepass is smoking tobacco or weed. You can associate with bad people. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Effects of Saturn Benefic or Malefic in Horoscope, Effects of Venus Benefic or Malefic in Horoscope, Effects of Rahu Benefic or Malefic in Horoscope, Effects of Jupiter Benefic or Malefic in Horoscope, Effects of Mercury Benefic or Malefic in Horoscope, How to know If you are in a Karmic Relationship, 2015 Financial Predictions for Moon Signs, Velayudham Spear in hand of Karthikeya is Brain and Spinal Cord, Seetha was supposed to Rule Ayodhya when Rama went to Forest, 16 Functions of Brain in Aitareya Upanishad. Mantra and Yoga Siddhi will be experienced early in life, which will be utilized for benefit of others. He should visit a temple regularly and indulge his mind into religious works. Ketu can be very disturbing for Libras Marriage life. Can narrate stories about ghosts for days. KETHU MOON AND KETHU RASHU AFFECTED ME VERY MUCH. Ketu can give them independent Raja Yoga. Effect on love life. Ketu dosha refers to the malefic effects of Ketu in the natal chart of the native. Rahu is a shadow planet it is the planet of illusions which mislead peoples mind while Ketu is also known for its negative effects … So, learn to say no to friend when deciding whether to study or go out with friends.
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