Overall, Ketu in the Second House, with Rahu in the Eight House, indicate a hard life, many contradictions, many inner struggles and extremes. Livelihood starts after twenty four years of age. beneficence from the king, good fortune, gain of clothes etc., His wife would have health problems and would have worries concerning kids. If Saturn or Mars are in 7th then the native is unlucky. This coincides with the precessional orbit of moon or the ~18-year rotational cycle of the lunar ascending and descending nodes on the earth's ecliptic plane. 5th house belongs to Sun. Can be good for learning a new language or starting a new age superfood diet. Receive regular updates, Free Horoscope, Exclusive Coupon Codes, & Astrology Articles curated just for you! 1. In other words, it causes material loss in order to force a more spiritual outlook in the person. When Ketu is associated with Jupiter within 12 degrees, the discord between the maternal sides may reach through the legal doors. The wealth increases in proportion to the children one has. The son of such a native is able to guess the future. Ketu is known as the tail of the dragon because it is at the south node of the moon and is placed at the opposite end of Rahu. These are the chhaya-graha, forces which ‘blend’ or ‘shade’ your inherent energy, awareness and intelligence. Find out Now, An Astrology Course Empowers You to Take Charge of Your Life, Effects of Mars’ Transit in Gemini on All 12 Ascendant Signs, An Astrological Consultation Can Change Your Life For Good. This will be very successful time for research oriented people regarding any subject or career. If such a native lives in a house with its main gate facing south, he will have serious problems regarding children. Depending on where Neptune is placed in our horoscope, we tend to unconditionally love without any logic or reasoning; even if the things related to … Son is born to such a native only after getting the blessings of one's guru. In Hindu astrologyKetu represents karmic collections both good and bad, spirituality and supernatural influences. It is also affected by Jupiter. If Ketu in 12th house is malefic then one buys land from an issueless person and the native becomes issueless himself. If Ketu in 3rd house is benefic then his children would be good. One has all the benefits and luxuries of life. If any two of the male planets viz Sun, Jupiter, Mars are in good position then Ketu is benefic. This Hindu mythology-related article is a stub. 5th house belongs to Sun. Such a native leaves all his decisions to God. Ketu in Taurus have tenderness in their speech; in Sagittarius, Ketu … Ketu the ascetic that wants to go beyond the mundane life and achieve the final liberation. Wear golden ring in the finger of left hand. Donate a black and white blanket in any temple. Hello everybody, the best remedy for ketu is meditation...Also if you light a diya under a peepal tree in the evening daily.it will give you amazing result....ketu makes a person spiritual,inculcates discipline in one's life...we have to remember one thing that we have to control ketu not vice versa.. ketu teaches you detachment ..so let us take ketu mahadasha fo be the most wonderful dasha and dont at … One needs to be mindful of the things they say. Worried about your career prospects? neptune and ketu conjunction Neptune: This planet represents unconditional love, illusions, and delusions. The native is wealthy, achieves a big position and spends on good works. Although the individual have everything related with the Venus but he does not give value to those things. Ruler of Ketu: According to the most popular astrology text Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, (BPHS) Ketu is related to Matsya. The Kudali or Horoscope based on the date of birth is the most accurate way to predict one’s personality traits and how their future would pan out. If Ketu is in 3rd house and Mars is in 12th then the native has a son before 24th year of age. 2. The native has to suffer due to useless travels. Ketu is also related to communication and language, and the relative position of your sign also dictates your linguistic skills and efficiency. Keep silver pot full of honey in the house. If Ketu is malefic in 6th house then maternal uncle suffers . Is Rahu Impacting your Career? Ketu has an impact on many things and areas of life. If you have any questions, suggestion, or feedback, please feel free to write through the comment section. If Jupiter, Sun or Moon is in 4th, 6th or 12th … REMEDIES Rahu makes the person ambitious and much attracted to amassing material things in life. Ketu is the southern point where the path of the earth around the Sun cuts the path of Chandra. Ketu has been considered the planet of enlightenment and liberation. The native's enemies are frightened of the native. Drink milk with saffron and wear gold in the ear. Ketu is the planet of spirituality. Although on the other hand, when Ketu acts like a functional benefic planet for a specific horoscope, it brings salvation. Ketu : Effects And Remedies - Ketu, according to the author of Lal Kitab, represents son, grandson, ear, spine etc. Ketu represents isolation, spirituality, detachment. 3. It is also affected by Jupiter. If Saturn is malefic it would destroy father and guru. Ketu is like a comfort zone, regardless of what we find in that zone. Ketu signifies the spiritual process of the refinement of materialisation to the spirit and is considered both malefic and benefic, as it causes sorrow and loss, and yet at the same time turns the individual to God. Ketu is known as the tail of the dragon because it is at the south node of the moon and is placed at the opposite end of Rahu. If 2nd and 7th houses are empty then Mercury and Venus would also give bad results. Ketu only has body but lacks head. He gets separated from his wife/sisters-in-law. Such a native cannot say no to any thing and so will always have worries. Rahu, being a karmic planet would show the necessity and urge to work on a specific area of life where there had been ignorance in the past life. Ketu is also considered similar to Mars. If Sun is in 7th or 8th house then after the birth of a grandson the health would suffer. Venus and Rahu are its friends, whereas Moon and Mars are its enemies. Aries people, may get inclined towards, Astrology, occult science, mystic world, Meditation, Yoga etc. In Sanskrit, Ketu means a sign or a banner. Ketu signifies the spiritual process of the refinement of materialisation to the spirit and is considered both malefic and benefic, as it causes sorrow and loss, and yet at the same time turns the individual to God. Venus gives good results, irrespective of its position. Thus net gain would be negligible. If offspring is troubled then donate a black and white blanket to temple. Such a person will be trust worthy and brave, wealth of such a person multiplies rapidly. The domestic life is full of worries and troubled if Saturn is in 4th house. Ketu is the remaining body of Rahu and is represented as a headless body with 4 hands in the color of smoke. if Ketu is related to Lord of 2nd house (Dhana), or Yuvati’s Lord, or, if Ketu is in Dhan, or Yuvati. Overconfident related to those things where it is sitting in the birth chart. 2. Rahu is the North Node and Ketu is the South Node. If Ketu in 7th house is malefic then the native is usually ill, makes false promises and is troubled by enemies till thirty four years of age. Find the right path & achieve success. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Ketu is believed to bring prosperity to the devotee's family, removes the effects of snakebite and illness arising out of poisons. 3. If Ketu in 8th house is benefic then the native begets a son at thirty four years of age, or after the marriage of ones sister or daughter. It will be related to software when it merges with Mercury and hardware when it merges with Mars. If one keeps gold brick in his house then wealth comes. Ketu is … ! Thanks for asking your query related to the Dasha Predictions. The wealth earned by the native is more than his paternal wealth, but one tends to worry about his future. Things related to Ketu. Career related to Saturn Planet Vedic Astrology Posted on September 2, 2014 by astroguru Saturn indicates lead, iron, grains, dead things (hides and skins), lazy people, servants, lowly people, poor men, renunciation etc. It is not considered as a physical planet like other planets. 9th house is influenced by Jupiter. Jupiter’s Crucial Transit in Aquarius & Its Effects on You. Ltd. India's Leading Astrology Enterprise Since 1987. If Rahu is in 6th house, along with Mercury, then the effect is even better. 2. Positive Significations: There is a much deeper side to Ketu and it has been called the most spiritual of all planets. If Ketu is malefic here then the native has problem in his abdomen. [citation needed], As per Vedic astrology, Rahu and Ketu have an orbital cycle of 18 years and are always 180 degrees from each other orbitally (as well as in the birth charts). Ketu is the tail of a serpent. Ketu gives malefic results till five years of age. At the same time, Ketu is also a planet that gives liberation and moksha. there may also be a long journey. … He is related with. 2. When Moon moves from North to South in its orbit and crosses Sun's path – the incision point is called Ketu, "Rise above the mundane...and material..says Ketu, the planet of detachment! RELATED: The Bad Luck Superstition You Actually Believe In, Based On Your Zodiac Sign Rahu & Ketu When looking to see your degree of cosmic … The 3/9 axis and the natural 3/9 signs of the zodiac, Gemini-Sagittarius are sensitive points in the chart. So the bed given by in-laws after marriage is considered to be auspicious for the birth of a son and as long as that bed is in the house, the effect of Ketu can never be inauspicious. Ketu represents enlightenment, isolation, separation, spirituality, mystic world, other dimension and things related to other dimension. Rahu Ketu Transit. Here again the effect of Ketu depends upon the nature of Jupiter. One may suffer from diabetes. If Ketu is benefic here and Saturn is in 3rd house, it gives enormous wealth. Most people consider it a difficult planet as it brings lot of troubles on the material plane. It is believed to have a tremendous impact on human lives and also the whole creation. If the Ketu in the 7th is afflicted, it will create suffering in marital life. The effect of Ketu here depends upon the nature of Saturn. If Ketu in 9th house is malefic then the native suffers from urinary problems, pain in back, problem in legs. Also, any success during this dasha usually ends when the dasha itself does. Ketu planet is the torso of a demon named Swarabhanu, according to the legend, Narayan had cut off his head from Sudarshan Chakra after drinking nectar, after which one head … The greatest karmic lesson the native has to learn is related to possessions and the act of possessing, as well as to the very perception of this activity. And when it comes to the presence of Ketu in the 5th house (which stands for love relationship, pleasures, children and related things), the natives usually have a philosophical bent of mind. When Venus and Ketu come in together, the person is not able to enjoy Venus related stuff or have difficulty getting all those things. He grants good health, wealth and cattle to his devotees. Sanskrit Names of House Related Things. In other words, it causes material loss in order to force a more spiritual outlook in the person. Ketu becomes benefic by itself after twenty four years of age. Moon would give bad results. The native is unlucky for ones sons. Sons will not survive. It often brings a sense of complete detachment, losses, mindlessness, wandering, and confusion in one's life. Rahu in the 1st is preferable to Ketu in the 1st from a materialistic point of view. son will not be born, or may die. It is considered as a malefic planet in Vedic Astrology. The native may suffer from diabetes or urinary problem. similar effect is there when Moon is in 2nd house. Ketu is also not a material embodiment and is referred to as chaya Graha (Shadow planet). The remedial measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects are performance of Durga Saptashati Japa and Mrityunjaya Japa. His father dies early. Satisfaction over the smallest luxuries and things; Detachment … Ketu is the planet that is just the body and it is headless. Satisfaction over the smallest luxuries and things; Detachment … The native with Ketu in 3rd house usually gets a job, which entails long travels. 6th house is considered to be its 'Pucca Ghar.' If Moon is in 2nd house then mother suffers and even the native's old age is troubled. This house is affected by Jupiter and Saturn. Ketu is generally referred to as a "shadow" planet. 2. It gives wealth. There would be travels, transfers with no gain. If Jupiter is benefic then the native has a long life and his mother is happy and the life is peaceful. Taurus, Sagittarius, and Pisces are well-versed in foreign languages, but they practice this skill differently. He will have troubles from his brothers and will have to travel uselessly. Ketu is mainly associated with spirituality. The native would be god fearing and a gentleman. Saturn denotes miners, merchants of coal and other com- modities ruled by it, plumbers, watchmen, etc. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Sun, Moon, and Mars are Ketu's enemies. These people are very simple in dressing and not like much grooming about themselves. Ketu stands for focused intelligence, liberation, wisdom, transcendence, various worldly interests, fantasy and so on. Detachment; Letting the things go; scatter the subjects; meditation; Divine energy; When Venus and Ketu is placed together , it gives the native. It deals with all aspects of air related activities air travel, Air accidents, Aviation, Pilots etc. If Jupiter is exalted along with Ketu in 2nd house, then income would be in lacs of rupees. Taurus is the house related to luxuries, romance, charm, liquid money, love and attraction, assets, and wealth. Are you spending countless nights lying awake thinking if you choose the right company or is your labour worth the money that you are earning?! The native's sons keep on dying. 4th house belongs to Moon, which is an enemy of Ketu. As per Vedic Astrology, general home based Ketu Remedies for dosha or problems related with bad effects of malefic Ketu Planet during its mahadasha or antardasa or transit in horoscope.These remedies of Ketu will help to make weak Ketu Graha (South Node) stronger & … Dawn is its time and it represents Sunday. Keep a dog, specially after forty eight years of age. Ketu in 2nd House – It’s a Hard Life. This is 'Pucca' house of Ketu. Since Ketu is the psychic planet, and the career options related to Ketu are Astrology, Tantra, Vastu Shastra, and Tarot reading, and other branches of occult science. Ketu is considered to be a mysterious planet which creates obstacles. Ketu is the just the opposite of Rahu. Friends Planets: Ketu is a friend of Mercury, Venus, and Saturn. If the native has good relation with ones brothers and sisters it is … Ketu’s position tells us that you have mastered that particular house-related skills. If moon is in 3rd or 4th house the result is benefic. Talking about the mythological belief of the planet Ketu, it is related to the sea churning. Rahu can remove all negative qualities of every planet while Ketu can emphasis every positive quality of the planet. As per ancient text Rahu and Ketu are Demon, and Demon always wants everything, all material things and love to snatch, so when lord Vishnu has beheaded throat of Swarbhanu so along with the body cut, nature has also been got divided into two parts, Rahu love all the material things and wants everything, and Ketu loves snatching everything from the person…!! We provide the Sanskrit names of items related to a house or a home, like a roof, fence, door, etc. Rahu Ketu are the direction your life experiences flow. If Ketu is with Mercury then after thirty four years of age the native's enemies are destroyed by themselves. Ketu pushes us to break the cycle of birth and death, helps us in attaining liberation. Ketu in Different Zodiac Signs — Taurus. Trusted by million of users in past 36 years, Branch office: B-237, Sector-26, Noida-201301, Uttar Pradesh, India 011-40541000, Flagship StoreA-3, Ring Road, South Extension - 1, New Delhi - 110049 India 011-40541020/1021/1022, Copyright © 2011-2021 Future Point Pvt. If one abuses then the native is destroyed. Ketu in 9th house is considered to be exalted. If Ketu is auspicious or benefic in this house, the native will be laborious, rich and happy, but will always be concerned and troubled because of his progeny. Ketu in 2nd house can spell the breakup of the family, savings can come from otherworldly sources or be completely destroyed. THINGS RELATED TO KETU SHOULD BE GIVEN AT RELIGIOUS PLACE. If 2nd house has Moon, Venus or Mars, Ketu gives malefic results. If one kills dogs Ketu gives malefic results. Rahu is the energy which pulls at you. Your choices and your luck. 6th house belongs to Mercury. We cannot interpret position of … To balance the apparent dissatisfaction one has to go that extra mile to provide a satisfactory settlement in the present lifetime. Forty two years is the age of Ketu. In Hindu astrology Ketu represents karmic collections both good and bad, spirituality and supernatural influences. SIGN UP TO NEWSLETTER
In Sanskrit, Ketu means a sign or a banner. Rahu Ketuis the name given to the Nodes of the Moon. Ketu is also known as South Node or Dragon’s Tail in astrology.It is a mysterious planet and therefore, delivers unexpected results. Want to grow in your career? If one keeps on forgiving his brothers for their misdeeds the native will go on progressing. Ketu is a karaka or indicator of intelligence, wisdom, non-attachment, fantasy, penetrating insight, derangement, and psychic abilities. The placement of Ketu speaks of those abilities we had mastered, in a past life, so one gets Ketu house things easily. The house Ketu sits in is the house we wont be very intrested in and so we wont care about it much. It represents illusion just like Rahu. If Ketu is benefic then one earns wealth through ones own labour. 3. But, we will get those things easily. 1. Ketu makes the native wanderlust, but due to being earth element and a fixed natured, the native has stable thoughts in mind. So Ketu is desireless but very intuitive. If there is Moon or Mars in 8th house then native's life would be short and he would have serious problem at the age of sixteen or twenty years. People turn into enemies without any reason. This Hinduism-related article is a stub. The fact that eclipses occur when the Sun and the Moon are at one of these points gives rise to the understanding of swallowing of the Sun and the Moon by the snake. Ketu Dasha – Sukra Bhukti Effects, like. If one has the help of Mercury, Jupiter or Venus then the native is never disappointed. Then there would be no benefit from son or house. Ketu is the remaining body of Rahu and is represented as a headless body with 4 hands in the color of smoke. Ketu in 6th house is considered debilitated. Ketu is also associated with the diseases related to stomach and issues related to worship of gods and goddesses. One has to travel a lot and his travels are fruitful. One might act against family values. ", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ketu_(mythology)&oldid=1009206419, Articles having same image on Wikidata and Wikipedia, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2018, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 27 February 2021, at 09:22. After twenty six years of age the family life suffers. 'south') lunar node in Vedic, or Hindu astrology. In case of serious trouble use the remedies of Jupiter. Kundli is the basis of Vedic Astrology and acts as the astrological chart to calculate the future of an individual. To receive regular updates with your Free Horoscope, Exclusive Coupon Codes, Astrology Articles, Festival Updates, and Promotional Sale offers curated just for you! If Mercury is in 3rd it leads to Raj Yoga. The remedies of Jupiter would be useful. It also represents Son, Dog, Intuition, Research Ability, Curious Nature, things which we have already achieved in past life and not much concerned to perform in this life. Ketu is considered responsible for moksha, sannyasa, self-realization, gnana, a wavering nature, restlessness, the endocrine system and slender physique. Dissatisfied, self critical towards own things, isolation, separation and embrace spiritualism at the end when it understands and clear out the confusion in front of it. The recommended gemstone is cat's eye (chrysoberyl family). A son is born after thirty six years of age. Rahu is moving towards the earth sign Taurus and Ketu towards the water sign Scorpio. Hindu deity representing descending lunar node, Ketu Dev: Tail of Demon Snake. One cannot rest at one place and would be wandering from place to place. If Ketu in 8th house is malefic then the native's wife has ill health. In this period life will give the person only what is needed and will take away everything that is not. He is related with. Elusive illusions. Negative Significations: While Ketu is considered malefic and has been mostly associated with negative things. As the one who has “lost his head (worldly senses)” Being a personification of renunciation (torso without a head who needs nothing). Establish a rectangular piece of gold anywhere in the house. Income may be good, but so would be the expenditure. 7th house belongs to Mercury and Venus . The people who come under the influence of Ketu can achieve great heights, most of them spiritual. There's a myriad of problems in our life, with some ranging from mild ones that have made a home for themselves in the back of our mind, to the ones who have earned the top spot in our list. In some special circumstances it helps someone achieve the zenith of fame. Its colours are black and white. Here Ketu is considered to be exalted. He may fear frequent transfers or travels, but ultimately it would always be postponed. Receive regular updates, Free Horoscope, Exclusive Coupon Codes, & Astrology Articles curated just for you! If Ketu in 2nd house is malefic, then one has to travel to dry areas. No alms should be given in morning and evening. So the works which are related to Mars are also related to Ketu. Respect elders, specially father- in- law. grandmother or mother of the native suffers, if Saturn is also malefic. It is a wilful planet that gives the power of intense concentration, and deep perception. If Rahu is in a good sign and in good dignity it can give great wealth and material gain. If one religiously visits temples and bows his head there then Ketu in 2nd house would give good results. Detachment; Letting the things go; scatter the subjects; meditation; Divine energy; When Venus and Ketu is placed together , it gives the native. Ketu controls the auspicious and inauspicious effects of all the things associated with it. [5] Therefore, Rahu and Ketu are respectively called the north and the south lunar nodes. Ketu is the Earth element, the equator and the female zodiac. 1. Ketu represents the opposite node of Ketu, in the tail of the serpent. If ketu in 1st house is malefic, the native would suffer from headache. If Ketu in 3rd house is malefic then native loses money in litigation. If Ketu in 5th house is malefic then the native suffers from asthma. If Saturn is in 6th then one is a famous player. If Sun is in 12th house then one starts earning his livelihood after twenty four years and is happy. However, Ketu would still lead us towards our karmic change. Such a native has more daughters than sons. This part should be judged by D-10. Avoid commencing important, money-related or travel activities, during this time. It gives good result regarding son. Ketu rules the Scorpio zodiac sign together with Mangala, Astronomically, Rahu and Ketu denote the points of intersection of the paths of the Sun and the Moon as they move on the celestial sphere. 3rd house is affected by Mercury and Mars, both enemies of Ketu. Saunf and khand under the pillow for good night's sleep. HOUSE: GOOD Ketu of this house gives rise but change in profession. Ltd., All Rights Reserved. The compatible items for treating Ketu-related problems are bayberry, wild ginger, juniper, bhringaraj, skullcap, passion flower etc. If Moon is auspicious then the native helps his mother's family. Such a native is obedient and lucky. It is associated as the opposite of Rahu. Whereas, Ketu transiting (gochar) in 8th house will bring some significant changes in your life including lifestyle and relationships. More professions ruled by Ketu: Ketu represents electrical objects, Career-related to computer. It also represents Son, Dog, Intuition, Research Ability, Curious Nature, things which we have already achieved in past life and not much concerned to perform in this life. Ketu is the lord of Taurus and it contains 2-1/2 nakshatras called (“Krittika”,” Rohini”,” Mrigshira”). Whenever Ketu comes in 1st house in Varsha Kundli there may be birth of a son or nephew. Ketu is the karmic planet who teaches lessons about Venus stuff. Heat up a rod of gold and then dip it in milk. Ketu is responsible for causing the Eclipse of the Moon.[5]. Ketu is the lord of three nakshatras or lunar mansions: Ashvini, Magha and Mula. It gives its exalted effect when in 5th, 9th or 12th house and its debilitated effect in 6th and 8th house. If Jupiter or Mars are not in 6th and 12th house then Ketu does not give malefic results. The native suffers from skin diseases. Such a native is a good adviser and will never have shortage of money. 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