The Company enables to manage all the payments both online and in store through the dashboard. font-display: swap; (c[d]=f[g])}):function(a){return e(a,0,c)}):e}},pseudos:{not:ha(function(a){var b=[],c=[],d=h(a.replace(Q,"$1"));return d[u]?ha(function(a,b,c,e){var f,g=d(a,null,e,[]),h=a.length;while(h--)(f=g[h])&&(a[h]=! :\]\]|--)>\s*$/g,Aa=ca(d),Ba=Aa.appendChild(d.createElement("div"));function Ca(a,b){return n.nodeName(a,"table")&&n.nodeName(11!==b.nodeType?b:b.firstChild,"tr")?a.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0]||a.appendChild(a.ownerDocument.createElement("tbody")):a}function Da(a){return a.type=(null!==n.find.attr(a,"type"))+"/"+a.type,a}function Ea(a){var b=ya.exec(a.type);return b?a.type=b[1]:a.removeAttribute("type"),a}function Fa(a,b){if(1===b.nodeType&&n.hasData(a)){var c,d,e,f=n._data(a),g=n._data(b,f),;if(h){delete g.handle,{};for(c in h)for(d=0,e=h[c].length;e>d;d++)n.event.add(b,c,h[c][d])}{},}}function Ga(a,b){var c,d,e;if(1===b.nodeType){if(c=b.nodeName.toLowerCase(),!l.noCloneEvent&&b[n.expando]){e=n._data(b);for(d in,d,e.handle);b.removeAttribute(n.expando)}"script"===c&&b.text!==a.text?(Da(b).text=a.text,Ea(b)):"object"===c?(b.parentNode&&(b.outerHTML=a.outerHTML),l.html5Clone&&a.innerHTML&&!n.trim(b.innerHTML)&&(b.innerHTML=a.innerHTML)):"input"===c&&Z.test(a.type)? font-family: 'Lato'; !a.parentNode}:function(b,c,i){var j,k,l,m,n,o,p=f!==g? font-display: swap; :([+-]|)"+L+"*(\\d+)|))"+L+"*\\)|)","i"),bool:new RegExp("^(? jQuery v1.12.4 | (c) jQuery Foundation | */ A$0.915, giving the company a market capitalisation of !c.disabled:null===c.getAttribute("disabled"))&&(!c.parentNode.disabled||!n.nodeName(c.parentNode,"optgroup"))){if(b=n(c).val(),f)return b;g.push(b)}return g},set:function(a,b){var c,d,e=a.options,f=n.makeArray(b),g=e.length;while(g--)if(d=e[g],n.inArray(n.valHooks.option.get(d),f)>-1)try{d.selected=c=!0}catch(h){d.scrollHeight}else d.selected=!1;return c||(a.selectedIndex=-1),e}}}}),n.each(["radio","checkbox"],function(){n.valHooks[this]={set:function(a,b){return n.isArray(b)?a.checked=n.inArray(n(a).val(),b)>-1:void 0}},l.checkOn||(n.valHooks[this].get=function(a){return null===a.getAttribute("value")? } Price trends tend to persist, so it's worth looking at them when it comes to a share like Laybuy Holdings. Laybuy will raise between A$10 million and A$15m ahead of the listing, and wanted to raise at least A$45m in its initial public offering, with details of the offer yet to be determined. !z(this,"string"==typeof a&&w.test(a)?n(a):a||[],!1).length}});var A,B=/^(? unicode-range: U+0100-024F, U+0259, U+1E00-1EFF, U+2020, U+20A0-20AB, U+20AD-20CF, U+2113, U+2C60-2C7F, U+A720-A7FF; ... Value-gap is the proportional difference between a company’s share price and its DCF valuation. The company holds a leading position in the New Zealand market and has a growing presence in Australia and the United Kingdom. @font-face { The IPO price was $1.41 per share. !e},fireWith:function(a,c){return e||(c=c||[],c=[a,c.slice?c.slice():c],g.push(c),b||i()),this},fire:function(){return j.fireWith(this,arguments),this},fired:function(){return! font-family: 'Lato'; (d.find.ID=function(a,b){if("undefined"!=typeof b.getElementById&&p){var c=b.getElementById(a);return c? 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There are no analysts currently covering Laybuy Holdings. font-display: swap; !l,m(),c.sortDetached=ia(function(a){return 1&a.compareDocumentPosition(n.createElement("div"))}),ia(function(a){return a.innerHTML="","#"===a.firstChild.getAttribute("href")})||ja("type|href|height|width",function(a,b,c){return c?void 0:a.getAttribute(b,"type"===b.toLowerCase()?1:2)}),c.attributes&&ia(function(a){return a.innerHTML="",a.firstChild.setAttribute("value",""),""===a.firstChild.getAttribute("value")})||ja("value",function(a,b,c){return c||"input"!==a.nodeName.toLowerCase()?void 0:a.defaultValue}),ia(function(a){return null==a.getAttribute("disabled")})||ja(K,function(a,b,c){var d;return c?void 0:a[b]===!0?b.toLowerCase():(d=a.getAttributeNode(b))&&d.specified?d.value:null}),fa}(a);n.find=t,n.expr=t.selectors,n.expr[":"]=n.expr.pseudos,n.uniqueSort=n.unique=t.uniqueSort,n.text=t.getText,n.isXMLDoc=t.isXML,n.contains=t.contains;var u=function(a,b,c){var d=[],e=void 0!==c;while((a=a[b])&&9!==a.nodeType)if(1===a.nodeType){if(e&&n(a).is(c))break;d.push(a)}return d},v=function(a,b){for(var c=[];a;a=a.nextSibling)1===a.nodeType&&a!==b&&c.push(a);return c},w=n.expr.match.needsContext,x=/^<([\w-]+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>|)$/,y=/^. @font-face { NZX: Share Screener. font-family: 'Lato'; unicode-range: U+0000-00FF, U+0131, U+0152-0153, U+02BB-02BC, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+2000-206F, U+2074, U+20AC, U+2122, U+2191, U+2193, U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD; At the current price of A$0.915, shares in Laybuy Holdings are trading at -33% against their 200 day moving average. Rask’s investment analysts have identified 3 growth stocks set to benefit. "":n._data(this,"__className__")||""))})},hasClass:function(a){var b,c,d=0;b=" "+a+" ";while(c=this[d++])if(1===c.nodeType&&(" "+Cb(c)+" ").replace(Bb," ").indexOf(b)>-1)return!0;return!1}}),n.each("blur focus focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave change select submit keydown keypress keyup error contextmenu".split(" "),function(a,b){n.fn[b]=function(a,c){return arguments.length>0?this.on(b,null,a,c):this.trigger(b)}}),n.fn.extend({hover:function(a,b){return this.mouseenter(a).mouseleave(b||a)}});var Db=a.location,,Fb=/\?/,Gb=/(,)|(\[|{)|(}|])|"(?:[^"\\\r\n]|\\["\\\/bfnrt]|\\u[\da-fA-F]{4})*"\s*:?|true|false|null|-?(?!0\d)\d+(?:\.\d+|)(? Latest Share Price and Events Stable Share Price : LBY is not significantly more volatile than the rest of Australian stocks over the past 3 months, typically moving +/- 6% a week. Laybuy (ASX:LBY) share price on watch as sales soar. /* DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE */ '+y),'')}; Share Café Presentation. Analysts covering Laybuy Holdings currently have a consensus Earnings Per Share (EPS) forecast of -0.149398353 for the next financial year. Analysts covering Laybuy Holdings currently have a consensus Earnings Per Share (EPS) forecast of -0.1497945 for the next financial year. :checked|selected)$/i,xb=l.getSetAttribute,yb=l.input;n.fn.extend({attr:function(a,b){return Y(this,n.attr,a,b,arguments.length>1)},removeAttr:function(a){return this.each(function(){n.removeAttr(this,a)})}}),n.extend({attr:function(a,b,c){var d,e,f=a.nodeType;if(3!==f&&8!==f&&2!==f)return"undefined"==typeof a.getAttribute?n.prop(a,b,c):(1===f&&n.isXMLDoc(a)||(b=b.toLowerCase(),e=n.attrHooks[b]||(n.expr.match.bool.test(b)?ub:tb)),void 0!==c?null===c?void n.removeAttr(a,b):e&&"set"in e&&void 0!==(d=e.set(a,c,b))?d:(a.setAttribute(b,c+""),c):e&&"get"in e&&null!==(d=e.get(a,b))?d:(d=n.find.attr(a,b),null==d?void 0:d))},attrHooks:{type:{set:function(a,b){if(!l.radioValue&&"radio"===b&&n.nodeName(a,"input")){var c=a.value;return a.setAttribute("type",b),c&&(a.value=c),b}}}},removeAttr:function(a,b){var c,d,e=0,f=b&&b.match(G);if(f&&1===a.nodeType)while(c=f[e++])d=n.propFix[c]||c,n.expr.match.bool.test(c)?yb&&xb||!wb.test(c)?a[d]=!1:a[n.camelCase("default-"+c)]=a[d]=!1:n.attr(a,c,""),a.removeAttribute(xb?c:d)}}),ub={set:function(a,b,c){return b===!1?n.removeAttr(a,c):yb&&xb||!wb.test(c)?a.setAttribute(!xb&&n.propFix[c]||c,c):a[n.camelCase("default-"+c)]=a[c]=!0,c}},n.each(n.expr.match.bool.source.match(/\w+/g),function(a,b){var c=vb[b]||n.find.attr;yb&&xb||!wb.test(b)?vb[b]=function(a,b,d){var e,f;return d||(f=vb[b],vb[b]=e,e=null!=c(a,b,d)?b.toLowerCase():null,vb[b]=f),e}:vb[b]=function(a,b,c){return c?void 0:a[n.camelCase("default-"+b)]?b.toLowerCase():null}}),yb&&xb||(n.attrHooks.value={set:function(a,b,c){return n.nodeName(a,"input")?void(a.defaultValue=b):tb&&tb.set(a,b,c)}}),xb||(tb={set:function(a,b,c){var d=a.getAttributeNode(c);return d||a.setAttributeNode(d=a.ownerDocument.createAttribute(c)),d.value=b+="","value"===c||b===a.getAttribute(c)?b:void 0}},,b,c){var d;return c?void 0:(d=a.getAttributeNode(b))&&""!==d.value?d.value:null},n.valHooks.button={get:function(a,b){var c=a.getAttributeNode(b);return c&&c.specified?c.value:void 0},set:tb.set},n.attrHooks.contenteditable={set:function(a,b,c){tb.set(a,""===b?!1:b,c)}},n.each(["width","height"],function(a,b){n.attrHooks[b]={set:function(a,c){return""===c? Price($) 4: 12716: 0.925: 2: 78440: 0.920: 4: 12803: 0.915: 13: 32584: 0.910: 2: 6034: 0.905 The Company's solution performs a credit check to obtain a credit score on all users upon registration. []:"")},j={add:function(){return f&&(c&&!b&&(h=f.length-1,g.push(c)),function d(b){n.each(b,function(b,c){n.isFunction(c)?a.unique&&j.has(c)||f.push(c):c&&c.length&&"string"!==n.type(c)&&d(c)})}(arguments),c&&!b&&i()),this},remove:function(){return n.each(arguments,function(a,b){var c;while((c=n.inArray(b,f,c))>-1)f.splice(c,1),h>=c&&h--}),this},has:function(a){return a?n.inArray(a,f)>-1:f.length>0},empty:function(){return f&&(f=[]),this},disable:function(){return e=g=[],f=c="",this},disabled:function(){return!f},lock:function(){return e=!0,c||j.disable(),this},locked:function(){return! You can use Stockopedia’s share research software to help you find the the kinds of shares that suit your investment strategy and objectives. /* latin */ ANZ CMP - $21.79 Range breakout and looking bullishh in higher time frame. Laybuy’s IPO has raised A$80 million, and approximately 57 million shares were originally sold at a price of A$1.41. Should you buy LBY shares now? '&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src= :\s*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*|#([\w-]*))$/,C=n.fn.init=function(a,b,c){var e,f;if(!a)return this;if(c=c||A,"string"==typeof a){if(e="<"===a.charAt(0)&&">"===a.charAt(a.length-1)&&a.length>=3?[null,a,null]:B.exec(a),!e||!e[1]&&b)return!b||b.jquery? "1em":g,g=h.pixelLeft+"px",h.left=d,f&&(e.left=f)),void 0===g?g:g+""||"auto"});function Ua(a,b){return{get:function(){return a()?void delete this.get:(this.get=b).apply(this,arguments)}}}var Va=/alpha\([^)]*\)/i,Wa=/opacity\s*=\s*([^)]*)/i,Xa=/^(none|table(? src: url( format('woff2'); (e=b.documentElement,Math.max(b.body["scroll"+a],e["scroll"+a],b.body["offset"+a],e["offset"+a],e["client"+a])):void 0===d?n.css(b,c,g),c,d,g)},b,f?d:void 0,f,null)}})}),n.fn.extend({bind:function(a,b,c){return this.on(a,null,b,c)},unbind:function(a,b){return,null,b)},delegate:function(a,b,c,d){return this.on(b,a,c,d)},undelegate:function(a,b,c){return 1===arguments.length?,"**"),a||"**",c)}}),n.fn.size=function(){return this.length},n.fn.andSelf=n.fn.addBack,"function"==typeof define&&define.amd&&define("jquery",[],function(){return n});var nc=a.jQuery,oc=a.$;return n.noConflict=function(b){return a.$===n&&(a.$=oc),b&&a.jQuery===n&&(a.jQuery=nc),n},b||(a.jQuery=a.$=n),n}); Will the Laybuy Group (ASX:LBY) share price jump higher on debut? (e=d,d=void 0):(e=d,d=c,c=void 0)),e===!1)e=qa;else if(!e)return a;return 1===f&&(g=e,e=function(a){return n().off(a),g.apply(this,arguments)},e.guid=g.guid||(g.guid=n.guid++)),a.each(function(){n.event.add(this,b,e,d,c)})}n.event={global:{},add:function(a,b,c,d,e){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,o,p,q,r=n._data(a);if(r){c.handler&&(i=c,c=i.handler,e=i.selector),c.guid||(c.guid=n.guid++),(||({}),(k=r.handle)||(k=r.handle=function(a){return"undefined"==typeof n||a&&n.event.triggered===a.type?void 0:n.event.dispatch.apply(k.elem,arguments)},k.elem=a),b=(b||"").match(G)||[""],h=b.length;while(h--)f=oa.exec(b[h])||[],o=q=f[1],p=(f[2]||"").split(".").sort(),o&&(j=n.event.special[o]||{},o=(e?j.delegateType:j.bindType)||o,j=n.event.special[o]||{},l=n.extend({type:o,origType:q,data:d,handler:c,guid:c.guid,selector:e,needsContext:e&&n.expr.match.needsContext.test(e),namespace:p.join(". (c=Sa(a,b),Oa.test(c)?n(a).position()[b]+"px":c):void 0})}),n.each({Height:"height",Width:"width"},function(a,b){n.each({ Share Price & Graph Laybuy’s Share Price. (g&&"set"in g&&void 0===(c=g.set(a,c,d)))))try{i[b]=c}catch(j){}}},css:function(a,b,c,d){var e,f,g,h=n.camelCase(b);return b=n.cssProps[h]||(n.cssProps[h]=bb(h)||h),g=n.cssHooks[b]||n.cssHooks[h],g&&"get"in g&&(f=g.get(a,!0,c)),void 0===f&&(f=Sa(a,b,d)),"normal"===f&&b in $a&&(f=$a[b]),""===c||c? Facts about Laybuy Holdings Ltd (ASX:LBY), The Laybuy (ASX:LBY) share price is rising. :null|\d+)"/g,ua=new RegExp("<(?:"+ba+")[\\s/>]","i"),va=/<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:-]+)[^>]*)\/>/gi,wa=/a?this[a+this.length]:this[a]},pushStack:function(a){var b=n.merge(this.constructor(),a);return b.prevObject=this,b.context=this.context,b},each:function(a){return n.each(this,a)},map:function(a){return this.pushStack(,function(b,c){return,c,b)}))},slice:function(){return this.pushStack(e.apply(this,arguments))},first:function(){return this.eq(0)},last:function(){return this.eq(-1)},eq:function(a){var b=this.length,c=+a+(0>a?b:0);return this.pushStack(c>=0&&b>c? Subscribe to our email marketing communications string '' ==typeof c in September 2020 to 30 2020... Privacy Policy and manage upcoming payments pay to hear withCredentials '' in gc, gc=l.ajax= 7:10am, in... Laybuy would have 174.5 million shares were sold at a $ 9 billion capitalisation... 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