The American Chemical Society, Association of American Universities, Association of Public and Land-grant Universities, and American Council on Education should work together to establish and maintain an anonymous reporting system, building on industry efforts, for centralizing the collection of information about and lessons learned from incidents and near misses in academic laboratories, and linking these data to the scientific literature. Recommendation: The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, in collaboration with the Bureau of Labor Statistics and other relevant federal and state agencies, should develop and implement a comprehensive plan for monitoring the work-related injuries and illnesses sustained by workers under the age of 18 and for monitoring the hazards to which these young workers are exposed. For individual hazards, specific information on exposures and effects are often available and the risk management includes To change behavior. However, it is worth noting that many of the same risks and hazards identified in this report exist under the same cultural constraints in other research communities within colleges and universities. This report examines the culture of safety in research institutions and makes recommendations for university leadership, laboratory researchers, and environmental health and safety professionals to support safety as a core value of their institutions. Finding 5: There is a lack of clarity and consistency about safety roles and responsibilities across the university, particularly among faculty, researchers, and environmental health and safety personnel. Finding 6: There is variability across academia with regard to the involvement of researchers at all levels in establishing and sustaining a strong, positive laboratory safety culture. Finding 12: Incident and near-miss data are important sources of information for driving improved safety performance and for monitoring progress. As a final check for possible electrical hazards, look over your lighting. If an institution or individual laboratory wants to develop and sustain a safe and successful research program, then it must consider the resources it has available for safety and explore research options and requirements accordingly. Improvements in public fire protection systems and services, as well as increased use of private active or passive systems through fire-protection and loss-control Jump up to the previous page or down to the next one. In response to the statement of task and building on the discussion in the preceding chapters, a series of findings have been identified, conclusions made, and recommendations presented. Conclusion Employee burnout is not an obvious hazard, but neglecting to control work-related burnout hazards can have an adverse effect on safety in your workplace. The report discusses ways to fulfill that commitment through prioritizing funding for safety equipment and training, as well as making safety an ongoing operational priority. As the priority placed on safety increases, many institutions have expressed a desire to go beyond simple compliance with regulations to work toward fostering a strong, positive safety culture: affirming a constant commitment to safety throughout their institutions, while integrating safety as an essential element in the daily work of laboratory researchers. Introduction: About 32 million workers are potentially exposed to one or more chemical hazards in the workplace. Three old timers named Safety, Hazard and Risk walk into a bar. According to the Home Safety Council, falls account for: More than 40% of all nonfatal home … View our suggested citation for this chapter. Finding 13: Researchers may not understand or appreciate the hazards of chemical materials and procedures in their work. Finding 4: Universities often do not provide sufficient incentives to promote a strong, positive safety culture. “I don’t like it here” said Safety. College of Medicine, University of the Philippines Manila The COVID-19 (SARS-Cov-2) vaccine is fraught with hazards. There are an estimated 575,000 existing chemical products, and hundreds of new ones being introduced annually. Biological Hazards: These include the viruses, bacteria, fungus, parasites, and any living organism that can infect or transmit diseases to human beings. Finding 16: There is a lack of comprehensive, early, and individual-laboratory-centric training and education for researchers, principal investigators, and in some cases, environmental health and safety staff. 8ܔIz��g��-L�7L� Summary of Conclusion Categories; Category Definition* 1: Urgent Public Health Hazard: Applies to sites that have certain physical hazards or evidence of short-term (less than 1 year), site-related exposure to hazardous substances that could result in adverse health effects and require quickintervention to stop people from being exposed. Hazard identification – the process of finding, listing, and characterizing hazards. �C����O�!t��T�� O(b+��も�K2�x��e� ]-�s{�>>�{����>ӡ��$9F They are presented under four categorical headings: Institution-wide Dynamics and Resources; Research Group Dynamics; Data, Hazard Identification, and Analysis; and Training and Learning. The list of findings, conclusions, and recommendations below address issues of Training and Learning. Recommendation 3: All institutions face a challenge of limited resources. These chemicals can cause severe burns, tissue damage, organ damage, asphyxiation, and genetic damage if used improperly. For example, a worker may be badly cut. researchers arrive at a new institution or in a new laboratory without proper training or appreciation for appropriate safe laboratory practice. Conclusion 3: Contribution and engagement by both principal investigators and by researchers through an open and ongoing dialogue are critical to creating a strong, positive safety culture. MyNAP members SAVE 10% off online. Incident and near-miss reports are important learning tools for laboratory safety, but presently are not effectively reported, compiled, analyzed, and disseminated within the research community. Sign up for email notifications and we'll let you know about new publications in your areas of interest when they're released. Recommendation 2: The provost or chief academic officer, in collaboration with faculty governance, should incorporate fostering a strong, positive safety culture as an element in the criteria for promotion, tenure, and salary decisions for faculty. Recommendation 4: University presidents and chancellors should establish policy and deploy resources to maximize a. strong, positive safety culture. Conclusion 9: Classroom and online training is necessary but not sufficient to ensure knowledge, skills, qualifications, and abilities to perform safely in a laboratory environment and to establish a strong, positive safety culture. For example, the nature, magnitude, and costs of ground shaking, landslides, flooding, erosion, expansive soils, fault rupture, volcano, tsunami, and subsidence hazards are discussed in a report by Alfors and others (1973) for an entire state. Conclusion 7: Routine hazard analysis is a critical component in research planning and execution. Biological Hazards. Finding 3: The availability and commitment of university resources to laboratory safety vary across institutions. Not a MyNAP member yet? the degree of harm that might result from the hazard or risk knowledge about the hazard or risk, and ways of minimising or eliminating the risk the availability and suitability of ways to eliminate or minimise the risk, and Protect all lights within seven feet of the floor to guard against accidental breakage. Show this book's table of contents, where you can jump to any chapter by name. A conclusion here is that opportunity exists in relation to hazard and risk to engage people, research and evaluation around multiple perceptions, variations in human reactions, and uncertainty. High importance is assigned to safety at all times, not just when it is convenient or does not threaten personal or institutional productivity goals. Conclusion - Preventing - Controlling Electrical Hazards - Health & Safety Tips - Electronics Hobby Projects - The control of electrical hazards is an important part of every safety and health program. Each institution should have a comprehensive risk management plan for laboratory safety that addresses prevention, mitigation, and emergency response. Analyze and evaluate the risk associated with that hazard (risk analysis, and risk evaluation). especially relevant for departments in which researchers typically have less training in chemistry (e.g., molecular biology, biochemistry, and engineering), yet often work with potentially hazardous materials or procedures. Traditionally, safety performance has been measured using lagging or after-the-fact indicators, such as numbers of accidents and lost-time injuries. Department chairs and university leadership should incorporate the use of this system into their safety planning. Switch between the Original Pages, where you can read the report as it appeared in print, and Text Pages for the web version, where you can highlight and search the text. Conclusion 2: University policies and resource allocations have a strong impact on a department’s ability and willingness to help provide for a strong, positive safety culture. Finding 7: The deeply rooted hierarchy and highly competitive nature of academic research can inhibit the advancement of a strong, positive safety culture. A workers noise dose is dependent on the following 3 factors: Intensity/Loudness: This factor is measured by a noise level meter … You're looking at OpenBook,'s online reading room since 1999. 4 Laboratory Safety Dynamics to Improve Safety Culture, Appendix: Biographies of Committee Members and Staff, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Safe Science: Promoting a Culture of Safety in Academic Chemical Research, 3 Laboratory Safety in Chemical Research in Academic Settings, 5 Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations. The list of findings, conclusions, and recommendations below address issues of Research Group Dynamics. Some examples of safety hazards include, but are not limited to - i. Click here to buy this book in print or download it as a free PDF, if available. There are many factual danger signals that are easily discernible. Within this constraint, institutional head(s) of research and department chairs should consider the resources they have available for safety when considering or designing programs, and identify types of research that can be done safely with available and projected resources and infrastructure. Do you want to take a quick tour of the OpenBook's features? They get their drink and sit down at a table near a window. Firstly, on a national level occupational health and safety is instituted Another way to identify hazards is to conduct hazard analysis, a process to assess risks and their consequences and ensure that they are mitigated or eliminated before any lab work is initiated. Scaffolding. Conclusion 1: If laboratory safety is an unquestioned core value and operational priority for the institution, then safety will never be traded for research productivity. There are three levels of classification: danger signs, warning signs and caution signs. The list of findings, conclusions, and recommendations below address issues of Data, Hazard Identification, and Analysis. Register for a free account to start saving and receiving special member only perks. When we refer to hazards in relation to occupational safety and health the most commonly used definition is ‘A Hazard is “It’s noisy, dirty, smelly, unfriendly, unhealthy drinking alcohol, we are sat near the toilet” …..blah blah… “You’re always complaining” said Hazard. ��R�io�;��m�{����\����V(0�H�� Nj�R\�(>Ej� �,�{s�b�e` 3�==\��q�c�A��uժ�m��D^0Y��-�#��}0N:���܉OE��ˑe��r9�m�N��‰7'Ҫ�.���D��ٶH��3�(�Nռ/@81y��F�8�i�H3�`�d8�ʴ�(�r���;u�L|�1h� Recommendation 6: Department chairs should provide a mechanism for creating a robust safety collaboration between researchers, principal investigators, and environmental health and safety personnel. METHODS FOR IDENTIFYING HAZARDS. These incidents have triggered a broader discussion of how serious incidents can be prevented in the future and how best to train researchers and emergency personnel to respond appropriately when incidents do occur. A strong, positive safety culture is more beneficial than a compliance-only culture. When assessment is completed, you will receive: Conclusions of the safety case assessment. “Instead of complaining, you should really look at whether it’s going to cause you any harm because not everything does”. The broad institutional setting in which research takes place can strongly influence whether university laboratories develop and sustain a strong, positive safety culture. Based on feedback from you, our users, we've made some improvements that make it easier than ever to read thousands of publications on our website. Also, you can type in a page number and press Enter to go directly to that page in the book. Designing institutional systems so that they promote the ability of all individuals to take the actions needed to work safely is critical to the twin goals of promoting the nation’s scientific stature and the health and safety of the people who produce it. stream The statement of task for this study sets clear boundaries regarding academic chemistry research laboratories. Intervention Plan capture all planned interventions over the next 5 years based on the conclusion of safety case assessment. %PDF-1.3 The CSA Standard Z1002 "Occupational health and safety - Hazard identification and elimination and risk assessment and control" uses the following terms: Risk assessment – the overall process of hazard identification, risk analysis, and risk evaluation. The measures suggested in this booklet should be of help in establishing such a program of control. Therefore, many of these recommendations can be generalized to other research units within the academic sector. and culture before an incident occurs, organizations may take advantage of leading indicators: before-the-fact data that can help identify risks and vulnerabilities ahead of time. The 1st step in control of a hazard is to recognize and list them. Data, Hazard Identification, and Analysis, In addition to improving the organizational dynamics that drive safety practice, laboratories have a need for data and to conduct analyses that will help them identify and mitigate hazards. Recommendation 9: Department leaders and principal investigators, in partnership with environmental health and safety personnel, should develop and implement actions and activities to complement initial, ongoing, and periodic refresher training. Application of the analyses and changes suggested herein may be helpful in these other settings as well. : 2: Public Health Hazard All rights reserved. Biological hazards associates with working with animals, people, or infectious … Conclusion 1: If laboratory safety is an unquestioned core value and operational priority for the institution, then safety will never be traded for research productivity. Many. A strong, positive safety culture arises not because of a set of rules but because of a constant commitment to safety throughout an organization. Moreover, both research and non-research laboratories in non-academic settings may carry similar risks and constraints. Recommendation 1: The president and other institutional leaders must actively demonstrate that safety is a core value of the institution and show an ongoing commitment to it. Often these data are not being collected for academic and nonindustrial laboratories. Falls. The higher the dose of noise a worker receives the greater the risk to the workers hearing. �A��C�8;e���,>�=چI���7�mÚ8r��%zR{v����t�[���'� ө���~��8�ƽ���� � T3EW���y9�5����"�ğ���(��ȍe���禤3�9|�>��O�Y�M�'���ݚ��oǒ��Gӄ��x38��G������G5ص����%�QG{�J�(*���N��{����� ��v��]�d��gr>ėj����qp� << /Length 4 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> An injury caused by a safety hazard is usually obvious. FOCUS ON CHEMICAL RESEARCH: FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS. Recommendation 8: The researcher and principal investigator should incorporate hazard analysis into laboratory notebooks prior to experiments, integrate hazard analysis into the research process, and ensure that it is specific to the laboratory and research topic area. On-site verification will be conducted to verify the implementation of the measures described in the safety case. Slip plastic protective tubes over florescent bulbs prior to mounting or install screens onto the fixtures. Recent serious and sometimes fatal accidents in chemical research laboratories at United States universities have driven government agencies, professional societies, industries, and universities themselves to examine the culture of safety in research laboratories. The hazard noise poses is dose-related. carried out in two different ways, either for individual hazards (e.g. Conclusion 6: Information is a key input to establishing and promoting a strong, positive safety culture. Comprehensive hazard analysis and the use of engineering controls are especially important for experiments that are new to the individual and/or are being scaled up. While many industrial and non-academic research laboratories provide excellent examples of safety culture, it is also true that there are many that can benefit from these recommendations. In addition, improper use of solvents can result in a major fire. Department chairs and principal investigators should take steps to change these dynamics, creating mechanisms that empower laboratory researchers to communicate freely about safety and take an active role in establishing and promoting a strong, positive safety culture and in sustaining a safe research enterprise. Finding 11: Leading indicators from hazard analysis, risk mitigation, and best practices are not being widely used in laboratory safety planning. considering Occupational Health & Safety … Finding 14: Hazard analysis is not routinely incorporated into experimental designs, procedures, and records in academia. The fact that workplace violence is grouped as one of the major causes of the work-related fatalities and injuries, more measures should be enacted to ensure safe working environments. This banter between Safety and Hazard carried on for quite sometime with each arguing about th… Finding 9: Most researchers in academia are still in the early phases of their professional development. Finding 10: Research is regularly performed independently (including during off-hours and alone) and may be carried out with limited or no oversight or feedback. ��7�|#H�P����j�bKS��`�Y��4:zp޽��ޭO����dC@��)�׷��I�@�r*ra�B������b 4��D^t�㡻�.t��#�or��ٷM���I�Ku���^w��Bw�]�.�e�]��%ʾ�ad�beY���j���&��t)�p�� ��%����z���ٝ� S�2��r�)C��.6s"��@�.���-�A��g]�'&U1��4�"�j�T%��U�|��Ѭ�Ȝ������l��^f��Q/F���À3�E^�g�H���"C��t�����/�� Safe Science takes on this challenge. In some cases they may create barriers or disincentives. Many other methods which are useful for identifying hazards, includes; benchmarking against or liaising with similar workplaces. azJ@���8dB. It represents an element of a strong, positive safety culture. Conclusion 5: A research group with a strong, positive safety culture engages with environmental health and safety personnel collaboratively. Physical Hazards: Gravity April, 2012 1 Introduction Physical hazards have been defined as “sources of potentially damaging energy” (Viner, 1991, p. 42).1 This chapter on gravitational hazards concerns the effects of unintended exposures to energy associated with gravitational forces in the workplace. This is particularly important with researchers in academic labs, who are often relatively young and have limited experience. Table 9-1. Identify hazards and risk factors that have the potential to cause harm (hazard identification). One key approach to identify hazards before they cause harm is to report and collect data on near misses. The recommendations in this report are intended to improve health and safety in mines and ensure that all workers arrive home to their friends and family each day. ����w�OFO$�I��y�nރ���n�� hh�y'sr���hQ��3��Ec��jI��-Y�+�G�|"�3cR� Creating awareness campaigns and training initiatives to recognize symptoms of employee burnout and the safety hazards caused by fatigue or lack of concentration may save your workplace from injuries and illnesses down the road. Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations. Recommendation 7: Organizations should incorporate nonpunitive incident and near-miss reporting as part of their safety cultures. Safety culture is more likely to be sustained when safety issues are discussed broadly and frequently as an integral part of the research training and development process. The list of findings, conclusions, and recommendations below address issues of Institution-Wide Dynamics and Resources. Conclusion. This should be the obvious, rational conclusion of anyone who cares to objectively study the available scientific and other relevant information about it. … To search the entire text of this book, type in your search term here and press Enter. ... fire safety, hazard or non-hazard etc. To ensure that useful data are available, a change in reporting and the availability and sharing of information is necessary. Such a culture supports the free exchange of safety information, emphasizes learning and improvement, and assigns greater importance to solving problems than to placing blame. Conclusions and recommendations ... Safety management systems (SMS) have attracted much attention as a framework to identify hazards, vulnerabilities and risk and to put in place the appropriate mitigation measures to enable the highest level of safety performance in transport systems. Conclusion 4: There are several key attributes related to research group dynamics that contribute to the advancement of the laboratory safety culture. While the specific hazards of different research units may vary, the organizational and system processes remain the same. Principal investigators should require their students to utilize this system. Conclusion. Recommendation 5: Department chairs and principal investigators should make greater use of teams, groups, and other engagement strategies and institutional support organizations (e.g., environmental health and safety, facilities), to establish and promote a strong, positive, safety culture. Organizational structure, reporting relationships, evaluation criteria, funding and time pressures, workload, and workplace stress are not unique to chemistry research. Gravity – Ergonomic Hazards: Including considerations of the total physiological demands of the job upon the worker, even beyond productivity, health, and safety. As such, they may not have the requisite knowledge and skills to recognize and understand the risks associated with their work. for urban air pollution from motor cars) (Figure 1). Do you enjoy reading reports from the Academies online for free? If viewed as a system, these recommendations for improving the culture of safety can be applied broadly and can allow the greater community to solve problems while simultaneously advancing productivity, safety, and sustainability across a wide range of settings. Safe Science will be a guide to make the changes needed at all levels to protect students, researchers, and staff. Safety hazards cause harm when workplace controls are not adequate. u2��� Conclusion 8: A high-quality training program is an important element of a strong, positive safety culture. The system processes that govern safety culture operate across contexts, and the need for careful consideration of whether institutional practices support safety is independent of the university/non-university context. These are “hands on” hazards which are hard to control by engineering controls only. Clearly other research units in colleges and universities are affected by the organizational factors outlined in this report. This training should ensure understanding and the ability to execute proper protective measures to mitigate potential hazards and associated risks. Conclusion. Sometimes multiple hazard information is in the form of a hazard reduction plan which includes information on individual hazards. %��������� 2 0 obj © 2021 National Academy of Sciences. Ready to take your reading offline? Finding 15: Laboratory safety training is highly variable across institutions, departments, and research groups. Finding 8: Students and postdocs are dependent on the principal investigator for their professional advancement. The power differential in this relationship may affect group members’ willingness to raise safety concerns. Safety hazards A safety hazard is any force strong enough to cause injury, or damage to property. Conclusions. Determine appropriate ways to eliminate the hazard, or control the risk … It is paramount to safeguard the welfare of the students, staff, and faculty and to establish expectations and support systems that enable them to work safely. The aim is to integrate occupational health and safety improvements while supporting innovation and … This may be. Moreover, they may not realize that a process they used in the past without apparent incident was out of the ordinary or dangerous. Conclusion Over time, an increased understanding of the many factors that contribute to the risk of fire has led to positive developments in the fire protection of commercial structures. Recommendation 1: The president and other institutional leaders must actively demonstrate that safety is a core value of the institution and show an ongoing commitment to it. Training in safety practices—both initial training and ongoing mentoring and support—is an essential element in developing and sustaining a strong, positive safety culture. CHEMICAL HAZARD COMMUNICATION SUMMARY. Finding 2: A strong, positive safety culture is a core element in the responsible conduct of research. Many research groups have differential power dynamics, which, if not appropriately addressed, can work against the development of a strong, positive safety culture. Entering (and even experienced) students may not know how to assess the risks of what they are doing, how to assess changes in risks if they change a key experimental parameter, or how to keep a small error from causing major problems. These leaders should develop risk management plans and mechanisms with input from faculty, students, environmental health and safety staff, and administrative stakeholders and ensure that other university leaders, including provosts, vice presidents for research, deans, chief administrative officers, and department chairs, do so as well. This poses a serious problem for exposed workers and their employers. Finding 1: Safety is emerging as a priority and a core value of many academic institutions and of individual laboratories. ...or use these buttons to go back to the previous chapter or skip to the next one. Conclusion In conclusion, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) require the protection of the employees by the employers from the workplace hazards causing injury (OSHA, 2003). The health and safety of a workplace is established through different sources. conclusion, each course participant will possess the confidence to recognize and avoid unsafe conditions and will be able to identify regulations applicable to health hazards in construction. A strong, positive safety culture. for one specific chemical) or for combined hazards (e.g. - Certain chemical substances and biological agents incorporated into feed, either intentionally or unintentionally, can result in hazards in food of animal origin and may enter feed at any stage of production up to the point of feeding. 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