Of note is the secondary prompt which "if necessary" specified that an appropriate answer would be "the language of your group of origin". Hausa ), and Nilo-Saharan (i.e. In Francophone Africa, the question was posed as follows: Quelle langue parlez-vous à la maison? Delving into the data for seven countries (Burkina Faso, Mali, Guinea, Côte d'Ivoire, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Liberia), the number stems from the listed languages that were either pre-defined for each country or potentially collected in the field. Kelly P. The invention, transmission and evolution of writing: Insights from the new scripts of West Africa. For comparison's sake, I also included data for French as well as three other major West African languages (Mooré, Songhay and Wolof). Privacy Policy (function (w,d) {var loader = function () {var s = d.createElement("script"), tag = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.src="https://cdn.iubenda.com/iubenda.js"; tag.parentNode.insertBefore(s,tag);}; if(w.addEventListener){w.addEventListener("load", loader, false);}else if(w.attachEvent){w.attachEvent("onload", loader);}else{w.onload = loader;}})(window, document);Cookie Policy (function (w,d) {var loader = function () {var s = d.createElement("script"), tag = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.src="https://cdn.iubenda.com/iubenda.js"; tag.parentNode.insertBefore(s,tag);}; if(w.addEventListener){w.addEventListener("load", loader, false);}else if(w.attachEvent){w.attachEvent("onload", loader);}else{w.onload = loader;}})(window, document); Malian Writer and Ethnologist, Amadou Hampâté Bâ. Official Language: French. Yes! The paleo-lake deposits of Gobero trace back to a time when the Ténéré desert was verdant and wet, where Kiffian culture flourished on the dunes overlooking the fresh water of the Holocene Wet Phase (or Neolithic Subpluvial). It is also widely spoken by West African expats in the US and UK. It covers an area of 245,860 sq km and has a population of appx 11 million. The purpose of the Journal of West African Languages is to publish articles of good quality and interest in all aspects of language and linguistics that are relevant to the area of West Africa, which may be defined as Sub-Saharan Africa, extending into Central Africa. 7. These slaves, who spoke different African languages . 5 Luscious Languages Spoken in Africa That You Oughta Know. The most striking similarity is the open-syllable restriction, i.e. Here’s some resources to help you learn how Manding sounds in and around the Gambia! The most successful West African writing system to date is undoubtedly N’ko, created for the mutually intelligible Mandé languages of Malinke, Bambara, Mandengo, Dioula and Wankara (Côte d’Ivoire, 1949). In Anglophone Africa, the base question was the following: “Which [Kenyan] language is your home language? https://afrobarometer.org/publications/wp172-800-languages-and-counting-lessons-survey-research-across-linguistically-diverse. Its GDP per capita is one of the lowest in the world. Traced skyward, in the air, Nsibidi transforms into a language of gesture, as expressive as indigenous and independently-developed sign languages like Akan Adamorobe or Adasl, Bambara LaSiMa, or an array of others that have developed, in isolation, in small villages with high incidents of deafness​3​. And if it is true that “whoever acquires another language possesses another soul”​*​, multilingual West Africans possess many. On a daily basis, one person may communicate in many languages: their mother tongue; other African languages; languages introduced from outside West Africa such as English, French and Arabic; and pidgins or creoles, which developed from the mixing of external (usually European) languages with local languages. Drawing on this rich, indigenous, pictorial, gestural, and highly-illustrative culture, West Africa has been the fertile ground out of which home-grown scripts have blossomed: the invention of Vai, a Liberian script created ca. RFI Mandenkan broadcasted a nice segment of interviews, commentary and music about the West African string instrument known as the ngoni yesterday. Logan states that "53,973 respondent across 35 countries identified more than 800 African languages as their home language" (p. 1). Assuming that "home language" circulates in anglophone circles as a common term used to refer to indigenous African languages, the French translation is quite distinct. For instance, in 2014 (Round 6) in Burkina Faso, languages were collected as such, with BFA standing in for Burkina Faso: This labeling alone obscures the robust use of certain African language across international borders; for instance, when comparing 2014 (Round 6) data from Burkina Faso and Côte d'Ivoire, the language "Dioula" (Jula) appears on separate rows as "BFA: Dioula" and "CDI: Dioula", respectively. Ewe , Igbo , Malinké , Yoruba ), Afroasiatic (i.e. French is the official language of Guinea. This rise and fall of pitch is characteristic of West African languages― with some non-tonal language exceptions like Fula, Wolof, and Koyra Chiini ― within its three major language clusters: Niger-Congo (i.e. Yoruba is a West African language, and one of the two main languages of Southern Nigeria (other than English), the other main one being Igbo. Hausa), and Nilo-Saharan (i.e. [Enquêteur: Indiquez si nécessaire: Il s’agit de la langue de votre groupe ethnique]. Subscribe. Moreover, given Afrobarometer's stated (and laudable) use of African languages in their surveys, it also leaves open the question of how these terms were translated and explained locally on the ground. However, Nigerian English is sometimes written, especially in newspapers and magazines, and thus has some sort of orthographic tradition. There are over one thousand spoken languages throughout the entire continent, yet with the exception of Swahili and Arabic, they’re barely … Togo. Indeed, this whole post and the Tableau dataset and visualization displayed above stem from my original look at Afrobarometer's data for Manding and realizing how much was obscured. Tanzanian in Tanzania, South African in South Africa etc). Arabic. I recently collected VOA Bambara’s headlines every day for one month. Around 2,000,000 people live in this country. Have a look at the embedded Tableau data (here’s the link if the embed isn’t showing up) and see below for further comments and remarks on the Afrobarometer article and data itself. I found two COVID-19 videos that have the added benefit of demonstrating the differences between Bambara and Maninka. Videos: Na baro kè | Basic Bambara | YouTube, Students: Course | Basic Bambara Prime | Lessons, Other: Dictionary | Forum | Blog | Podcast | Sirada | Resources | Literature, https://afrobarometer.org/publications/wp172-800-languages-and-counting-lessons-survey-research-across-linguistically-diverse, How similar are Bambara and Malinké? VOA Bambara headlines from 2020-03-19 using standard spelling and translated into English. It is the mother tongue of the Yoruba people in Nigeria, and has over fifteen dialects including Awori, Ijesha, Ilaje and Ila. Vortex, ancestral spirit whirled into the land of the living. In 2019 I pleasantly discovered that the city had recently put into place a new public bus system. May 2017; DOI: 10.1075/z.211.07dav. Please find below many ways to say west in different … Just as drums were endowed with the gift of “eloquent talking” by the Yoruba Orisha Ayangalu ― ‘Oku ewure ti n f’ ohun bi eniyan”, the skin of a dead goat speaks like humans​2​ ― human words and daylight were woven into the interstices of bands of fabric by the Dogon’s primordial Nommo. Arabic is a huge language, fit for a huge continent. The languages of Africa are divided into several major language families: On the other hand, in French the secondary prompt does specifically state that one is to provide an indigenous African language -- that is, "the language of your ethnic group". For instance in the Manding variety of Jula, my natural guess for translating the the French questions would be as follows; note the slight shift in denotational meaning: Í bɛ́ kán jùmɛn fɔ́ lú kɔ́nɔ? Français Audio samples of articles from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in four West African languages: Words, and the interstitial silences between them, are potent in traditional West Africa ― handled with care by the ancestral lineage of griots, by storytellers, by sages ― prevailing across generations through the art of orature. Songhay)​1​. West Africa is home to well over 1,000 languages. French (the language of commerce) Ewe and Mina (the two major African languages in the south), Kabye (Kabiye) and Dagomba (the two major African languages … 1833, of Masaba (a 1930’s Malian writing system), or the recent Akagü script, repurposed from an indigenous graphic code (Nigeria, 2010). West Africa is home to well over 1,000 languages. : A comparison through two COVID-19 videos, The words of Bambara headlines: A quick look at an open dataset, RFI Mandenkan segment on the Ngoni guitar of West Africa. It is a language that is probably most similar of all varieties of Black American English to the original creole English that was used in the New World and the West African Pidgin English of the earliest slaves. For each acquired language has its own deep history, identity, and unique grammatical particularities, from the complex pronoun systems of Yoruba and Wolof to the verb serialization of Kwa and Nupe. Colloquially the buses carry the same name as the institution responsible for setting them up and running them: SOTRACO (Société de transport en commun — literally, ‘Public Transport Company’). It is clear that the Creole languages of the Caribbean – and by extension the Atlantic area, including Guyana, French Guiana and Suriname in South America, Georgia and South Carolina in North America, Sierra Leone and Nigeria in West Africa – constitute a family of languages. English “The African child until publicly named, the incantation until given voice, the art or the craft until accompanied by speech is not truly ‘brought forth’ …”. In: Ferrara S, Valério M, eds. 5 letter words HAUSA 8 letter words LANGUAGE. “Few regions of the world rival West Africa for the sheer scale, diversity and dynamism of its indigenous writing traditions.”. There are roughly 40M native speakers, mostly people of Yoruba ethnicity, plus others who speak it as a second language. [If necessary: ní ò yé í ká síyakan yé], Litt: 'Which language do you speak in the courtyard? And so it goes that fabric, as well as other supports such as pottery, calabashes, and masks, were the original canvases for other simultaneous, more visual West African languages, from hand-stamped Ashanti and Baoulé adinkra symbols to ancient Ekoi, Efik and Igbo nsibidi iconography​5​. Arabic is a Semitic language, and it’s spoken by 280 million native speakers worldwide. What is market day in a West African village like? The Crossword Solver finds answers to American-style crosswords, British-style crosswords, general knowledge crosswords and cryptic crossword puzzles. West African country Guinea is a republic. The continent of Africa is virtually unrecognized and underappreciated in terms of cultural significance. VOA Bambara headlines for March 18, 2020 interpreted into standard orthography and translated. Arabic (widely spoken in Zanzibar), Gogo, Haya, Makonde, Nyakyusa, Nyamwezi, Sukuma, Tumbuka, many other local languages. On a daily basis, one person may communicate in many languages: their mother tongue; other African languages; languages introduced from outside West Africa such as Less than 2% of Africans identify English, French of Portuguese as the language they speak at home according to a recent Afrobarometer working paper. A major part of Logan's article reports on the question of participants' "home language". The term West Africa is also often used to refer to this part of the continent. What I've shown here only scratches the surface as many languages and their varieties are outside of my own working knowledge, but perhaps something that I will incorporate into a 2.0 remix or future article. “800 Languages and Counting: Lessons from Survey Research across a Linguistically Diverse Continent.” Working Paper. Kru: languages of the Kru people in West Africa; includes Bété, Nyabwa, and Dida. So prosodic are the primarily tonal languages of West Africa, that most speech reverberates far, able to be beautifully mimicked, rhythmically reproduced, and literally “banged out” through the elaborate talking drum motifs inherent to this region of the world. [If necessary: that is, your ethnic language]. Only 14% of the population in Guinea-Bissau speaks Guinea-Bissau Language: Portuguese Population: 2 Million. Ihunwo O. . ., invented a form of English, West African Pidgin English, which incorporated many features from West African languages. Try FluentU for FREE! The question "quelle langue parlez-vous à la maison" [litt. As provided there is no way to parse the Afrobarometer data to know when survey agents in Francophone countries ended up using the secondary prompt or not. Also the conclusion that this ancient mother-language left Africa during the earliest ‘Out of Africa’ migrations is the same as our own conclusions that Homo Erectus left Africa with a Language … in no way prompts someone to provide a local African language instead of an official Western language, for instance. Enter the answer length or the answer pattern to get better results. Western Africa is a term used in the Encyclopædia Britannica to designate a geographic region within the continent of Africa.
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