Blessed Sadness

By Nolan Holloway

Morning clouded with tears
Why is sadness oppressing me
When happiness has me in her embrace
I know my Father loves me
Spirit soars but flesh gravity bound
Wrapped in suit of earthiness
Brightness hidden behind the darkness
Searching, just searching
My needs are being provided
Yet life's rain is raging
Not soft droplets that sooth and caress
But hard pelting blasts that sting the skin
Bending the body in negative arch
Face toward the ground in surrender
No reason when life's beauty is present
But can't be felt when the mind is focused on the storm
Moving to reach the edge to the chaos
Continuing to move into purpose
Beginning to understand that this moment is necessary
The purging and releasing of the pain
On what happens when the storm is raging and destroying
Precious things are lost never to seen again
Swept away in the wind.....
But cling to the notion that circumstances are temporary
The sky will open up the clearness of blue
Populated with softness of white
Happiness is the reward when sadness is endured
When it is passed through…..

About Nolan Holloway

I was born and raised in Queens, New York
Degree: Bachelor Degree in Business Management
The Work: My work have been part of an anthology on Creative Talents Unleashed called “Love Is A Four Letter Word”.  Have participated in various venues (including church) reciting my poems.  My poetry have been posted on various poetry websites.
Favorite Poet: Maya Angelou, “I Rise”

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