These feet have encountered
These feet have encountered
many walks of life
Over seas and borders
And still have yet to come across one
who is without flaws and imperfections...
These feet have suffered through several defeats
However still found the strength to stand tall above all the things that were meant to break me
These feet and calloused toes pose
a great threat to all those
Who's goal
is to impede progress
Therefore it's imperative to acknowledge the power
our feet hold.
Every time we are blessed to open our eyes
Before our feet touch the ground
We must make the decision to take steps in faith
No matter what we may plan for the day
We never know where this journey may lead us
And although our steps are ordered
It's still entirely up to us
Whether we remain stagnant
or move forward
One of our very own Kings said it best
"If you can't fly then run,
if you can't run then walk,
if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do
you have to keep moving"
Keep moving towards your goals
Keep pursuing happiness
Keep pushing the limits
Keep disproving the naysayers...
By proving there's nothing greater than God's favor
I mean after all
we are His chosen people
These feet have walked thru the red sea after it was parted,
These feet have walked on water,
These feet have walked tirelessly to create change
In a land supposedly free
Which still refuses to acknowledge the stain;
The disdain
it has for people of color
And then have the nerve to say they're making this nation great again
Even though our ancestors feet were shackled in chains
Their imprint is still ingrained
all over this planet
A fact too often ignored
But we still find strength to stand
Notwithstanding all that we've endured,
back then and even today.
These feet have defied gravity,
These feet have floated like a butterfly,
These feet have moonwalked,
These feet have even walked with the Most High in the Garden of Eden
These feet have even
made dunking a ball in Madison Square Garden
look like something out of Alvin Ailey’s ballet.
These feet found it's way
Out of the clutches of Jim crow
Through the underground railroad
To the once prestigious and closed halls of the oval office
,not just simply as a maid or a butler
But as the very First black First Lady and President
A perfect depiction of life's irony---
a new generation returning to the place their ancestors helped build.
You see these feet have done all that was deemed impossible
So there is no doubt we will continue to walk on rich soil.
So may this be a call
To continue to persevere and walk boldly while on this journey
Speak up
Be unashamed to tell your story
Whether on the mountain top
Or out in these streets
Be not simply confined to church pulpits and pews
Because even Jesus walked amongst people who were considered to be less than righteous
And yet he still washed the feet of his disciples
Which means we are all called to serve
No matter our roles
And by doing so we will ensure to reap what we deserve
Because we all know we deserve much better than what we've gotten
And we cant stop now
With all that we are facing at this present moment
From the northernmost section of the five boroughs in New York City, known as The Bronx hails a poet by the name eL UNO.
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