Green Grass Twister
by Donna
It feels like forever my darling
for the kiss I long to embrace.
The pain of wanting you
stifles my air...
I can’t breathe.
One tear brings others
forming a flood of unfulfilled desires.
Salty emptiness burns my wounds.
Like an addict, I return to my dreams--
the pleasure ground where your scent lingers...
where your beautiful smile heals...
where desires are entertained
under your admiring gaze.
Only here do the pain subside.
In these grassy greenery
I have gently stepped,
and have fallen deeply in.
Here on this side is where I find you always;
patiently waiting...behind reality...behind reason.
It is o.k. to love me be touched.
This thing about you and I,
is real on this side.
Real with all its intentions.
“What do you want” you tease.
“I want to feel you” I reply.
Seduce me.
Slide your hands into mine.
Make me surrender to your naked desires.
Make my body heat up
above brilliant blades of green grass.
Let your tongue gently touch my face.
Slowly it outlines my full lips.
My mouth embraces yours.
Passion intensifies.
Your hand find their way
to moisten my receiving thighs.
I melt around you...
yearning for more...calling for mercy...shit!!!
Yours in mine.
Limbs intertwine
Erotic end.
Heartbeat fades
with love making distractions.
Pressure released from weight.
Orgasm released from the wait.
About Donna
We are all creative beings. Our artful passions can be expressed in numerous ways like singing, dancing, or writing poetry. These talents are not bound by age, race, culture or land borders.