Morning Ride

By Donna

The bustling of drivers
blue lights by curbside
and busy walkers
on the dimly lit streets
did not reflect
the expectation of the two o’clock morn.

The young couple
continue to drive.
With his left hand on the wheel
his right hand encouraged
to caress between her thighs...

she moans and reclines the seat a bit
mini skirt heighten,
moist panties holding on to her ankles
like handcuffs on a small wrist.

Three quarters of an hour
excited, stimulated, aroused;
driving, assessing, searching
for a dark lonely road.
Home was not an option
as mom and dad
would be awoken by the key
and the bedroom next to theirs
had thin walls.

He drove on the same street
three times
making a u-turn once
making the block twice—-
“Why do you keep passing
the same block?”
she finally ask—-raising her seat.
“Well”, he stuttered
then silent at the thought.
“Well what?”, she pressed
“Well...there is dark, empty parking lot...
behind that church”
he smiles, keeping his head straight
never giving her eye contact.
“A church..are you crazy—-
that would be wrong…right?"
she mischievously smiles at him
He slowly turns the car around
and make the block for the last time.

About Donna

We are all creative beings. Our artful passions can be expressed in numerous ways like singing, dancing, or writing poetry.
These talents are not bound by age, race, culture or land borders. Innocent to the world, we are born with our creative energy.

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