Timeless Goddess
By Aaron La Lux
Her feminine essence is,
as raw and real,
as the Pyramids,
I bring offerings,
to be blessed,
on her temple steps,
I get lost,
within her ancient walls,
all else ceases to exist,
the greatest,
explorers and wisest sages,
could all get caught,
and lost within the mazes,
of her cavernous catacombs,
she could turn the greatest warrior,
into a canvas bag of skin and bones,
strangely though here I'm right at home,
where others have tried,
to uncover her treasures,
only to unleash the wrathful curse of the Feline,
and be turned into just another feather,
in her hair,
Her feminine essence is,
as raw and real,
as the Pyramids,
I bring offerings,
to be blessed,
on her temple steps,
I get lost,
within her ancient walls,
all else ceases to exist,
when we are together,
our eyes align,
we unite as allies,
and our only enemy is Time,
writing her this poem,
because she asked me to,
though it's more of a scripture,
it's the least I can do,
while lost within her symmetrical walls,
I only came,
because she called,
this is not a game,
this is Cleopatra meets Herod,
this is the flesh,
of The Gods,
pay homage.
Her feminine essence is,
as raw and real,
as the Pyramids,
I bring offerings,
to be blessed,
on her temple steps,
I get lost,
within her ancient walls,
all else ceases to exist,
in Love,
in Lux,
Egyptian sheets,
and Persian rugs,
all of her,
I will love,
until the pyramids,
turn to dust,
until everything,
has gone away,
she's The Bomb,
met her in Bombay,
she's as serious,
as Syria,
I'm as in to her,
as India,
in our Arabian nights,
no Saudi Arabia,
only euphoria,
and love making mania,
the philosophy is,
no pausing us,
my obelisk,
her marble box,
read the writing,
within her symmetrical walls,
hieroglyphic images,
mixed with prolific privileges,
enshrined in her essence with,
aligned divine pyramids,
her presence is,
a gift this God,
God blessed yes,
33 million deities,
which one is she,
call her Goddess,
no other name is appropriate,
rode in carried by angels,
riding on a chariot,
if only she was human,
we would get married quick,
but she transcends all physical forms,
other than that of a pyramid,
lost within her ancient walls,
all else ceases to exist…
About Aaron La Lux
I was born and raised in Hollywood, California.
A High School dropout that left home at age 14.
I’ve performed internationally from Australia, Asia, and Africa to the USA
Titled work: The Poetry Trilogy Volume 1,2 & 3
This is NICE!!!