X-Ray Vision

by Aaron La Lux

Ray-Ban Vision?
No way man listen,
once you have X-Ray Vision,
forget that cheap sunglass Ray-Ban Vision!

I see right through,
all your selfish decisions,
I attribute that to,
my x-ray vision,
ixnay on the Blue-Ray,
I survey in True-Ray,
goes perfect,
with X-Ray,

exercised my rights,
to exist in my own right,
extinguished the fake light,
of the florescent limousine break lights,
so examine these exerts,
and you'll too exclaim I'm way right,
for x-ing out all my extra ex-hurt,
by being excited about my life,

call me ex-gay,
let me explain,
he tried to play me like X-Games,
so he became my X-Man,
when I turned into an X-Man,
and turned on my x-ray vision,
to see right through his now ex-plan,
mission and,
what more,
no more porn,
so I also now exclude,
any x-rated websites,
from those that I view,
the websites,
I used to use to excite,
get axed no PornTube,
I guess you,
could say,
I x-ed out all the x-sites,
so I could escape!

doesn't mean sex,
means Straight Edge,
no more GHB,
or Ecstasy,
though I still want to see,
do a show,
at the DMZ,
all for free,
while cross-dressing,
on Ecstasy,
excuse me,
excuse me,
I'm off track,
blame the jacuzzi,
and the boobies,
here I'll come back,

don't mind me,
we're almost done,
like XYZ,
Z why X,
that seems a little extreme,
"What does it mean,
the words he's saying?"
let me explain,
everything means everything!

And I'm,
where I started,
still I'm excited,
that I had a chance to write this,
I expediently,
got clean,
so I could express more clearly,
all the things I extend dearly,
now you see,
all my points exactly!

Ray-Ban Vision?
No way man listen,
once you have X-Ray Vision,
forget that cheap sunglass Ray-Ban Vision!

And I'm almost done like this rhyme scheme is,
done like a dream is,
when you wake up, you wake up,
this is extreme extremeness,

the page,
almost outta space just,
let me extend,
so I can excel,
I exercised,
got swole,
now my soul needs a XXL,
too big for this life,
so after I've been killed,
hopefully when I'm extinct
and my grave's been filled,
these words will continue living,

excavate my grave,
like a great Egyptian priest,
exhume my tomb,
just to prove I used to exist,
that will be then,
but for now where's the exit,
excuse me,
but outta here I wanna get!

So show me the exit,
that'd be,
I'm through,
excuse me,
your Excellence,
while I commit Seppuku,
with Arthur's Excalibur,
watch this,
it'll be Great like Alexander,
I've x-ed off all the events,
and x's on my calendar,
so I'm free,
so excited,
so ecstatic,
I extracted,
the nectar from life,
drank the whole package,
and got blasted, that's it…

And I wish I could extend this,
so I could explain the entire codex,
but I've gotta go so I must end this,
signing off this OXOX,
wait let me correct this,
before I go,
it's not OXOX,
it's XOXO,
this is Aaron LA Lux signing off,

I was born and raised in Hollywood, California. A High School dropout that left home at age 14. I’ve performed internationally from Australia, Asia, and Africa to the USA Titled work: The Poetry Trilogy Volume 1,2 & 3

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