Made of Stone

By Kendal S Turner

She is the Rock of the family
The go-to person everyone can rely on
The person that you know will be strong
When everyone else isn't
She is calm when everything is chaotic
Always providing a shoulder to cry on

Well versed in weathering storms
She Speaks to the elements
Trees bow down in her presence
There’s power in her tongue

The wind obeys her authority ...

She halts tornadoes with her left hand
While holding a baby in her arms
A single mother with two jobs
Even her breast milk is holy

Multitalented is an understatement
She Declares her blessings
With reverence to her God
Rattles off affirmations like a shopping list
Able to manifest her desires by merely thinking it

The prototype of a woman...

She is wall to wall God
It is a privilege to stand in her shadow
Shade is her middle name
She's cool like that
One drop of sweat from her brow has the power to heal nations
She is the salt of the earth
Preserved for a higher purpose
She is potent and powerful
Beautiful is what they call her

She is all woman...

But don't mistake her kindness for weakness
Her intuition never disappoints
She's selective about the company she keep
She can spot a wolf in sheep clothing

She understands that some bridges need to be burned and although she has
mastered the art of releasing dead weight she recognizes that people
gravitate to her because she rescues them from their sorrows

And even tho she is willing to give more than she takes
She is wise enough to make herself a priority
Never afraid to ask for help even when it appears she has all the answers

She knows how to say NO
Careful to cover all of her bases
when she is a long way from home
If nothing else, this journey of life has taught her, that having to be
strong all the time eventually wears down the soul

and we are not made of stone...

About Kendal S Turner

I was born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Formally educated at Booker T Washington H.S. then Dillard University
I am a self published author of four books. I’ve even sold books in Jamaica! I have performed in over one hundred churches in the state of Oklahoma alone.

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