Human Writes
By Matt Bruce
Human writes a depth in the eyes of the law,
Cog of the poison dream machine of politics and war,
Send soldier lives to the desert for oil and wealth,
Don’t you know…lining pockets of old money is bad for your health,
Breeding killing machines with badges and guns,
Worry more about the pissing of daughters and sons,
Cancer growing in our food and in our souls,
Of course we’re…more worried about 401(k), houses and life goals,
Devils as representatives and politicians as fools,
In turn more concerned about bibles in schools,
Brainwashing and hand-wringing, orders of the day,
Teach a Jesus of hate…broken idea used to veil moray decay,
Rich bitch at the fear of parting from what they didn’t earn,
In a system crafted to the value of families one, two and three,
Find the money stacks on the backs of those they burned,
Their mission knows no race…up next it will be our turn…
I was born and raised in Marietta, Georgia
My education started after I left school.
I have never showcased my work beyond sharing with a couple friends when the mood strikes.
Favorite Poet: Sylvia Plath
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