Kiss of The Bride

By Matt Bruce

I hope you'll forgive in time,
The panic that paralyzed my mind,

I still can't feel that day...

I hope you'll receive in kind,
The love I've learned to never express,

It will find a way...

I wish time would find you free,
Unglued at the edges of serenity,

It will set you free...

You were right when you said it,
I could never understand your past,

Sometimes the fault is on me...

The guilt pierces and bends,
With the weight of lost loves and absent friends,

Was it the cause or effect?...

The void behind your eyes,
Rattles my acceptance of fate,

Feeling I offered too much neglect...

I ran at the crack of the bat,
I ran far and wide,

I ran through darkness of night,
All to escape death's kiss of the bride,

Through windows sharply tinted with circumstance,
We see the blinding sun of the day,

The warmth serving as a vested taunt,
It only burdens and widens our timeless decay,

I hope you'll find me on the other side,
I hope we'll tell these stories again,

We'll both go where we believe,
Born as family, I will lose you as a friend...

I was born and raised in Marietta, Georgia
My education started after I left school.
I have never showcased my work beyond sharing with a couple friends when the mood strikes.
Favorite Poet: Sylvia Plath
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