What worried him was the fact it wasn't a shiver of disgust. As mentioned above, Monica kissed Phoebe when they are going to London, without her. With Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc. When Ross first sits down on the coffee table, there clearly isn't room for Rachel to sit too but after Rachel has sent Dave away, she sits next to Ross even though he hasn't moved. Ross looks confused and then reveals it wasn't him she had sex with on top of Monica's laundry while Rihanna played in the background. Joey tries to kiss Monica by saying, "Why don't you give me a little sugar, Mon Frer?" However, Joey is stuck out with Casey, and his early date is disrupted when his car breaks down, making him too late for his date with Kathy. When Monica is knocking to call Rachel, she has no sock in the hand. When the gang catches Chandler kissing Monica goodbye, he tries to divert suspicion from their relationship by kissing the other girls goodbye, too. Rachel finally tells Ross her feelings, but he replies that this isn't the appropriate time since he is now married to Emily. Monica ducks down under the bubbles so Joey won't know she's there. Visible on Rachel's right arm are a bruise and scar. The One Where Everybody Finds Out, S5:E12. Rachel says it's not, but Phoebe says it felt French. TV-PG. Like Monica kisses phoebe and Rachel bye on the lips, so I thought maybe it's just the girls being close. When Rachel says "I'm gonna meet you upstairs in a minute" the position of Monica's arms changes between this and the next shot. Kathy comes over at Chandler's apartment, where she's supposed to meet Joey for their date. With Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc. Friends is one of those shows that gets put on in the background because you've already watched each episode a billion times. Ross continues trying to rescue his marriage to Emily. https://friends.fandom.com/wiki/The_One_Where_Everybody_Finds_Out Phoebe feels left out when the gang starts sharing stories about their London experiences, so they plan a new adventure that includes her. When Joey tells Monica he will "kick the door in, if you give me a little sugar," somebody can be seen moving behind the door. © 2021 METACRITIC, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. In the episode where Chandler can't remember which one of the joey's sister he kissed, he apologizes to Monica for kissing her when drunk, to which all three Monica, Rachael and Ross responded saying "it's okay" which shows at some point Chandler kissed Ross. 8/28/2019. Audio languages. In the opening scene when Monica and Chandler are taking a bath, Joey comes in to ask if Chandler would like some chicken. Despite being married to Emily, during most the episode Ross doesn't wear his wedding ring. The One with All the Thanksgivings, Music title data, credits, and images provided by, Movie title data, credits, and poster art provided by. When Rachel returns with Dave, she reaches her key out but doesn't actually unlock the door. Also the wine would be contaminated with bath water and undrinkable. IMDb. Does Matt Camden marry Heather? However, Rachel and Ross crack up laughing at their situation: Rachel is in love with a married guy whose wife doesn't return his calls. September 23, 1998. Directed by Michael Lembeck. Phoebe feels left out when the gang starts sharing stories about their London experiences, so they plan a new adventure that includes her. Lisa Kudrow - Phoebe Buffay When the gang catches Chandler kissing Monica goodbye, he tries to divert suspicion from their relationship by kissing the other girls goodbye, too. Rachel and Phoebe stare at Chandler but then decides to cover it up by kissing Rachel and Phoebe, too. Rachel finally tells Ross that she loves him, even though everyone told her not to. In ". Chandler kisses both Rachel and Phoebe in order to cover up a kiss he gave to Monica. The other girls don't like it as it is annoying and ask him to stop it immediately. Monica sets Rachel up on a date with Dave. Phoebe's cold gives her a sexy singing voice. Chandler kissed Ross when he was drunk in ", Chandler also first kissed Rachel when he was drunk in, Chandler also first kissed Monica when he was drunk in. However, Central Park is over 3 miles from the friends apartment (90 Bedford St.). At the end of this scene Chandler and Monica exchange a look and Rachel folds her hands. Plus, Rachel gets a great new job and Phoebe gives birth to triplets. Chandler started to feel nervous as he paced back and forth the apartment he shared with Joey. It first aired on the NBC network in the United States on February 11, 1999. Monica ducks underwater quickly and doesn't hear the question because, you know, she's underwater. What episode does Ruthie and Martin kiss? Ross tries to contact Emily. In the Season 5 episode "The One with All the Kissing," Chandler slips up and kisses Monica in front of Phoebe Buffay (Lisa Kudrow) and Rachel, so he does what anyone would do. Believing she makes terrible life choices, Rachel puts Monica in charge of her love life and decisions. Everyone leaves to start packing, leaving Ross and Rachel alone. The shot widens when Joey knocks and Monica's hair is wet again (before she submerged to hide from Joey). When Phoebe says "What'll we high-five about at the stupid park? 27 of 50 “The One With All the Poker” (Season 1, Episode … When Rachel confronts Chandler about all the kissing in Central Perk, she raises her hands up in front of her and tells Chandler to hold on. When Phoebe says that she is going to 'pack my ass off' Ross then says 'I think I'm going to get some coffee cause my ass is already packed' and the rest of the gang look at him in disgust. Ross attempts to reconcile with Emily who refuses to speak to him. After Rachel tells Monica that people love to hear when someone loves them, she adds, "I love you. Phoebe is irritated because everyone keeps talking about London, which she all missed, and now she feels left out. A great example is a lot of things in Chandler and Joey’s apartment that even the most voracious viewers of Friends may not have noticed. The One with Rachel's Inadvertent Kiss, S5:E15. But after Rachel says "well talk", Monica is nearer the hallway. The One with the Girl Who Hits Joey, S5:E14. Later, when he and Monica try to steal a little time alone together, and Joey, Phoebe, and Rachel walk in on them kissing, he again kisses Rachel and Phoebe to keep them from finding out about his relationship with Monica. Zen Gesner - Dave. Joey gives Chandler a hideous bracelet. The level in the glass remains the same even though she didn't cover the glass. Later, when they're in Monica's apartment and Chandler has to leave for work, they both forget that they'd decided not to tell the rest of the gang about their relationship yet and kiss a good-bye. Chandler kissed Ross when the former was drunk in S3E11 (This was not seen on screen but it is obvious he did). When Monica is supposed to say "You can't fire me" to Rachel, she says "via" instead of fire. Where Monica almost blinds herself to the extent that she kisses the son of a man she used to go out with, and Chandler sits in a box. Directed by James Burrows. The confusion most likely arose because Rachel initially told Phoebe she could make. Rachel, Phoebe, and Monica talk about having control over someone's life, in this case Rachel. "The One With All The Kissing" is the second episode of the fifth season of Friends, which aired on October 1, 1998. Rachel bumps into her old sorority sister, Melissa Warburton, in Central Perk. Visit kaykayelle’s homepage! Rachel tells Ross she made a mixed tape of their songs which included Rihanna. Recurring guest star Michael Rapaport (My Name Is Earl, The War at Home) appears as a cop who wants to date Phoebe. "The One Where Everybody Finds Out" (season 5, episode 14) ... Chandler and Phoebe's fake "date," which ends in the most hilariously awkward kiss and Chandler … Chandler develops feelings for Joey's new girlfriend. Friends Central is a FANDOM TV Community. Our massive preview has details on the most promising new shows and your... Get a list of the best movie and TV titles recently added (and coming... S5:E17. She decides to blow off the date with Dave and instead be with Ross and ultimately tell him that she loves him, but Monica ruins her plans. Monica and Chandler secretly date -- but one by one, their friends find out. Matthew Perry - Chandler Bing It is not confirmed, but it seems likely that Phoebe's apartment would be very close to the other Friends. Rachel puts Monica in charge of her love life. However in a later episode when Rachel is moving in with Phoebe, Monica tells Rachel the picture needs to move about 20 blocks to the right. After Phoebe draws on one of Monica's photographs from London she tricks Phoebe into closing her eyes and hides the rest of the photographs. Ross continues trying to rescue his marriage to Emily. However, the uncut DVD version shows that Monica knocks constantly for almost a minute before Ross lets her in, so she may have put the sock on to cushion her knuckles. He wanted to kiss Chandler in order to get used to kissing other men, but Chandler shivered at the mere thought. Please enter your birth date to watch this video: You are not allowed to view this material at this time. In the same scene, Rachel's handbag changes position. People who kiss in this episode: Chandler + Monica, Chandler + Phoebe, Chandler + Rachel. In the Central Perk scene when they tell Phoebe they are taking her to Atlantic City, Phoebe's hair is over the front of her dress. When Ross opens the door, Monica has a sock in her hand. Chandler had just left Monica's apartment wearing a suit. Nevertheless, Chandler keeps his distance from Kathy out of respect for Joey, until he sees Joey getting a date with another girl. I was just watching the episode where everyone's leaving for Ross's wedding. Check box if your review contains spoilers. Phoebe says "It felt French" about Chandler's kiss with her and walks towards the sink, but in the next shot, she is seen standing next to Joey. After talking for a few minutes, Melissa suggests they go to dinner. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. With Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc. The camera cuts back to Monica with dry hair. Kathy cuts Chandler's hair and they kiss. The One with the Inappropriate Sister, S5:E8. Ross and Rachel try to make each other jealous with their dates. Our fall TV preview concludes with a comprehensive guide to the new and... 2013 Fall TV Preview: Our Comprehensive Guide to the Season's New and Returning Shows. After Chandler leaves the room, Monica says the kissing is a European goodbye. The One With Rachel's Other Sister. The One with Chandler's Work Laugh, S5:E10. See? In season five, in the aftermath of Ross' bungled wedding in which he calls his bride-to-be Rachel, Ross moves in with Chandler and Joey. Matt LeBlanc - Joey Tribbiani Matt meets Heather there. Monica asks Rachel if this means she was right or not. Jennifer Aniston - Rachel Greene Monica argues that Rachel can't fire her as she makes all of Rachel's decisions; however Rachel specifically stated that Monica would be in charge only of her decisions regarding her love life, and firing Monica technically isn't her love life, and so shouldn't be a problem. Also when Ross throws the newspaper on to the coffee table, it lands at an angle but at the end of the scene it's straight. We later find out in, In this episode, Ross’ hair grows taller, and stays that way until it is slightly shorter in “. However, when she comes back from her date, she finds Ross in her apartment, mourning about the 72 red roses he sent to Emily and got back, cut up into mulch. In the episode, Phoebe Buffay discovers that Monica Geller and Chandler Bing are secretly dating, and decides to play "mess" with them by pretending to flirt with Chandler. When Rachel is telling Ross she loves him in Central Perk, the cups at Ross's table keep moving around. The gang watches a home video from the night of Monica and Rachel's prom. Ross, still distraught from losing Emily, keeps confusing Emily's and Rachel's names and becomes angry and irritable. Fighting his feelings for Kathy isn't working out too well for Chandler, especially when he sees her naked in the bathroom. When the gang catches Chandler kissing Monica goodbye, he tries to divert suspicion from their relationship by kissing the other girls goodbye, too. "The One Where Everybody Finds Out" is the fourteenth episode of Friends ' fifth season. So...basically Chandler + everybody. The gang talks about a crazy cab driver, and they most likely took a cab to the airport together. Their plans are interrupted, however, when Phoebe's water breaks. Ross mentions that he has known Emily for 72 days. Plot: If this Friends episode doesn't ring a bell, you may also know it as, "The One After Ross & Rachel Kiss. Notable Video Game Releases: New and Upcoming, Fall TV Preview: A Guide to New & Returning Broadcast Shows. Monica suggests it's some kind of European good-bye thing that Chandler picked up in London. “The One With the Rumor” (Season 8) Joey finishes off a 19-pound turkey, which gives him the “meat … A moment later she opens the door without actually unlocking it (she wasn't aware Ross was in there until she entered the apartment). Summary: Ross continues trying to rescue his marriage to Emily. They first met in ". Phoebe gets irritated when the gang constantly talk about London. When Phoebe has finished drawing on it, only then does it show the Tower of London. His friend was, once again, bugging him to help him out with a part. When Ross unlocks the apartment door (which Rachel had locked), Monica enters the apartment and stands level with the doorknob. Ross plays at Central Perk and the place empties. While this could be Chandler, it is more likely a crew member, since it appears to be somebody in a casual shirt with sleeves rolled up. The House in Fata Morgana - Dreams of the Revenants Edition -. Starring: Jennifer Aniston, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry, David Schwimmer, Courteney Cox. As he goes to sit back down, she lowers her hands to her lap. All the friends characters did kiss each other at some point. The shot angle changes and the photo is different and she is holding it vertically (in portrait orientation). ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (Despite being unable to speak French.) Despite this, Kathy sta… What episode does Chandler first kiss Monica? In all those viewings it's easy to miss the subtle comedic touches that are layered throughout the show. Monica shows Phoebe a picture of them all standing outside Westminster Abbey so presumably they did some sightseeing after the wedding reception. The camera angle changes and she is lowering her hands again. When Rachel locks Monica out of their apartment, Joey pops out and says "I'll kick that door down if you give me a little sugar." Rachel wants Monica to make all her romance decisions, but ultimately ignores her. She then puts her hand on his face and pushes him back when he gets close. Season 6, Episode 1: "The One After Vegas" Having decided not to tie the knot in Vegas, Monica and … When Phoebe finds out about Monica and Chandler, she and Rachel attempt to get them to confess their relationship. Just before they leave to bring Phoebe to the hospital, Monica and Chandler fall behind, at first only to talk about how they can't believe Phoebe is about to give birth; however, it quickly transitions to the first private passionate moment they have had since the day they returned from London. When Phoebe starts drawing on the photo, she holds it horizontally (in landscape orientation). This was done in order to add more scenes in episodes by bringing the running time down, and accommodate for a reduction in episode length caused by extended commercial breaks. When Rachel asks Monica if it really matters, Monica says "Yes! The One After Ross Says Rachel. When the episode opens with Monica and Chandler in the bathtub and Monica says "you look cute in bubbles" her hair is dry. ", in this shot, her right arm is on the couch's arm, but in the previous shot, it was not. There are various extra scenes in the uncut DVD version of this episode: When Rachel is talking about how she makes bad decisions, she mentions about how she put on a. Get a detailed look at every new and returning show coming to broadcast... 2012 Fall TV Preview: Our Night-by-Night Guide. Original air date: 10/01/1998 Runtime: 22:08 min. “The One With All The Kissing ” is the second episode of the fifth season of Friends, which aired on October 1, 1998. These stem from Jennifer Aniston falling as she got off an escalator on her way from London. Rachel pretends that she isn't mad at Ross for abandoning her on the plane, however, when he leaves the apartment, she reveals that she is furious as she had an awful time in Greece. She ducks back down again but when Chandler gives Joey Monica's order, he quickly changes 'coke' to 'diet coke' apparently on Monica's instruction (I guess she does something to him underwater). Wasn't that nice? When they're saying goodbye to phoebe and Rachel they all kiss each other goodbye, but on the lips. Once she leaves, Rachel reveals that in senior year of college she and Melissa went to a party and ended up kissing after drinking They decide to take a picnic in Central Park with all of them to make Phoebe feel better, but Phoebe just came from Central Park and hates the idea, so they blow it off. The One With The Cop (Season 5, Episode 16) The Story: Phoebe discovers a forgotten wallet with a … Directed by Gary Halvorson. Best episode of the season, hands down! With Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc. When they all are ready to leave, Phoebe's water breaks, blowing off the trip to Atlantic City. They come up with a better idea: a trip to Atlantic City. The shot cuts to Chandler for his line but you can see Monica in the right frame and her hair is wet. But how can she hear Chandler the second time if she couldn't even hear that Joey was offering chicken the first time. Once back home, Monica and Chandler are caught kissing, so Chandler kisses all the girls to cover up their budding relationship. Chandler tells her what Joey wanted and Monica tells him to call Joey back because 'she could eat some chicken'. The gang are talking about the things they did in London, however Rachel was only there for the wedding, so it is impossible for Rachel to have been there. I need it for my score book....diary!". Season 5, Episode 14: ” The One Where Everybody Finds Out ” She was touring Ross’ new apartment and saw Monica and Chandler hooking up through the window. Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls, The One Where Chandler Can't Remember Which Sister, https://friends.fandom.com/wiki/The_One_With_All_The_Kissing?oldid=88468. Monica is drinking wine when she ducks under the water. ", After Rachel tells Ross she still loves him, Rachel returns to the apartment and tells Monica what happened. Chandler says they have to forget their feelings for each other for Joey's sake but Kathy can't do it. Everybody’s switching people, Martin kissed Ruthie annnd he’s a meany, T-Bone is leaving after the end, Sandy engaged and then regretting something, ah ah ah! 100: 3 "The One Hundredth" "The One with the Triplets" Kevin S. Bright In the very last shot, her hair is suddenly down her back, despite the fact she didn't move. Another dysfunctional familial relationship emerges in Friends … When the camera angle changes she folds her hands again. Mid-episode, Phoebe says Central Park is "Right by my house". This is the first episode ever where the opening titles are cut down. Directed by Gail Mancuso. Chandler must constantly kiss the girls to cover up a kiss he gave to Monica to hide their affair. David Schwimmer - Ross Geller, James Michael Tyler - Gunther https://friends.fandom.com/wiki/The_One_With_All_The_Kissing When Monica says "here we all are in front of the Tower of London, the photo is actually of Westminster Abbey (the same view seen when Chandler and Joey were sightseeing). NBC | Air Date: October 1, 1998. Chandler and Monica are taking a romantic, candlelit bubble bath together, when Joey knocks on the door and says he's coming in. Courteney Cox - Monica Geller Down her back, despite the fact she did n't cover the glass the. Pushes him back when he gets close 72 days Monica if it matters. Names and becomes angry and irritable standing outside Westminster Abbey so presumably they did some sightseeing after the reception. But he replies that this is n't the appropriate time since he is now married Emily!, S5: E12: E10 on February 11, 1999, Melissa Warburton, in Central Perk the. No sock in the same scene, Rachel puts Monica in charge of her love.! Drinking wine when she ducks under the bubbles so Joey wo n't know 's., 1999 what 'll we high-five about at the stupid Park she makes life... Ross, still distraught from losing Emily, during most the episode where everyone 's for! 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