Furthermore, both the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, and the President of France, Emmanuel Macron have called for a “European army” as a European pillar of NATO. They also agree to start implementing the joint declaration with NATO immediately. This article is more than 2 years old. Jean-Claude Juncker's defence advisor Michel Barnier issues a white paper through the European Political Strategy Centre, the EU’s in-house think tank, calling for military union. Probably to late to stop this now, Its a shame we have such cowards in positions of power within the military, who refuse to speak out. See more ideas about war, military history, history. Blog at WordPress.com. The aim of the document is to achieve a secure Europe in a better world, identify the threats facing the EU, define its strategic objectives and set out the political implications for Europe. Operation Beacon contains some good material from Caroline Stephens on the great betrayal: Click here to visit Operation Beacon. In addition, Bouvier stresses Franco British collaboration knowing that this is, in reality, soft sell propaganda for the intended full EU military unification. Germany is one of our closest allies and I look forward to even closer cooperation. Nigel Farage waking up to the fact of European Defence Union and No Veto? 21WIRE.TV - November 15, 2017. 8288), beginning a process of cuts which sees spending reduced from just under 6% GDP to 2% GDP over the next thirty years. Please support David Ellis, UK Column.org and The British Constitution Group Well the NATO summit has come and gone and Nigel Farage’s intervention about EU Military Unification was “headed off at the pass”. The workshop is co-chaired by the EDA and the EU Military Staff, making up the PESCO secretariat. Co-anchor Mike Robinson is joined by guest host … That day meant an early start for the Vote Leave team as we delivered one last flyer reminding people to vote to leave the European Union. Military Union: British Government Policy Since 1948, Franco British Council Says Bye Bye British Armed Forces 'Allo EU Military Unification, Imminent risk of EU control of British defence procurement, industry and training, How the Dutch press reports EU military union, Brexit: Theresa May's CARDs Are On The Table. NATO foreign ministers meet in Brussels seeking to increase cooperation with the European Union. There is ongoing discussion about the extent to which the EU has already become a federation over the course of decades, and more importantly, to what degree it should continue to evolve into a federalist direction. Yes, our military forces regularly work cooperatively with EU countries but PESCO marks the start of the EU seeking to unifying national militaries into EU military union under total command from Brussels in true EU single point of control fashion. The 35th UK France Summit is held at the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst. The conference was also attended by, amongst others, NATO and Ministry of Defence advisor Professor Gwythian Prins and a number of former senior military officers. Foreign Affairs: British Government collaboration in EU Global Strategy, 'Hero of Brexit' Lord James of Blackheath Threatened over EU Defence Union, The Policies of the new German Minister of Defence, EU Defence Union Spelt Out By New President of the Commission, European Defence Union - Parliamentary Written Questions, Lord James: Remaining in the EU will constitute perjury by the Queen. Will Merkel and Marcon's forthcoming Treaty of Aachen be a dream come true for those who would see a single European super-state? In secret our present Government is moving us into EU military unification. Today was an "historic" day, according to EU High Representative Federica Mogherini. Europe needs to move from the current patchwork of bilateral and multilateral military cooperation to gradually increased defence integration. As pressure builds for the issue of EU Military Union to enter the Brexit debate, government becomes ever more vociferous that Britain will not be part of any such project. Nobody in Parliament is bothering to mention this. In the economic sphere, the crisis has confronted the European Union with difficult choices, giving rise to lively debate in all its Member States. https://t.co/nVch95ShpD. Military Unification has been on the European Union's policy agenda for decades. Firstly, it aims to extend the FBC’s "Britain, France and Defence” initiative of October 2009. The 25 member states participating in PESCO are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain and Sweden. Military Unification. The title of the report is "EU Defence: the realisation of Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO)". a) permitting the EU to place the UK Armed Forces in the EU’s Force Catalogue for the purpose of EU military and foreign policy planning; and b) taking part in projects ‘through Permanent Structured Cooperation’ or PESCO, the conveyor-belt of structural integration which the EU Commission describes as ‘the foundation of military unification’. Gavin Williamson ssys: The UK and Germany face the same intensifying threats to our way of life and we work closely together to protect our citizens from harm. Theresa May announces that Britain and Germany will form a defence pact immediately following formal invocation of Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty. Boris Johnson is joined by the foreign ministers of Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia at Chevening House to discuss “shared challenges” and the UK’s “continued commitment” to EU security and defence. The declaration aims to further strengthen EU-NATO cooperation at a time of unprecedented security challenges from the East and the South. Today, we are building a European Union of security and defence. News for the Waking Generation. But throughout 2018, she signed five […] John Ward April 15, 2019 theresa may double agent Part 2. This is likely due to Trump’s influence. The summit in Brussels adopts a European Security Strategy. Jean-Claude Juncker announces publication of the European Commission Work Programme 2018 "with a 2025 perspective". In the past twelve months, the pressure to complete the task has accelerated the process, particularly since the Bratislava Summit of September 2016. It provides for the creation of the European External Action Service. Today, we are building a European Union of security and defence. No debate is held in Parliament. The Department for Exiting the EU publishes its 'Technical Note' on defence which spells out the Government’s ambitions for a ‘deep and special partnership’ with the EU in Defence and Security after Brexit. They announce that the Netherlands has become one of the first nations to announce they intend to sail alongside the Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier in her first deployment in 2021. The report states the UK position on PESCO as: The UK Government did not sign the Joint Notification on 13 November 2017. Angela Merkel calls for ‘real, true’ European army days after Emmanuel Macron’s demands for EU military. The longstanding relationship between France and the UK in defence terms was one of the major factors leading to the creation of Matra Bae Dynamics in 1996 and MBDA in 2001 ... it was clear then as it is now, that the critical mass required to design, develop and produce the most advanced defence capabilities required by the armed forces of the two countries could never be obtained working independently. “But a common army among the Europeans would convey to Russia that we are serious about defending the values of the European Union.”. “You would not create a European army to use it immediately,” Juncker tells the Welt am Sonntag newspaper. See our EU Military Unification Timeline for more ... Share Join Us Today. Signatory nations are legally obliged to take part in PESCO operations, with no possibility of national electorates preventing national involvement. Theresa May and Emmanuel Macron agree significant further tightening of Franco British relations, including the creation of a UK-France Defence Ministerial Council, creating a permanent and regular forum in which UK and French Defence cooperation can be discussed by the two Defence Ministers. Lord James of Blackheath has been threatened with the police, told to retract the comments he made in the House of Lords on EU Defence Union, and is facing demands to resign and remain silent on the issue from now on. Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson hosts his German counterpart Ursula Von der Leyen in the UK for the first time. No one knows what the next British government will look like, or when or if or how a Brexit from the EU will play out. It states: Although the Lisbon Treaty’s inclusion of solidarity and collective defence clauses was a recognition of the fact that the Member States are equally concerned by most threats, their perceptions, strategic cultures and national ambitions remain very diverse. After all, the world hasn’t been frightened by a European military since the Second World War. In this article we decode the answers. EU; UK Column; EU Military Unification Out of the Closet, Truth Serum Administered to Boris. Posted by Caroline Stephens | Nov 8, 2017 | Brexit | 15 | What you were doing on 23 rd June, 2016? They chose PESCO because unlike the Schengen option, it leaves the door open for … EU Military unification treachery REVEALED: HOW MAY SAID “BREXIT MEANS BREXIT”, BUT THEN SECRETLY SIGNED AWAY OUR MILITARY SOVEREIGNTY. The agreement will include a pledge to work more closely across defence and security policy, intelligence and joint exercises. The purpose of this meeting is twofold. It's not a plan, not a dream anymore, but a reality (...) All the building blocks of a security and defence union are finally there. The European Parliament votes in favour of the creation of SAFE as a first step towards a true European military force. Those following the progress of European Defence Union will have heard of PESCO, the Permanent Structured Cooperation on Security and Defence. A briefing by Strategic Defence Initiatives on the EU's subversion of the British military. The UK has a veto on EU security and defence policy so couldn’t be forced to participate in an EU army. Within three months, member states will agree a common list of criteria and commitments, together with concrete capability projects, in order to start this cooperation. In June it will become clear if I am in incurable optimist, but one thing I can promise you today: if we don't reach agreement by June, I will say precisely why it wasn't possible, and who is responsible. British Defence Secretary Michael Fallon met his German counterpart yesterday to firm up Britain’s defence “partnership” with Germany. Emmanuel Macron calls for the creation of a “true European military”. Mar 25, 2021 - Explore Foster Wood's board "European Wars of Unification in the Nineteenth Century", followed by 1030 people on Pinterest. We’ve seen this sort of thing before. “Mr Blair, I want to know what your point of view is regarding a European Army, and do you think this might be an additional incentive for a Brexit?”. We are determined to deepen and strengthen our relationship in order to achieve our common defence and security goals. But he said the EU was pushing for more and more military power, having already secured support for a military HQ and considering the purchase of military equipment. On Monday 24 November 2017, Strategic Defence Initiatives UK submitted the following report to the Defence Select Committee of the House of Commons. "It is a historic step, because such cooperation will allow the EU to move towards deeper integration in defence. As of 1950, the European Coal and Steel Community begins to unite European countries economically and politically in order to secure lasting peace. The strategy, under the title 'Shared vision, common action: a stronger Europe' reflects the collective views expressed in the process and offers a strategic vision for the EU's global role. Besides that, Europe is struggling to ward off economic and financial ruin, as well as social unrest and revolt. News August 30, 2019. LONG READ: Under cover of the Brexit trade negotiations, the real trade deal has just happened. The federalisation of the European Union describes processes and proposals by which the European Union could be transformed from an informal confederation into a federation. The purpose of this meeting is twofold. Defence Secretary Michael Fallon agrees a joint vision statement - a commitment to strengthen co-operation in areas including hybrid and cyber warfare and counter-terrorism - with Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, Minister of Defence for the Netherlands. We remain convinced that we need more and not less Europe. The European Union took more steps toward unification this week: EU finance ministers have agreed to the principles of a new EU budget, and defense and foreign ministers started 17 new European defense projects, including a shared school for spies. NATO foreign ministers meet in Brussels seeking to increase cooperation with the European Union. The Council adopted conclusions setting out the progress achieved in implementing the EU global strategy in the area of security and defence. At the NATO summit in Warsaw, the President of the European Council, the President of the European Commission and NATO Secretary-General sign a joint declaration on EU-NATO cooperation. Theresa May ackinowledges that UK's defence and security cooperation with The Netherlands is going from strength to strength, as the UK continues to negotiate "a deep security partnership with the EU post-Brexit". 9th November 2018 at 10:31 am #22678. cmvd16. The conference "explores how the UK and EU can maintain a long-standing defence and security relationship after Brexit.". The heads of state or government of the 27 meet in Bratislava to begin a political reflection on further development of an EU with 27 member countries. Why are Tories pursuing Tony’s Blair’s “essential” policy of EU Defence Union? Speakers include Gisela Stuart MP, Contre Amiral Pascal Ausser, Edward Leigh MP, Amiral Alain Coldefy, Francoise Hostalier, depute, Kevin Taylor of BAE systems and Vice Admiral Paul Lambert. The Council adopts conclusions on the Implementation of the EU-NATO Joint Declaration, endorsing 40 proposals in the 7 areas. Did UK fully exit EU, or is the UK Firmly In EU Military Unification? Joint Declaration on EU-NATO Cooperation is published by the President of the European Council, the President of the European Commission, and the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. Angela Merkel calls for ‘real, true’ European army days after Emmanuel Macron’s demands for EU military. The European Defence Agency Annual Conference 2017 entitled 'Security in the digital age: the added value of European cooperation’ is opened by the Head of the Agency, Federica Mogherini. Video footage emerged (as if by magic) showing leaders including Boris Johnson, Justin Trudeau and Emmanuel Macron at a fu Not an "EU Army" but EU military union: The EU is desperately requiring control of its member states' militaries and budgets. The EU has developed an internal single market through a standardized system of … What has the Franco British Council been doing to help us get along with the French in a charitable way? Recently, a claim about supposed plans for an ‘EU army ’ has been shared on Facebook. At the same conference, the European Council on Foreign Relations' Nick Whitney calls for a joint Anglo-French nuclear deterrent. The aim of the workshop is to establish a technical expert-level common understanding on: Despite not signing the PESCO Joint Notification, the United Kingdom participates. A No Deal Brexit has been presented to the UK public like some sort of economic apocalypse. The Department for Exiting the EU publishes its 'Technical Note' on defence which spells out the Government’s ambitions for a ‘deep and special partnership’ with the EU in Defence and Security after Brexit. The Council adopts conclusions on the Implementation of the EU-NATO Joint Declaration, endorsing 40 proposals in the 7 areas. British Defence Secretary Michael Fallon met his German counterpart yesterday to firm up Britain’s defence “partnership” with Germany. While the EU has a command and control (C2) structure, it has no standing permanent military structure along the lines of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's (NATO) Allied Command Operations (ACO), although it has been agreed that ACO resources may be used for the conduct of the EU's CSDP missions. This closer policy integration should eventually extend to security and defence. Please look at this graphic below which comes from a recent speech by Barnier of the European Union. European Union Military Committee (EUMC) The European Union Military Committee (EUMC) is the highest military body set up within the Council (COUNCIL DECISION of 22 January 2001) setting up the Military Committee of the European Union. The European Union (EU) is a politico-economic union of 28 member states located primarily in Europe. Europe is multicultural and sophisticated, and a world leader in defending human rights and environmental activism. FM @HeikoMaas: We are in the process of transforming the EU into a genuine security and defence union. Emmanuel Macron calls for the creation of a “true European military”. The High Representative was mandated to prepare the new strategy by the European Council in June 2015. British Prime Minister Tony Blair and French President Jacques Chirac sign the Saint-Malo Declaration to make the Franco-British axis the motor of the EU's Common Security and Defence Policy. It is one which the entire British political establishment has steadfastly either refused to answer at all, or has given diversionary responses about the EU having no plans for an ‘ EU Army ’. Guy Verhofstadt, MEP and leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe tells that organisation that EU Military Unification is 'our project' during a speech in which he decries the fact that the EU has only 10-15% of the efficiency of the US military, despite having 45% of the budget. According to Jüri Luik, Estonian Minister for Defence: European security is a core priority for our citizens. The UK Column is funded wholly by its membership. ", The Franco British Council holds its 7th Defence Conference at the Residence of the French Ambassador in London. Has Boris Misled Parliament on UK Involvement in Defence Union? EU Military unification treachery REVEALED: HOW MAY SAID “BREXIT MEANS BREXIT”, BUT THEN SECRETLY SIGNED AWAY OUR MILITARY SOVEREIGNTY. The King and Queen of the Netherlands visit Downing Street for the first time. BRUSSELS moved one step closer to creating an EU Army tonight as Eurocrats debated the benefits of the taxpayer-funded force - with one MEP calling for a 'military Schengen'. They meet to discuss strengthening defence ties. The Franco‐British Council (FBC) and the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) host the second Franco British Council Roundtable on bilateral defence "cooperation" at the French Embassy in London. Posts. Chirac and Blair foresee a military future increasingly independent of the USA, Canada and NATO. In it he announces "a deeper and fairer economic and monetary union", including: A Dutch officer becomes commander of the German Army’s Panzerbatallion (Tank Battalion) 414 for the first time. It welcomes "EU efforts to bolster European security and defence to better protect the Union and its citizens and to contribute to peace and stability in the neighbourhood and beyond. A 'Tier One' defence power is one with full spectrum capability from conventional forces across all services to nuclear weapons. A nation state that contracts out its defence has ceased to be.". The European Union (EU) is an association of 27 sovereign member states, ... or by joining some common military forces. EU Military Unification. Up to 50% off Black Friday deal . European Unification. The 25 member states participating in PESCO are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain and Sweden.Â. Posts. In doing so the UK will have no decision making rights over PESCO governance or any veto over the future strategic direction of PESCO, which has been openly acknowledged as greater EU integration in the field of defence. The Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO), provided in the Lisbon Treaty, could become a game changer in European security by enabling willing Member States to move forward. Behind the scenes, however, British government ministers have attended meetings to discuss these matters in detail. Google+. The EU already runs military operations, based on armies working together. The European Council formally adopts a decision establishing Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO), less than a month after receiving a joint notification by member states of their intention to participate. Operation Beacon contains some good material from Caroline Stephens on the great betrayal: Click here to visit Operation Beacon. Heads of state or government resume discussions on the permanent structured cooperation (PESCO) on defence at the European Council meeting, attended by Theresa May. Today she got her military, her single point military budget, and her ability to prosecute wars overseas without the need to get the approval of national electorates. The CSDP succeeds the ESDP, Lancaster House Treaties - A Fifty Year Defence Pact Between Britain and France, 2013 French White Paper on Defence and National Security, Jean-Claude Juncker calls for an "EU Army", European Political Strategy Centre publishes White Paper on military unification, Germany and the Netherlands step up their military cooperation, Presentation of the European Union global strategy, Informal meeting of the 27 heads of state or government in Bratislava, Implementation plan on security and defence, European Defence Action Plan presented by the European Commission, Common set of proposals to implement the EU-NATO joint declaration, European Council stresses the need to strengthen Europe's security and defence, Council reviews progress and agrees to improve support for military missions, Royal United Services Institute hosts 'Defence Implications of Brexit', Britain announces bilateral "defence pact" with Germany, UK and Netherlands agree closer defence ties, European Council calls for the launch of a permanent structured cooperation, UK Government publishes "Foreign policy, defence and development" Brexit White Paper, Boris Johnson and Michael Fallon meet Polish counterparts to progress Defence and Security Cooperation Treaty, Boris Johnson meets Foreign Ministers at Chevening House, Jean-Claude Juncker announces creation of EU Finance Minister role, Dutch Officer commands German Panzer Battalion for first time, EU military established with signing of joint notification on PESCO, European Defence Agency workshop on PESCO project proposals, House of Commons Library publishes PESCO briefing paper, EU Defence: the realisation of Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO), Federica Mogherini opens European Defence Agency Annual Conference, NATO Foreign Ministers Meeting focusses on EU Defence Cooperation, Two more countries join PESCO, bringing the total to 25, European Council establishes Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO), European Council agrees its position on the European Defence Industrial Development Programme, agree significant further tightening of Franco British relations, the creation of a UK-France Defence Ministerial Council, UK and Germany work towards stronger defence relationship, Theresa May refuses to confirm Britain will remain a 'top tier' military power, Department for Exiting the EU publishes 'Technical Note' on defence, Gavin Williamson signs Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) Comprehensive Memorandum of Understanding, EU NATO issue Joint Declaration on future co-operation, German Foreign Office tweets confirmation of EU Defence Union, British Military deployed under EU command and control, Franco-British Council holds its seventh Defence Conference, UK Germany sign Joint Vision Statement on defence relationship, Netherlands becomes first nation to join UK carrier group, French President Emmanuel Macron calls for EU Military, Angela Merkel calls for 'real, true' European army, Guy Verhosftadt: EU Military Unification is 'our project', Theresa May presents Brexit to Parliament including hints of future defence relationship, Outline of the political  declaration setting out the framework for the future relationship between the  European Union and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as agreed at negotiators' level on 14 November 2018, Jens Stoltenberg attends EU Foreign Affairs Council, IISS and GDAP publish report arguing that EU military 'out of its depth' without Britain, Protecting Europe: meeting the EU's military level of ambition in the context of Brexit, Ursula von der Leyen and Tony Blair at the Munich Security Conference, EU Defence Union Command and Control: The Smoking Gun. European Wars at Midcentury. The scenarios concerning peace enforcement, conflict prevention, and stabilisation and support to capacity-building would all create significant capability shortfalls, even when the current 28 EU member states (EU 28) are considered. Made up of nine northern European allies Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Norway and Sweden, the MoD says: The JEF is more than a simple grouping of military capabilities. Leaders agree on the Bratislava Declaration and Roadmap, in which they state an intention to decide on a concrete implementation plan on security and defence and on how to make better use of the options in the Treaties at the European Council meeting in December. Nobody said anything about it; nobody knew about it. Why Are There "Huge Gaps In Britain's Defences"? Because the enemy was warned in advance about the dropping of the bomb – both the time and the place. Welcome Home Israel › Forums › News & Current Events › Did UK fully exit EU, or is the UK Firmly In EU Military Unification? Far from being a 'done deal' as Boris puts it, the second phase of Brexit negotiations look like they will pull UK back in. Termed the sleeping beauty of the Lisbon treaty, it aims to deepen defence cooperation among EU nations. Quentin Davies MP, Minister for Defence Equipment, attends the first Franco British Council Roundtable on integrating British and French military. The event is supported by the UK and French Ministries of Defence and is funded by the UK Ministry of Defence together with generous commercial sponsorship from MBDA. They set as a target the December 2016 European Council to formalise an implementation plan. Today she got her military, her single point military budget, and her ability to prosecute wars overseas without the need to get the approval of national electorates. Secondly, ahead of the May 2010 General Election, they feel it important to "resume discussions before the formation of a new government and a reassessment of British strategic priorities". UK Column Monthly Membership . As of 1950, the European Coal and Steel Community begins to unite European countries economically and politically in order to secure lasting peace. As such it will remain outside of PESCO. We have left the EU, yet EU Military Unification is still on the agenda for us. The announcement is made by the two leaders following a summit meeting held at Lancaster House. Jean-Claude Juncker's defence advisor Michel Barnier issues a white paper through the European Political Strategy Centre, the EU’s in-house think tank, calling for military union. The security of Britain is being destroyed under the cloak of Cameron’s Franco British Defence Treaty. The six founding countries are Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. We will not protect Europeans unless we decide to have a true European Military. It welcomes "EU efforts to bolster European security and defence to better protect the Union and its citizens and to contribute to peace and stability in the neighbourhood and beyond. According to Jüri Luik, Estonian Minister for Defence: European security is a core priority for our citizens. Mrs Thatcher refuses all three ideas in private at the summit with “No! The Unification of Germany into the German Empire, a Prussia-dominated nation state with federal features, officially occurred on 18 January 1871 at the Versailles Palace's Hall of Mirrors in France. It can only be created through democratic debate, a common political will, shared experience and an awareness that we all have interests and strategic priorities in common. Without any fanfare, or public statements, parliamentarians are starting to ask questions about European Defence Union and what it means for British self-determination and national sovereignty. Under the current system of unaccountable governance, this means they will be run by an unelected oligarchy. Juncker made many similar statements throughout 2015, and made it clear to David Cameron that military union would be a condition of any "new settlement" between Britain and the EU. Last week, Ursula von der Leyen, serving German Defence Minister, spelled out her vision for EU Defence Union. As Chirac and Blair foresee a military future increasingly independent of the USA, Canada and NATO, the 1998 Saint-Malo Declaration marks the victory of French doctrine (housing Europe's autonomous military capacity within the EU) over the doctrine of the UK and several other EU member states (maintaining Europe's autonomous military capacity within the Western European Union, a since-defunct military alliance unrelated to the EU).