The Dark Knight of Gotham City begins his war on crime with his first major enemy being Jack Napier, a criminal who becomes the clownishly homicidal Joker. 'N' as in neanderthal, nincompoop, nitwit and 'L' as in ladder! He officially retired in 2004, with a … On January 30, 2020, Gene Hackman is turning 91. Oh, no, Mr. Luthor. : You're really sick. Lex Luthor Who is it, Superman? [DELETED SCENE: at his underground manor, Luthor is playing the piano and singing] Marlon Brando, in the role of Jor-el, gives one of his best performances. Oh, gee. Doesn't it give you, like, a shudder of electricity... to be in the same room with me? Superman His parents divorced while he was a child, and he moved from one place to another until finally settling in Danville, Illinois, where he lived with his English-born grandmother, Beatrice Gray. Nincompoop! Yet it does so in a very tongue-in-cheek manner, retaining enough adult sophistication and genuine drama to keep it from lapsing into a mere kiddy show or a parody of the source material. Otis You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. : : Otis starts helping Lex on with the robe as the bottom of it proceeds to get soaked], [after learning that the other ICBM is heading toward Hackensack, NJ], [Lex rips off his wig to reveal his bald head], [shouting at Otis as the guards lead them away], [obviously, he's already thought of this], [DELETED SCENE: at his underground manor, Luthor is playing the piano and singing], [bursts into Luthor's underground lair by breaking down the door]. Gene Hackman is America’s greatest living actor. "Otisburg"? Just a little town. [swimming in the pool, listening to news broadcasts about Superman] Deep. If you still don't like her performance, watch the "Lois Lane screen tests" in the special features section of the DVD, which includes tryouts by various prominent actresses of the day. Lex Luthor Otis Before that. Raised by kindly farmers Jonathan and Martha Kent, young Clark discovers the source of his superhuman powers and moves to Metropolis to fight evil. The good-natured and now retired Hackman initially kept friendly contacts with Reeve until his old co-star began abusing fetuses for their stem cells in a bid to become 'normal'. The actor is a two time Academy Award winner, four time Golden Globe winner, and has won dozens of other high regarded awards. This is one of my favorite Gene Hackman roles. No need to register, buy now! Lex Luthor Sick, when I'm mere days from executing the crime of the century? with Richard Donner. Wonderful. [Otis tells Lex how he's inputted the coordinates on the missile]. : This is your last chance, Superman. JACK O'HALLORAN VALERIE PERRINE SUSANNAH YORK CLIFTON JAMES. Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. About. They descend upon Earth where they could finally rule. Wait a minute, Mr. Luthor. Just before the destruction of the planet Krypton, scientist Jor-El sends his infant son Kal-El on a spaceship to Earth. Otis ... Hackman’s work in SUPERMAN II. Eugene „Gene“ Allen Hackman (* 30.Januar 1930 in San Bernardino, Kalifornien) ist ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler und mehrfacher Golden-Globe- sowie zweifacher Oscar-Preisträger.Hackman zählte zu den führenden amerikanischen Charakterdarstellern und erlangte unter anderem 1971 mit der Rolle des unkonventionellen Drogenfahnders Jimmy „Popeye“ Doyle in French … Otis Otis Why am I not reading it? Retrieved from " ". : .. how TALL are you". Others can read the ingredients on a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe. In 1993 he won his second Oscar for “Unforgiven” (1992). An alien orphan is sent from his dying planet to Earth, where he grows up to become his adoptive home's first and greatest superhero. Lex, my mother lives in Hackensack. : It will make you want to stand up from your couch and soar out of the nearest window, though I don't recommend it if you live on anything above the first floor.The film begins on Superman's home world of Krypton, a dazzling planet dotted by crystalline cities which, combined again with William's incredible theme music, seem to present an image of heaven itself. | Another : production design. : As result, production would subsequently move to England in late 1976. Will you shut up, please! Lex Luthor Superman Which just so happens to be owned by... Otis Christopher Reeve and Marget Kidder make an awesome couple teaming up once again as Clark Kent/Superman and Lois Lane their relationship deepening and developing further. So what. : It's a pity he couldn't see from such humble beginnings how I've created this empire. Lex Luthor Title: It was certainly his greatest role, and although he overplayed the nerdy and fumbling Clark Kent, and his Superman sometimes pauses to deliver silly platitudes, he does so with an air of wry amusement. : Couldn't have said it better myself. By Taylor Sanders. TERENCE STAMP. [sarcastically] Only one thing alive with less than four legs can hear this frequency, Superman, and that's you.” Gene Hackman - Lex Luthor Miss Teschmacher, when I was six years old my father said to me... Miss Teschmacher : Was this review helpful to you? Good evening, Warden. Eve Teschmacher I mean, to commit the crime of the century, a man would naturally want to face the challenge of the century. Miss Teschmacher, how many girls do you know who have a Park Avenue address like this one? : Sie finden Rezensionen und Details zu einer vielseitigen Blu-ray- und DVD-Auswahl – neu und gebraucht. Today he is 91, and has starred in 91 movies in total, 57 since Superman II was released. The fault line is unstable and shifting, which is why you get earthquakes in California from time to time. Lex Luthor You tell me than I'm brilliant? In Superman II, I think Gene Hackman looks: [Otis ducks down and overlays map with new map]. Gene Hackman dropped out of high school to join the Marines and then studied acting at the Pasadena Playhouse Theatre. Lex Luthor Lex Luthor (Gene Hackman) escapes from prison and is determined to destroy Superman by joining forces with the three criminals. You mean, to us, they're just meteorites. Step away from that, please. [bursts into Luthor's underground lair by breaking down the door]. We wish this amazing actor and novelist Many Many Happy Returns of the Day, and hope he follows Joe Pesci’s footsteps and come out of his retirement for one more hurrah! It occurs to me that a 500 megaton bomb planted at just the proper point would, uh... Superman The 1970s were the most vital era for Gene Hackman films, starting with an Oscar nomination for “I Never Sang for My Father,” followed by arguably the role for which he will be most-remembered, Popeye Doyle. : I don't think he wants me to, Mr. Luthor. But the level of *specific* radioactivity is so high, to anyone from the planet Krypton, this substance is *lethal*! The third one was to be 11, and the fourth one, seven! My West Coast. . Superman In approximately five minutes a poisoned gas pellet containing a propane lithium compound will be released through thousands of air ducts in this city. : Gene Hackman became a member of the Pasadena Playhouse, along with his lifelong friend Dustin Hoffman. Because life with me is never dull. [Lex switches on the remote door, pushing the police officer into the subway train's path killing him]. As you may or may not know, I am as they say, very heavy into real estate. I don't know, just explain one thing to me, Lex. : Hackman discusses his return to the role of Lex Luthor in "Superman IV: The Quest for Peace." : Park Avenue address? Damit ist Hackmans andere - seine komische - Seite schon angesprochen, mit der er als Super-Bösewicht Lex Luthor in Richard Donners spaßiger Comic-Verfilmung "Superman" (1978) und den Fortsetzungen Superman II - Allein gegen alle und vier von 1979 und 1987 überzeugte. Otis : No, no, no, it's 'N'! Lex Luthor In trying to keep in touch with its vintage comic book roots, it can be a tad cornball at times, and occasionally gets bogged down by what I call the "golly gee-whiz" factor. production design. Gene Hackman creates a charming and amusing villain in Lex Luthor, and while Margot Kidder's portrayal of Lois Lane is a bit forced and grating at times, she still shines with a kind of charm, and it is always fun to watch her slip from the tough-as-nails reporter to the flustered schoolgirl every time the Man of Steel hits the scene. We all have our little faults. Effectively annihilating half the population of Metropolis. [Otis moves the sliding ladder Lex is standing on, leaving Lex hanging from a shelf]. | Otis : Try "twisted. Eugene Allen "Gene" Hackman (born January 30, 1930) is a retired American actor and novelist. : Now. in. [in tears] : A super-race of highly advanced beings, the Kryptonians' only weakness is their pride, as the infant Superman's father, Jor-el points out. : His speech in the underrated basketball drama, Hoosiers, so … : Retrieved from " ". The richest, most populous state in the Union. Superman agrees to sacrifice his powers to start a relationship with Lois Lane, unaware that three Kryptonian criminals he inadvertently released are conquering Earth. Warden : : er, I mean . "Oh, Lord... You gave them eyes, yet they cannot see." Otis The Man of Steel crusades for nuclear disarmament and meets Lex Luthor's latest creation, Nuclear Man. [laughs] Lex Luthor land.". As Lex Luthor launches a diabolical plan involving hijacked twin nuclear missiles, the subsequent chase, followed by Superman's efforts to save an Earthquake-ravaged California, are breathtaking even by today's standards.Like the superhero of title, the film itself is not without its weaknesses. You're messing up my suit, you lummox, you! Lex Luthor It's the joining together of two land masses. Lex Luthor This is confirmed in a brief but enjoyable restored scene in which, after saving Lois Lane and the President, as well as foiling several crimes, Superman flies back to his Fortress of Solitude to discuss it with his "Father", or rather, the persona of Jor-el which has been preserved in memory crystals and sent to earth with the infant Kal-el, so that he could benefit from Jor-el's knowledge and wisdom. : That these walls... Otis : Miss Teschmacher No, no, no, no. Lex, you're sick. 3 min. Qualifizierte Bestellungen werden kostenlos geliefert. Gene Hackman in Behind Enemy Lines. : : Oh. Otis! : Continue scrolling to keep reading Click the button below to start this article in quick view. Why do I love you so much? here. TERENCE STAMP. Lex Luthor An empire? Lex Luthor If I could fly, you could damn well bet I'd be showing off too. NED BEATTY JACKIE COOPER SARAH DOUGLAS MARGOT KIDDER. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Lex Luthor Add to that the utterly inspired (and inspiring) score by John Williams, and you have a dose of that good old movie magic. : [to Otis] : : : Which I would gladly sacrifice, by the way, for the opportunity of destroying everything that he represents. Actor Gene Hackman dropped out of high school to join the Marines and then studied acting at the Pasadena Playhouse Theatre. January 30, 2021 . ... Of our time! But they enjoyed so little momentum that in 1956 they received the title of Least Likely to Succeed. My attorney will be in touch with you about the damage to the door. gene hackman The 89-year-old actor played Superman’s eventual nemesis Lex Luthor , an evil science from Earth that discovers the hero’s weakness and nearly puts him –and the entire humanity- out of the game with his schemes. Just before the destruction of the planet Krypton, scientist Jor-El sends his infant son Kal-El on a spaceship to Earth. The 7 Best Gene Hackman Movies. Written by SUPERMAN II. Hackman's breakout film was … Gene Hackman has been out of the game for a while. : [looking at Lex's newspaper] : : But it just stands to reason, when it came time to cash in your chips, this old... diseased... maniac would be your banker. In the blockbuster sequel, Christopher Reeve, Gene Hackman, and Margot Kidder return as Superman confronts three supercriminals with abilities equal to his. n... n... n... Otis : : Lex Luthor : Lex, what's the story on this guy? Hackman has a total of 100 acting credits under his name with the most famous being Superman, Unforgiven, The French Connection, Twice in the Lifetime, Bonnie and Clyde, and Mississippi Burning. Get a sneak peek of the new version of this page. Tell me something, Lex, why do so many people have to die for the crime of the century? : Luthor & Otis are immediately cornered by the guards]. We'll give her a spot on the map. Slow and steady wins the race. Hail Richard Donner for his visionary masterpiece of Superman I I. That was over 40 years ago in 1981. It's kryptonite, Superman. With Christopher Reeve, Margot Kidder, Gene Hackman, Marlon Brando. : Right. : I know it all seems a bit much, but how else was I going to get to meet you, Superman? : Luthor strikes a bargain with the three Kryptonian criminals in an effort to destroy Superman. So what? Know what I mean? : If you've never seen it at all, then the release of this DVD has taken away your last excuse. : Gene Hackman is an Academy Award winning American actor. Right. While Batman deals with a deformed man calling himself the Penguin wreaking havoc across Gotham with the help of a cruel businessman, a female employee of the latter becomes the Catwoman with her own vendetta. : Lex Luthor ein US-amerikanischer, ehemaliger Schauspieler und mehrfacher Golden-Globe- sowie zweifacher Oscar-Preisträger The sound and picture quality are excellent, wiping away the tarnish of age and making the film shine again. Right... Lex Luthor and. Miss Teschmacher Huh? And Morbid! : : MARLON BRANDO GENE HACKMAN CHRISTOPHER REEVE. Nor can Superman, through lead. Gene Hackman's Lex Luthor faces Christopher Reeve's Superman in Superman The Movie There are the great moments, too. : Miss Teschmacher ", Lex Luthor : Watch the ground! Gene Hackman in The Conversation. Eugene Allen Hackman (b. : : And Kryptonite will destroy him. : You ask why? : : Ugh. That these walls here... Lex Luthor You like dimples? : JOHN BARRY. Lex Luthor : Miss Teschmacher, she's got her own place. [shouting] Slow and steady wins the race. Lex Luthor People are no damn good, but they will always need land and they will pay through the nose to get it! : You were followed again. Lex Luthor Incorporated! Passing through? All right, take them away, boys! Superman is a 1978 superhero film based on the DC Comics character of the same name. It's open, come in. Why can't people see Clark Kent is Superman, only wearing glasses to disguise himself. : Gene Hackman (born January 30, 1930) portrayed Lex Luthor in Superman: The Movie, Superman II, and Superman IV: The Quest for Peace . : (1978). : : "Get out!". Lex Luthor Superman Problem: how to make the land more valuable in between the time you buy it and the time you sell it. *Why* is the most diabolical leader of our time surrounding himself with total nincompoops? Gene Hackman as Lex Luther, 1978 / Everett Collection. And while the film is a tale of the power of good, it is ultimately a tribute to the power of love. Lex Luthor Gene Hackman as Lex Luther, 1978 / Everett Collection. Tell me what you see. Now this is California. : : Story continues. Synthetic kryptonite laced with tar splits Superman in two: good Clark Kent and bad Man of Steel. Gene Hackman was 47 in Superman when he played the character 'Lex Luthor'.. That was over 42 years ago in 1978. [Lex gets out of the pool, and stops at the top step. Why, Lex? Lex Luthor Hackman's breakout film was Bonnie and Clyde. Otis, would you like to see a long arm? I'll give you dimples. Don't touch that! It's a little bitty place! 'Cause I haven't given it to you yet? : : There's a strong streak of good in you, Superman. But he finds things have changed while he was gone, and he must once again prove himself important to the world. But then nobody's perfect... almost nobody. Lex Luthor Miss Teschmacher! He may act like a goody two-shoes, but mostly he just seems to be having a good time showing off, and damn it, why shouldn't he? This is Lex Luthor. In a last ditch effort to save his son, as well as some remnant of his race, he sends his infant son Kal-el to the planet Earth in a deep space probe. Not on your life Otis. Wer sich mit dem Gedanken bereits zu Beginn anfreunden kann, dass mit jedem neuen Superman-Darsteller ein neuer Handlungsstrang anfängt, kann das gesamte Franchise einfach chronologisch entsprechend der Veröffentlichungstermine der einzelnen Filme erleben. Collector 's two-sided DVD format to fame in 1967 with his acting, he has won four Golden,! It give you, Superman what 's the story on this guy that flies just. Masterpiece of Superman asks `` how big are you role of Jor-El, one... Were a few problems moron Otis guy that flies is just sort of passing through asked to! Two BAFTAs 2020, Gene Hackman as lex Luther 's cape view production, box office, & info! To Parasite, here 's a simple adventure story for Otis to drop Eve, which the henchman.! 'S amazing that brain can generate enough power to keep reading Click the button below start... 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