In The King's Two Bodies, Ernst Kantorowicz traces the historical problem posed by the "King's two bodies"--the body natural and the body politic--back to the Middle Ages and demonstrates, by placing the concept in its proper setting of medieval thought and political theory, how the early-modern Western monarchies gradually began to develop a "political theology." But his Body politic is a Body that cannot be seen or handled, consisting of Policy and Government, and constituted for the Direction of the People, and the Management of the public weal, and this Body is utterly void of Infancy, and old Age, and other natural Defects and Imbecilities, which the Body natural is subject to, and for this Cause, what the King does in his Body politic cannot be invalidated or frustrated by any Disability in his natural Body. The underlying operation is 1 = 1. 210—The notion of corpus mysticum was easily transferred to other secular units as well. It was an early attempt at what the French call, la history de mentalities, trying to reconstruct how people thought in the past, rather than just researching the historical record. We do not begin by reading Hamlet politically. “Ghosts can't help themselves: they are always where they have to be, not where they want to be, calling out to us from somewhere beyond our own senses.” – Ken Hollings (28). 206—To summarize, the notion of corpus mysticum, designating originally the Sacrament of the Altar, served after the twelfth century to describe the body politic, or corpus juridicum, of the Church...the concept of the Two Bodies of Christ: one a body natural, individual, and personal; the other a super-individual body politic and collective, the corpus mysticum. lish was the final formulation in terms of " two bodies "-rather than the legists' " two persons " or the German personified state-and the incorporation of the king himself as corporation sole. “The Prince is the head of the realm, and the realm the body of the Prince.” In other words, the jurist transferred to the Prince and the state the most important social, organic, and corporational elements normally serving to explain the relations between Christ and the Church—that is, Christ as the groom of the Church, as the head of the mystical body, and as the mystical body itself. 196—For many centuries, the official meaning of the “mystical body” was the consecrated host. 2020 KEYNOTE Lecture by Darby English January 13, 2020, … Using German, Latin, papal, and many other sources, Kantorowicz explains the medieval political theory of the king's two bodies--his "Body natural" and "Body politic" that guided so much of medieval and Elizabethan thought surrounding kingship. While The composition of The King's Two Bodies extended from 1945 to 1955, a time when Kantorowicz was at the peak of his scholarly powers. the "King's Two Bodies" [SOURCE = Ernst H. Kantorowicz, The King's Two Bodies: A Study in Medieval Theology, chapter one] *1561 or 1562:English crown lawyers argued at court that certain land lease agreements made by King Edward VI were valid even before he came of legal age. Here, at last, in that new assertion of the “lord’s Two Bodies”—in the bodies natural and mystic, personal and corporate, individual and collective of Christ—we seem to have found the precise precedent of the “king’s two Bodies.”. 244—Henry of Ghent gave the final blessing to pro patria mori by comparing the sacrifice of a citizen for his brothers and his community to the supreme sacrifice which Christ made for the salvation of man, and of mankind. By analogy, therefore, death for the body political or the patria was viewed in a truly religious perspective and was understood religiously. Before long, the term “mystical body” became applicable to any corpus morale et politcum in the Aristotelian sense. If, therefore, one of you be overcome by death in this war, let that death be atonement for, and absolution of, all his sins. Ernst Kantorowicz was a historian of medieval political and intellectual history. (This perhaps goes some way to explaining Hamlet's sudden conversion to the belief that “[t]here's a divinity that shapes our ends” (V.ii.10), after the springing of The Mousetrap.) 2 Kings 19:3. So, in Measure for Measure, Claudio, on his sister's refusal to save him, says that “we know not where” we go when we die (III.i.115); his mind is possessed by the transformation from “sensible warm motion” to “a kneaded clod” (117-118), the horror of having “[t]o lie in cold obstruction, and to rot” (116), of which the imagined torments listed after seem merely an extension; never once does he seem to suggest that a paradisical afterlife is possible. The designation corpus mysticum brought to the secular polity, as it were, a whiff of incense from another world. 200—Isaac of Stella, a contemporary of John of Salisbury, applied the metaphor of the human body with great precision to the corpus mysticum the head of which was Christ and whose limbs were the archbishops, bishops, etc. However, the person to give the concept some legal bite and codified reality, as much as legitimacy as well as sovereignty, was the 14th century judge Sir William de Shareshull in 1351 for the offence of high treason in the aftermath of the Barons war. The anthropomorphic imagery was transferred to both the Church as the “Mystical body of Christ” in a spiritual sense and the church as an administrative organism styled likewise corpus mysticum. With its destruction, one can imagine the difficulties posed: the afterlife is no longer real to the now-isolated Protestant subject, must be constituted by the act of faith whose ungroundedness is precisely what defines it as faith. his own eternity, therefore, bestowed upon his mystical body likewise the value of eternity or rather timelessness. It was in that period—to mention only the classical example—that John of Salisbury compared the commonweal with the organism of the human body. 258—The organic-corporational concept, looming in back of King Philip’s decree, was actually asserted with greatest precision in a pamphlet of 1296, composed by one of the royal legists, probably Peter Flotte: Depraved is the part that does not conform with its whole, and useless and quasi paralytic a limb that refuses to support its own body; laymen or cleric, nobleman or man of low birth, whoever refuses to come to the support of his head and his body, that is, the lord king and the kingdom (of France), and lastly of himself, provides to be a non-conforming part and a useless and quasi paralytic limb. As Stephen Greenblatt notes in his study of the concept, it was a means of making the afterlife comprehensible and meaningful to the mourning, an “intimate and familial” space (16-17); it maintained a proximity and reciprocity of the dead to the living (102-103). 270-1—The state, around 1300, was not a “fictitious person” but an organic or organological whole. After all, the feudal lord was, at the same time, the head of the body politic, and what difference did it make whether a man offered his life to the “head” or to the “limbs” or to the “head and limbs” together. However, doubt cannot arise concerning the superiority of the body politic over the body natural. Not only is the body politic “more ample and large” than the body natural, but there dwell in the former certain truly mysterious forces which reduce, or even remove, the imperfections of the fragile human nature. ? In that respect the new ecclesiological designation of corpus mysticum fell in with the more general aspirations of that age: to hallow the secular politics as well as their administrative institutions. It did not exist apart from its members. Plus; ... of the glory reserved for the bodies of the saints, and the opening of the kingdom of heaven to all believers, as then to Elijah. Perhaps, I would suggest, if we wish to read Hamlet, a play centring on the heart of state power in “the old Europe”, we must read backwards from Marx and Engels' concern with the ghost as an image of the workings of power and political possibility, to the mysterious “thing” (Hamlet I.i.24) at the core of the play: the Ghost of old Hamlet, and the fact of death that he represents, that spreads itself through the fabric of the play. For whoever suffers death for his brothers, offers himself a living host to God, and unambiguously he follows Christ. England’s rich culture and beliefs during the Elizabethan era were often displayed in many of William Shakespeare’s plays. Watch our overview video on the books of 1-2 Kings, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. And the Reason thereof is, because the Body natural and the Body politic are consolidated into one, and the Body politic wipes away every imperfection of the other Body, with which it is consolidated, and makes it to be another Degree than it should be done if it were alone by itself. Plowden explained that this was because the king has two bodies: the body natural and the body politic. This is a day of rebuke and blasphemy — From the Assyrian, who reviles and reproaches us. The change in terminology signified just another step to “secularize” the notion of “mystical body.” It was also a figure of Christ’s ascension.III. It seems significant that it is mentioned in neither of the seminal volumes of cultural-materialist readings of Elizabethan and Jacobean tragedy, Political Shakespeare (1985) and Jonathan Dollimore's Radical Tragedy (1984). The terminological change by which the consecrated host became the corpus naturale and the social body of the Church became the corpus mysticum, coincided with that moment in the history of Western thought when the doctrines of corporational and organic structure of society began to pervade anew the political theories of the West. Missing Piece of the Puzzle: A King's Two Bodies Anonymous College During the Elizabethan era, religion and social status were important characteristics of English culture. “The blessed souls in Heaven […] had no need of suffrages […] while the damned souls in Hell could not make use of them” (19): the dead were now entirely cut-off from the world of the living, and had no part in its affairs – and, most importantly, they could not come back. In The King’s Two Bodies, Ernst Kantorowicz traces the historical problem posed by the “King’s two bodies” — the body natural and the body politic — back to the Middle Ages and demonstrates, by placing the concept in its proper setting of medieval thought and political theory, how the early-modern Western monarchies gradually began to develop a “political theology. Dollimore says of J.W. 13—This migration of the “Soul,” that is, of the immortal part of kingship from one incarnation to another as expressed by the concept of the king’s demise is certainly one of the essentials of the whole theory of the King’s Two Bodies. this Body is not subject to Passions as the other is, nor to Death, … 7—The King has in him two Bodies, viz., a Body natural, and a Body politic. If indeed every Christian “who lives in the body of the Church is held to rise in defense of that body,“ it was a straight and simple conclusion to maintain that every Frenchman who lived in the body of France was held to rise in defense of that national body. The King's Two Bodies - Page 4 The King's Two Bodies: Hauntology and Crisis in 'Hamlet' It may suffice for the moment to glance at Hamlet's under-analysed speeches on what he takes to be “the pate of a politician” (or possibly “of a courtier”) and “the skull of a lawyer” in the graveyard scene (V.i.77-81, 96). Kristen Todd. 5 Furthermore, Alain Boureau tells us that royal duality was a useful fiction of only aesthetic Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1957. Death itself is Victory and is means of saving the soul. The King’s Two Bodies documents Kantorowicz’s mission to identify and examine the various strands of thought that converged to produce what at first appears to be a curious concept in English law of the Tudor period, a construction found nowhere else in Europe—the idea that the English king had two different bodies. The King’s Second Body, I suggest, symbolizes culture itself, that which (as Anthropology and Sociology … Just as men are joined together spiritually in the spiritual body, the head of which is Christ, so are men joined together morally and politically in the respublica, which is a body the head of which is the Prince. To the Body natural in which he held the land, the Body politic was associated and conjoined, during which Association or Conjunction the Body natural partakes of the Nature and Effects of the Body politic. This chapter focuses on Ernst Kantorowicz's masterpiece, The King's Two Bodies. The entire action of Hamlet could, indeed, be seen as a relatively minor private episode in a longer history of territorial power struggles, as indicated by the information given by Horatio about old Hamlet's war with “ambitious Norway” and the “sledded Polacks” (I.i.64-66). ? He held that a populace was not simply the sum of individuals of a community, but them assembled into one mystical body. It emerges then, in relation to time and history, in a similarly unexpected fashion. The Prince is the head of the realm, and the realm the body of the Prince. 13—The King has two Capacities, for he has two Bodies, the one whereof is a Body natural, consisting of natural Members as every other Man has, and in this he is subject to Passions and Death as other Men are; the other is a Body politic, and the Members thereof are his Subjects, and he and his Subjects together compose the Corporation. It starts with dread motion, unnatural noise. The first one is the "body natural," or the biological body, which is just like everybody else's. Please let us know if you agree to functional, advertising and performance cookies. When one hears the cry, “The king is dead! At the play's beginning, the Ghost has already appeared “Two nights together” (I.ii.196); we are witness, in the first scene, to the third apparition of a “thing” that appears in a shape “like the King that's dead” (I.i.44). 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