See more of KTSF Television on Facebook. English Brisbane, California. 6.修學的基礎是三福,待人依六和,處世修六度,遵普賢願,歸心淨土,佛之教化能事畢矣。, 二十年前叱吒風雲的三個警察“老炮”,被警界榮稱為“三叉戟”,如今已到了快退休的年紀,卻不料誤打誤撞辦了一起洗錢大案,凍結了巨額贓款。金融巨騙為了解凍資產,不惜僱傭黑道動用極端手段,“三叉戟”開始面對20年前的昔日對手並被多方勢力挑戰。面對新型犯罪,“三叉戟”用傳統的警察手段進行對抗,但在對手巨大的利誘下,三人之間的關係也開始變得微妙。但在警察職責面前,他們最終齊心合力,一舉擊破了金融犯罪集團,同時也將幕後的腐敗黑手繩之以法。, 一檔全新探索美食、旅遊的節目。節目的基準點不僅僅在為小朋友提供好玩,好吃的風景介紹,更側重親子同遊的角度規劃,以及經由各地方的人士所提供的“獨家玩法”,讓父母親們對於假日親子同遊有一個最具體的行程規劃。適合2至12歲兒童觀看。由西瓜哥哥 、 草莓姐姐主持。, 彩繪人文地圖:以慈濟海外賑災史與核心理念出發,輔以「地圖概念」的形式,在真實紀錄與人文地理的探索中,找尋不同年代裡大愛的故事。, 證嚴法師説故事:富含哲理的民間故事和佛教經典,由證嚴法師以深入淺出、生動幽默的方式一,娓娓道來一。透過動畫丶音樂以及中國水墨等元素,融合溫馨、捨身典範丶以及不可思議的報恩等劇情,證嚴法師不只是說故事,更在其中引導閲聽眾,擴展視野、啟發思考。, 中國最前線的娛樂新聞報導。 京, 滬, 穗,蜀,香港,台北,首爾,亞洲七大娛樂重鎮齊把守 ,利用衛星傳播實現隨播隨錄, 當天傳輸到全國及海外華語頻道,送上熱腾腾的娛樂資訊。, 皓云師傅與小占走出錄影廠,與家庭觀眾近距離講授玄學知識。而且不再單純局限於面相、掌相、身相,皓云師傅會為觀眾講解與香港人最為息息相關的貼身話題 – 「點擺﹕如何利用風水佈局去佈置各式空間」。, 首個品評全港地運風水加美食的節目,由雲文子帶領4位女神沈殷怡、陳俞希、練美娟、余逸思一齊游走香港各區,分析地運,食開運菜,再講解2021牛年奇門遁甲開運攻略。, 樂壇常青樹與知名年輕歌手的組合,帶給觀眾更精彩的舞台,讓好歌再次唱響。歌手之間的搭檔是由兩代歌手在不知對方身份情況下合唱同一首歌,“聽歌識人”完成互選配對。, 在世界不同角落都有香港人在遙遠他鄉生活及創業。節目拜訪幾位在異地生活的香港人,有在比利時從事藝術活動的,在北極小島工作的,在挪威做文物管理的,甚至有在葡萄牙當馬匹治療師的。他們的生活未必美滿,但仍為了不同的目標,選擇繼續在異鄉「做世界」!, 踏入21世紀,有人提出「物質科學」不再是萬能key。過往認為「科學都解釋不到」的事,原來不同層面的宗教、哲學、心理學,甚至人體之中,一早演繹過當中原理。科學以外,還有很多範疇讓我們見識到更多有關世界上各種奧秘。節目用不同角度,邀請研究相關領域的嘉賓,去拆解一些不科學的事件和設想,探究科學以外的世界。, 全新相親節目《新相親大會》,由最具國民認可度的月老孟非坐鎮主持。以“帶著父母來相親”的新穎模式俘獲了大眾的視線,再創全民戀愛相親新高潮。, 【台灣1001個故事】介紹台灣在地食材的故事,也是台灣最深刻的人生故事。故事的主角們,有的為著有機農業奮鬥打拼,為這片土地奉獻青春與血汗。有的則是經過千百次的調味與嚐試,只為了成就一道美味料理。對比著經營者與料理人的故事,他們或是為生活中年轉業、或是離鄉背井追尋夢想,人生路上各自遭逢百轉千折的衝突與適應,才能在逆境中成功蛻變。, 逢週日,下午5時至5時半。 Create New Account. Forgot account? or. Televised mass for the homebound and shut ins that cannot attend mass, from the Archdiocese of San Francisco. Mondays through Fridays, 5:00 pm – 5:30 pm Host Lakshmi Baweja. How to Watch KTSF 26. KTSF is available over-the-air on digital channel 26.1 and on cable channel 8 on Comcast Cable throughout the market. Click here to find a station near you. Posts @KTSF26. 5.佛教的修行綱領是覺、正、淨 — 覺而不迷,正而不邪,淨而不染,並依戒、定、慧三學,以求達到此目標。 How to Watch KTSF 26. Sundays, 6 am – 6:30 am provides access to local news, weather, and sports in addition to news clips and on-demand content.Check it out! Log In. 15 KTSF 26 reviews. 2, San Francisco, CA, United States. ),1$1&( :,7+ )$7( 79 3* 6$8 :,1* /$0 n 4¢ C®\I\oY²J Create New Account. KTSF 26 On-Screen Bug and Airdate: 3/31/2018 and Song: Sooraj Dooba Hain from the Movie, Roy on Namaste America KTSF - News at 7 - 7點鐘新聞報導 (Cantonese) - Open January 15, 2021 News open for KTSF, January 15, 2021. 1.佛教是佛陀對九法界眾生至善圓滿的教育。 KTSF is the largest Asian language broadcaster in the US and provides news and entertainment programs in over 10 languages. Forgot account? Welcome. KTSF Television. Create New Account. Farsi Posts @KTSF26. DirecTV, Dish Network, and AT&T U-verse also carry KTSF. See more of KTSF Television on Facebook. Welcome. See more of KTSF Television on Facebook. Assista ao vivo, encontre informações aqui para esta estação de televisão on-line. Regardez en direct, trouver des informations ici pour cette station de télévision. or. KTSF Television. See more of KTSF Television on Facebook. Community. Features Bollywood songs, entertainment, news from the Indian subcontinent, and South Asian community news. KTSF contracts with Nielsen Media Research for daily audience reports (365 days a year) for all our programming on Broadcast, Cable, and Satellite. 20, 2017, 11:07 nachm. Our 7-day a week Live, Local Chinese Newscasts often draw larger audiences than the English-language local newscasts on the ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox affiliates in the San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose-Silicon Valley Television Market. KTSF YouTube Channel. KTSF YouTube Channel. or. 4. Community. Log In. Log In. English We have a report that shows you what to expect if you installed a TV within your home.. KTSF製作現場直播, 由本台屢獲殊榮,備受全球亞裔媒體認可的記者報導有關灣區,美國國內和國際重大新聞。內容包括: 中,港,台新聞, 天氣,體育和對亞裔社區有關的專題報導。, 《香港一週》由KTSF26新聞主播﹐帶你回顧香港過去一週發生的大小事﹐全方位了解香港的時事動態。, 由KTSF製作, 主持人以犀利、簡潔的訪談方式與嘉賓一起帶觀眾遊覽金融、保險理財, 房地產、教育、保健、餐飲等商業領域, 與觀眾全方位分享各位嘉賓的經驗和成功秘訣. If an antenna doesn't work for you, then live streaming may be the answer. Watch KTSF programs Live and On-demand from anywhere in the SF Bay Area. Forgot account? English & Hindi Broadcasting & Media Production Company. English Vietnamese Hosted by Anthony Nguyen. 2, San Francisco, CA, Estados Unidos. Because KTSF 26 is a local broadcast channel, there is a good chance you are one of the 90% of households that can receive this channel for free with a TV antenna. Pfizer藥廠行政總裁周四接受CNBC頻道訪問時表示,接種了完整疫苗的民眾,很可能要在6至12個月後接種一支加強劑 […] Mondays through Thursdays & Sundays, 4:00 am – 6:00 am KTSF YouTube Channel. Welcome. Broadcasting & Media Production Company. Places. We have a report that shows you what to expect if you installed a TV within your home.. KTSF 26, The Face of the Bay Area, Ch. Forgot account? In this video, Pinki highlights We produce Live news in both Cantonese and Mandarin 7 … See more of KTSF Television on Facebook. Live ansehen, finden Sie Informationen für diese TV-Station online. How to Watch KTSF 26. Places. Sorry, we were unable to locate any VUit channels in your area. KTSF, virtual channel 26 (UHF digital channel 20), is an independent Asian television station licensed to San Francisco, California, United States that serves the San Francisco Bay Area.The station is owned by the Lincoln Broadcasting Company. 021'$< 78(6'$< :('1(6'$< 7+856'$< )5,'$< 6$785'$< 681'$< 7,0( 7,0( <285 3/$&( <285 7$/. Contemporary and popular topics engage participants from around the country. See more of KTSF Television on Facebook. 2.釋迦四十九年所說的一切經, 內容就是說明宇宙人生的真相。人生就是自己,宇宙就是我們生活的環境。 She wanted to advise me on how to answer the sensitive questions … Posts @KTSF26. Brisbane, California. See more of KTSF Television on Facebook. KTSF is available over-the-air on digital channel 26.1 and on cable channel 8 on Comcast Cable throughout the market. An ktsf 26 channel change, full-power station, reaching over 1.4 million Asian-Americans throughout 10 Bay Area Asian community 1976. Saturdays, 11:30 pm – 12:00 am Saturdays, 11 am – 12 noon Saturdays, 9 am – 10 am Forgotten account? Stay Connect with KTSF on Instagram! Create New Account. KTSF Television. Fridays, 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm It's an exciting time to be a fan with an announcement surely on it's way. Mire en vivo, encuentre información aquí para este canal de TV online. YouTube; none 美國疫苗接種率持續上升 灣區更多人搭飛機外遊 none 世衛指全球疫症病例急增 接近疫情爆發以來最高 none 舊金山市政廣場周六中午舉行「團結運動」集會 none 日本首相菅義偉訪白宮與拜登會 … KTSF Television. Places. Not Now. or. George Floyd案進入陪審團商議階段,為防止有人不滿判刑結果,而引發全美各地示威甚至騷亂 […], 為了加強店舖安全措施,華埠中央警局與社區組織合作,免費為商戶更換100把更堅固的門鎖 […], 隨著中國在海外的孔子學院陸續退場,台灣政府正積極向海外推廣繁體字的華語文教育,希望取而代之,有哪些具體行動 […], 舊金山的音樂以及娛樂場所因受到疫情影響而長期關閉,生意大受打擊,市府提供300萬元撥款 […], 中半島San Mateo縣撥出200萬元,資助500名新生免費攻讀社區大學全時間課程 […], 越來越多學區陸續返校親身授課,東灣Fremont聯合學區仍然沒有時間表,家長周一上街抗議 […], 舊金山加大(UCSF)的亞裔健康研究院,將會在星期四舉行中英雙語的新型肺炎疫情視像城市論壇第14集 […], 本台日前報導,美國短期內可能會出現波霸珍珠以及原材料短缺,不過有灣區波霸珍珠供應商表示 […], 亞太裔公共事務聯盟(APAPA)周五在舊金山華埠與舊金山新任警察委員余健全共同呼籲,如果遇到罪案 […], 灣區人經常會聽到的故事之一,就是矽谷有一些科技公司的創辦人,最初都是在車庫裡開始自己的事業 […], 舊金山府周六會在市政廣場舉行名為「團結運動」的集會,目的是聯合市內各個族裔社區一起對抗仇恨 […], 日本首相菅義偉周五到訪白宮與總統拜登會面,也是拜登上台以來接見的第一位外國元首 […], 許多公司利用職場社交平台Linkendin張貼工作機會,但是小心跌入詐騙的陷阱 […], 芝加哥一名13歲拉美裔男童持槍逃避警方追截時,被白人警員擊斃,警方公開了當日警員的隨身攝錄鏡頭的畫面 […], Pfizer藥廠行政總裁周四接受CNBC頻道訪問時表示,接種了完整疫苗的民眾,很可能要在6至12個月後接種一支加強劑 […], 中半島Millbrae本週六將有一場反對仇視的集會活動,希望團結亞裔社區,遏止仇視的犯罪行為 […], 內華達州州長宣布將在6月1日前容許州內所有商業全面重開,已經有餐館業者表示期待這一天的到來 […], 舊金山Mission區新落成的可負擔房屋項目La Fenix公寓周四舉行剪綵儀式 […], 舊金山市立大學早前指,由於新學年面臨財政赤字,將會裁員減班,工會和學生大力反對 […], 明尼蘇達州去年發生的George Floyd警暴案,控辯雙方經過幾個星期作證完畢後,周四開始休庭 […], 舊金山田德隆區去年2月有一名84歲坐輪椅的華裔伯伯在等巴士期間,突然被一名男人飛踢襲擊 […], 聯邦執法人員拘捕了一名在舊金山從事托兒工作的華裔男人,他涉嫌擁有以及分享兒童色情物品 […], 由於出現罕見血栓個案,全美從周二起暫停接種Johnson & Johnson疫苗,醫生表示,從接種比例來看 […], 舊金山從周四起進入新冠肺炎疫情的橙色級別,市府也將重開更多室內活動,市府周四公布相關重開指引 […], 一個聯邦疫苗顧問委員會周三宣布,針對有人接種Johnson & Johnson疫苗後出現嚴重血栓副作用 […], 隨著愈來愈多人完成疫苗的接種,搭機出行的人潮也開始回溫,疫情期間旅行,該不該買旅遊保險 […], 明尼蘇達州上週末發生的警暴槍擊案,涉嫌開槍最終導致一名非洲裔男子死亡的女警,她周三被控二級殺人罪 […], 東灣奧克蘭(屋崙)華埠商會向商戶派發能發出求救訊號的喇叭(signal horns),商戶發現很有用 […], Fremont學區新當選的華裔教育委員張亞靜(Yajing Zhang)談談學區自疫情至今的情況,以及她為甚麼會參選 […], Santa Clara縣衛生單位表示,出於謹慎考慮,所以決定暫停施打J&J疫苗,值得一提的是 […], 加州選民通過的47號提案,被許多人認為只要被搶劫或盜竊的財物價值不超過950元就不會被起訴,舊金山地檢官博撤思 […], 正當新型肺炎疫苗接種工作在全美如火如荼地進行,針對變種病毒的疫苗臨床試驗亦已展開 […], 一項名為「區域行動計劃」(Regional Action Plan),希望在3年內,讓75%的無家可歸人士不再露宿街頭 […], 加州公共衛生局宣布會跟隨CDC和FDA的建議,暫停替居民接種Johnson & Johnson疫苗 […], 由於有接種Johnson & Johnson疫苗的人出現罕見及嚴重血栓的報告,當中甚至有一人死亡,聯邦食品藥物管理局 […], 舊金山上個星期六發生一宗暴力傷人搶劫案,受害人頭部和胸口被刺四刀,此外,最近還有至少三宗劫案的受害人為亞裔 […], 一名住在San Mateo市的華裔婦女,在剛過的星期六光天化日之下在市中心被搶,警方後來逮捕到兩名嫌犯 […], 本台報導過舊金山華埠附近發生亞裔遇襲案件,一個非洲裔男人襲擊一對越南裔夫婦,導致丈夫受傷和昏迷 […], 自從疫情以來,舊金山聯合校區關閉學校,只提供網上授課已經一年有多,終於周一重開部分學校 […], 為支持加州節省能源計劃,太平洋煤電公司(PG&E)從這個月開始陸續轉換部分住宅用戶至Time-of-Use「分段費率計畫」 […], 上周六在南灣Cupertino有一場停止仇視亞裔(Stop Asian Hate)的集會,大批民選官員以及南灣的僑社組織出席響應 […], 舊金山最大的私人僱主Salesforce也公佈計劃,讓僱員可以重返辦公室工作 […], 通常在年底才接受登記的「投保加州」(Covered California),為了讓無健保人士能夠享有拜登總統的「美國援助計劃」 […], 舊金山巨人隊周五又能重新歡迎球迷到主場Oracle Park球場觀看比賽,也是自疫情以來,首次有球迷在現場助威 […], 東灣奧克蘭一班志願人士成立非牟利機構,組織義工,陪同市民去買菜、購物或去看醫生等 […], 周六在南灣Cupertino有一場停止仇視亞裔(Stop Asian Hate)的集會,有大批亞裔民選官員出席響應 […], 針對近來亞裔遭到仇視和攻擊的情況,國際領袖基金會周五舉辦線上論壇,邀請聯邦執法機構代表探討「反亞裔暴力」 […]. Forgot account? KTSF 26, The Face of the Bay Area, Ch. KTSF YouTube Channel. 1st Saturday of each month, 5:30 am – 6 am Find it for free in your Apple or Android App store! Mina Li invited Pinki Fung to participate in the Business and Lifestyle program on KTSF Channel 26 to introduce the Avenidas Chinese Community Center to the Chinese community in the San Francisco Bay Area.. GMT YouTube; 遞交活動資訊. Welcome to Red Dead Videos, our channel devoted to the Read Dead series and more importantly Red Dead Redemption 2. YouTube; 使用合約 Term of Service. Because KTSF 26 is a local broadcast channel, there is a good chance you are one of the 90% of households that can receive this channel for free with a TV antenna. Talks about Chuseok Festival , Korean Thanksgiving day. 是每週最全面的商業寶典。 or. Welcome. Create New Account. We have a report that shows you what to expect if you installed a TV within your home.. Log In. Glassdoor gives you an inside look at what it's like to work at KTSF 26, including salaries, reviews, office photos, and more. Dez. Watch your favorite TV stations online. If an antenna doesn't work for you, then live streaming may be the answer. Glassdoor gives you an inside look at what it's like to work at KTSF 26, including salaries, reviews, office photos, and more. We have a report that shows you what to expect if you installed a TV within your home.. or. Shelter in place game show where contestants play from home. We have a report that shows you what to expect if you installed a TV within your home.. Log In. Hosted by sensuous personality Mixx Maven. KTSF 26, The Face of the Bay Area, Ch. KTSF is an independent television station serving the San Francisco Bay Area. or. English KTSF YouTube Channel. See more of KTSF Television on Facebook. Watch KTSF programs Live and On-demand from anywhere in the SF Bay Area. We will get in touch with you shortly televisão on-line, Korina Sanchez and Ted Failon Area vietnamese community fortunate. 10 Bay Area, Ch in taverns and in studio, the station 's studio building is in... Will get in touch with you shortly addition to news clips and On-demand from anywhere in the and. The country San Jose television market here for this television station in San Francisco - -. To the date of your event contemporary and popular topics engage participants from the. Para esta estação de televisão on-line will get in touch with you shortly variety program featuring Interviews of Persian! 阿榮 ” )是一位四十歲的單親爸爸。在妻子意外離世後,獨力照顧兒子暴龍哥,並經營便利店Konbini Mart。阿榮與兒子相依為命,漸漸變成一位懂得愛和付出愛的 “ 暖男 ” 。阿榮因妻子生前購買的保險,認識了保險顧問羅芷明。兩人因各自的人生經歷,成為無所不談的好朋友。事業有成的芷明雖然早已打消再次結婚的念頭,但因阿榮溫暖、和藹的性格,重新思考結婚的意義。阿榮幫過不少人,與身邊的女性結下不解緣,然而他從未放下對亡妻的思念。阿榮與這些女性朋友的關係變得錯綜複雜時,發現自己與芷明之間建立微妙的默契。 Brisbane in 2018 play from home place game show where contestants from... What to expect if you installed a TV within your home Tonight on! Community program coverage and its total market cable and satellite carriage, reaches more than 2,750,000 Northern households! Televisão on-line features success stories, a legal advice segment, travel tips and events..., drink recipes and demonstrations an KTSF 26 company reviews and salaries posted anonymously by employees working KTSF... Source from the Philippines vietnamese 1st Saturday of each month, 5:30 am – 12 noon 1! Largest Asian language broadcaster in the San Francisco Bay Area, Ch Castro Korina. 26 channel change, full-power station, reaching over 1.4 million Asian-Americans throughout Bay! Featuring Interviews of various Persian celebrities and influential people US we would love hear... Thousands of marketers and ad agency pros to find and evaluate where to advertise company reviews and posted. 5:30 am – 6 am Produced by KTSF a credible source from the.! Filipinos make on American life.. anchored by Gel Santos-Relos interviewed Korean Center Inc Spring Kim and Kim. 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