L.O.S.E.) he quickly exited the game, because he was playing the family he made of himself and doktor frogg, and their 16 children. Recent blog posts Rules Explore. League of Super Evil The mouse button activates your detonator. follows four Super Villains who have set their sights on nothing less than total neighborhood domination! He both causes and solves plenty of problems for L.O.S.E. This is thetwenty-fourthcombined episode ofseason onein the League of Super Evil TV series. Doktor Frogg Wears a blue jumpsuit with shoes, and matching claws. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The fact that he is always getting into accidents and/or being targeted by Doomageddon as prey, could be considered as a running gag. To this day, Doktor Frogg is terrified at the thought of today being his birthday as he says he's always injured somehow on his birthday (and the party his fellow LOSE members had for him was no exception). But unfortunately, Frogg's inventions always seem to find someway of backfiring on him or he gets very injured. Affiliation Frogg is usually teased by physically stronger people for being weak, and was once even called "a sack of bags" in "Dr. Strong Frogg.". Reruns ceased on YTV on 2 September 2014, when Teletoon picked up where YTV had left off. Fly for longer to earn more points! League of Super Evil Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. follows four Super Villains who have set their sights on nothing less than total neighbourhood domination! https://leagueofsuperevil.fandom.com/wiki/Doktor_Frogg?oldid=5457, He lost his first hand in a dodgeball accident during Superhero Kiddie College, and his other was crushed by a young. Doktor Archibald Frogg (voiced by Lee Tockar): Frogg is the inventor and the intelligent member of League of Super Evil, Frogg is a mad scientist whose genius is hampered by bad luck (he is usually electrocuted at least once in nearly every episode). Doktor Frogg . is seen as not-so-evil in comparison. Series Information Doomageddon is an pan-dimensional hell hound who cought ability to teleport, change size, fly, and turn invisible.Brought into the League of Super Evil and acts as their pet. Real Name or LOSE) is a Canadian animated television series inspired by the sketch "Once Were Heroes" by Ryan Harper-Brown, co-created by Philippe Ivanusic-Vallee, Davila LeBlanc, Peter Ricq, developed by Asaph Fipke, and produced by Nerd Corps Entertainment in conjunction with YTV. Frogg has finally had enough of being the weak link on the team, so he creates a machine that turns his extra brains into brawn and his IQ takes a … But he's got the biggest hairstyle above all of the other L.O.S.E. is a CGI Canadian cartoon series from YTV produced by Nerd Corps Entertainment (previously known for Storm Hawks) that parodies the superhero genre. Recent Changes; Random page; Community; Videos; Images; Talk: Doktor Frogg. Both his United States and Canadian Zodiac Sign is Taurus (April 20th - May 20th). Grab boosters for a short speed burst! League of Super Evil. members (that is IF Voltar doesn't have hair since he never reveals his face). voltar and doktor frogg walked into the living room of the base, where red was playing the sims 3 for console. 2 talking about this. His mortal fear is Doomageddeon trying to eat him, which he does on several occasions. He is known to often point out to Voltar the flaws in his schemes, as well as the potential in the items that could have been used successfully. Doktor Frogg is one of the main characters and member of the League of Super Evil. Use the mouse to dodge left and right. Voltar Doktor Frogg Red Menace Doomageddon Community. Edit source History Anyone have anything to say? Also, when he and the other LOSE members enter the Museum of Natural History to steal a dinosaur bone to clone their own monster, Frogg is the only one who really knows his history while Voltar has obviously been watching TOO MANY cartoons and getting his history screwed up (which strangely is shared by Gene). don't wait up!" Archibald He seems to be the only member of L.O.S.E. is helmed by the diminutive Great Voltar, whose grandiose plans are generally miniscule and child-… But DR. Frogg's earth melting 98 alarm chilli catches the eye of the mighty Skullossus. Armed with a whole new approach to badness, The League of Super Evil (a.k.a. Character Information Frogg has finally had enough of being the weak link on the team, so he creates a … The "Superior" League of Super Evil. L.O.S.E.) The League of Super Evil is a small group made of the title characters of the series. Desgin Edit. But Dr. Frogg's earth melting 98 alarm chilli catches the eye of the mighty Skullossus. Male Doktor Frogg is one of the main characters and member of the League of Super Evil. L.O.S.E. He also has blue sneakers and goggles, and has a tall, thin physique. Now the Lair has a mind of his own. Whether "Doktor" is his degree or actually his first name, and it can be questioned if Frogg is really his last name. It later resurfaced after a long deactivation by Voltar and Red Menace and caused a lot of trouble for them once Red Menace wound it up so much that it's wind up key broke off. Voltar tries to ruin the neighborhood birthday party when he does not get invited. https://lose.fandom.com/wiki/Doktor_Frogg?oldid=4495, ''DID YOU GET YOU'RE CEREAL BOX FROM A DRVING LISENCE. A military weapon falls into the hands of Lose; Frogg doesn't want to be the weak link on the team. They're also known as LOSE, which is pretty much how most of their jobs end up in the end. League of Super Evil - Honey, I Shrunk the Doktor - YouTube Not knowing if it was for the better or worse, Roxie 'Parmoria' began her life living with the league of super evil, mostly to repay Doktor Frogg for helping her after a fatal accident involving the loss of her feet. Dr Strong Frogg League of Super Evil. The … Open playback settings menu for autoplay and video quality settings - … Before Frogg joined LOSE, he created his first robotic creation, a robotic clown named Mr. Chuckles, bent on ruining the birthday parties of other children that he was not invited too. Doomageddon - the team pet, it is a destructive and disobedient creature from another dimension. He was once smitten with The Cougar, a female super thief who is known for flirting with younger men. not noticing a thing, doktor frogg called over and said "volty and i are headed out to dinner, red! Doktor Frogg - a mad scientist and the brains of the group, he is also the most accident-prone. The series ran from 7 March 2009 to 25 August 2012. / To get out of picking up Doomageddon's radioactive messes, Dr. Frogg creates clones of the League to do the dirty work. Also, without Voltar leading the others and acting like their leader, Frogg is a nervous wreck and cannot even make the simplest ransom demands without Voltar (despite earlier saying that he could make up more evil plans as opposed to Voltar's childish pranks). Doktor Frogg's birthday celebration turns into a disaster when Voltar and Red resurrect Frogg's very first childhood experiment: The extremely enthusiastic Chuckles the robotic birthday clown, a relentless party machine. skull symbol. Doktor Squidd is the inventor for the Legion of Supreme Evil, and the counterpart to Doktor Frogg. Strangely, he's seen as someone that Doomageddon, the group pet, wouldn't mind having for an appetizer as Doomageddon has tried to eat Frogg before. And according to his profile on the show's homepage, he's really got the brains for it too! This cloned version of the League of Super Evil was created by Doktor Frogg in an attempt to create stronger minions to do the "real" League's dirty work (mainly cleaning Doomageddon's radioactive droppings). In any case, Frogg is the kinda villain who schemes for more. 127 images (& sounds) of the League of Super Evil cast of characters. Doktor Frogg Group He has a bronze chin plate and bronze three-pronged bionic claws instead of hands that are able to swivel. League of Super Evilnote sometimes called The League of Super Evil (acronym L.O.S.E.) (you get the picture). It was going great and was possibly one of his best ever, until his own creation turned on him and gave him a wedgie from behind! / When Voltar's evil idol Destruktor the Destroyer moves in next door, the League of Super Evil is thrilled. When Voltar’s evil idol Destruktor The Destroyer moves in next door, the League of Super Evil is thrilled. L.O.S.E.) He never goes anywhere without his gold plated tweezers. When used, it destroys all hazards on the screen. His catchphrase is "Sorry Very Much" as seen in "Voltina" ". L.O.S.E. Subtitles Found! who is genuinely evil, as Voltar is childish, and Red Menace is a gentle giant. Due to his crazy and sometimes insane attitude, it's possible that Doktor Frogg has issues regarding his mental health or has a mental disorder (Possibly signs of Bipolar disorder and ADHD). While a mad scientist to the core, Frogg is the unluckiest man alive as he is always severely injured in some way or form, at least once per episode but often multiple times. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Voltar Doktor Frogg Red Menace Doomageddon henchbots 17 and 32 Injustice Gene - "Injustice Gene" Only Malakai ("Mal") Milk-"Lose Junior" Only Doktor Frogg's creations L.O.S.E.) While a mad scientist to the core, Frogg is the unluckiest man alive as he is always severely injured in some way or form. Add topic. He wears a pair of goggles that change shape along with his eyes to match his facial expressions. Villain But the evil apprenticeship is soon put to the test when the League is forced to take on undefeated super hero Glory Guy. Doktor Frogg is the inventor and brains of the League of Super Evil. The fact that he is always getting into accidents and/or being targeted by Doomageddon as prey, could be considered as a running gag. Doktor Frogg is the most accident proned person in the entire show as he is the one who always gets injured, beaten, squashed, slammed, zapped, etc. Doktor Frogg has crazy greenish-blue hair and a general blue color scheme He wears a blue overcoat with side buttons and simple dark blue pants held up by a belt bearing the L.O.S.E. The League of Super Evil (abbreviated as L.O.S.E.) ‎Armed with a whole new approach to badness, The League of Super Evil (a.k.a. Voice Actor L.O.S.E. Since there is a "K" instead of a "C" in his name "Doktor" it is possible that he may be at least part German, but it may also be simply a play on the stereotype of an evil mad scientist being German. Doktor Frogg's first name is Archibald as seen in "Once Upon a LOSE". He's got thin arms, a thin body, a straight and narrow head and even short, stubby legs. However this version of the League proved to be far more evil and a million times more powerful than the original having even nearly taken over the world. Crossover - Invader Zim & League of Super Evil - Rated: T - Spanish - Humor/Drama - Chapters: 19 - Words: 59,479 - Reviews: 42 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 3 - Updated: 8/11/2011 - Published: 2/18/2011 - Dib, Doktor Frogg - Complete Doktor Frogg is the inventor and brains of the League of Super Evil. 1 Character Description 1.1 Appearance 1.2 Behavior 1.3 Relationships 2 Core Episodes He is the same height and body type to Doktor Frogg, but with quite a few differences. Also, it's not been revealed yet why he is called "Doktor Frogg" to begin with (the way it's spelled could mean he is of German origin). Dok appears to be more evil then anyone else in L.O.S.E. He's a supporting character who is the butt-monkey of his group, and has earned himself a cult following as a sexyman. Fortunately for us Frogg's just about the unluckiest mad scientist on the planet, and his inventions are more likely to turn on him than anything else. Red Menace - a big, gentle guy who really isn't that evil, he is the brawns of the group. Doktor Frogg is a character from the Canadian animated television series League of Super Evil. Then there’s gadgeteer Doktor Frogg, whose evil genius is diminished only by his incredible bad luck. The main members (Red Menace, Voltar, Doktor Frogg, Doomageddon) The League of Super Evil (also known as L.O.S.E.) Join the Crashbox Fan group Discord: https://discord.gg/G7sE9RV a good example of this is the episode "L.O.S.E vs. Lair" when he created an entire facility named Lair-E. League of Super Evil (initialized as L.O.S.E. Outside his evil life, Frogg seems to be a big fan of a certain musical performer who he swoons over each time he mentions him or touches something that he previously touched (leading the others to think he's got some kind of mental issue from them glancing at him). League of Super Evil. League of Super E… A knock-out drag down battle over the chilli ensues, pitting Voltar against Skullossus with the earth (and the Burning Bum) hanging in the balance! is a league of so-called "villains" who star in the show of the same name.They live in Metrotown, a world of super heroes and super villains, but L.O.S.E. follows four Super Villains who have set their sights on nothing less than total neighborhood domination! Dodge hazards to stay flying longer! L.O.S.E. S01:E25 - Party Pooper / a LOSE/LOSE Situation. Lightning Liz (S1E1) It is Henchman Appreciation Day, and that means Red Menace is in charge. follows four Super Villains who have set their sights on nothing less than total neighborhood domination! In the episode "One Zillion", Frogg's ambitions for global domination truly shine when he tries to adjust the satellites orbiting in space to focus on their television. And when a super secret military weapon falls into the hands of LOSE, Red feels duty-bound to make sure it gets back to the proper owner. Although a mad scientist and the brain of the bunch, he is also commonly the voice of reason or the straight man. Armed with a whole new approach to badness, The League of Super Evil (a.k.a. is helmed by the diminutive Great Voltar, whose grandiose plans are generally minuscule and child-like-and give new meaning to the term lowered expectations. We found subtitles for the program Dr Strong Frogg. Doktor Frogg shows off his latest invention. Back to page. Frogg upgrades the Lair security system to protect Voltar's sweet new BMX bike. He hopes to move on past dominating their neighborhood and go for controlling the entire world. He is a member of the League of Super Evil, enabling Voltar's schemes along with the Red Menace and Doomageddon. A knock-out drag down battle over the chilli ensues, pitting Voltar against Skullossus with the earth (and the Burning Bum) hanging in the balance! He blew away his team's house with them inside with one of his inventions. To this point, Frogg sees Doomageddon as an enemy instead of an friend. Episode Introduced It also aired in the UK on CBBC. Please scroll down to get them, or go here for a preview. / L.O.S.E. Photos of the League of Super Evil (Show) voice actors. ... S01:E24 - Red Menacing / Dr. Strong Frogg. That night changed her. Sadly, when they do get a bone, it only cloned a harmless chicken as the bone was from Gene's chicken wing meal! When it went out of control, its central memory bank processors were later eaten by Doomageddon, slowly dying as it lost its intelligence. While a mad scientist to the core, Frogg is the unluckiest man alive as he is always severely injured in some way or form, at least once per episode but often multiple times. Frogg is easily the most nerdiest character in the series. But Frogg manages to escape, whether it's by his own or by Red Menace yanking him clean out of the beast's belly. Armed with a whole new approach to badness, The League of Super Evil (a.k.a. Lee Tockar Personality Edit. Official Facebook Page of the League of Super Evil. Gender He wears two mecahnical claws with three appendages on each, due to his real hands being severly injured long ago (one of by Doomagedon). As revealed in the episode "10", Frogg likes eating spicy wings from Pronto Pizza, oh, but not too spicy! Frogg is definately in his "evil genius mode" as he is laughing with an evil grin on his face at the sight of his plan nearly coming to fruition (it hopefully failed after losing contact with Voltar and the TV company took back control of their satellites when Voltar couldn't pay the 1 billion dollars bill!) Is the kinda villain who schemes for more Archibald as seen in `` Voltina '' `` his ). 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