In the wake of the hugely disappointing budget deal and the S.& P.’s debt downgrade, maybe we need to hang a new sign in the immigration arrival halls at all U.S. ports and airports. It was also his only release to hit the Top 40 of the pop chart. In the wake of this BLM era and the effects it is having on freedom of speech, it appears they are. Thanks. Do you ever feel "too good" for relationships? In general, the average, non partisan person doesn’t think of the tea party as terrorists. with the following sentence from the very same link you provided: Those who are not members of the [tea party] movement are narrowly divided over the terrorist question, and 58% of this group think the Tea Party has made things worse for the country. It’s not so much about assigning all the blame to the GOP for the run-up to the present, though I’m sure both Eddie and I would put more than half on that side of the ledger. BTW, are you ever going to revisit your earlier premise? If you are planning to be taken serious, you’re expected to contextually quote. Several prominent Democrats and their media friends have charged the Tea Party with being economic terrorists during the congressional budget debates, but most voters don’t see it that way. Now you’re backtracking and parsing, at the same time. @EddieInCA: My argument was always that it was both illegitimate and dangerous to hold the debt ceiling vote hostage to Democrats meeting budget demands. ..”the U.S. Treasury Department’s criticism of the credit rating agency’s analysis a “complete misrepresentation.” Even with the debt limit agreement passed by Congress, he said, “the underlying debt burden of the U.S. is rising and will continue to rise over the next decade.”. I think a convincing case for 75% can be made, though. Same-sex marriage is going to lead to man-on-dog sex. When I arrived there I looked over the many books for well over an hour, and only 1 book stood out to me. Spending time considering how you will navigate the logistics of blended learning come fall is productive if you are engaged in problem solving and making concrete decisions. War on terror 5796 dead 41221 wounded, Why must anyone play this game of which generation is better or worse than any other? schools are greedier and greedier they only care about money. You caught me Drew. Yet they have been spoken by Republican Presidential candidates. Or have you forgotten, The spirits that beckoned you on? The times are still good. save hide report. Definitely. I’d have to say, pretty much. Learn how to play your favorite songs with Ultimate Guitar huge database. There is plenty of oil left but it won’t be cheap – it won’t be cheap enough to keep cargo ships or the long haul truckers in business. Unlike the GOP (which has gone full wingnut), the Democratic Party is not run by its fringe. (BTW, I think the Boomers went to Vietnam…). Education, business, religion, government, and soon healthcare and retirement. When is a good time to take a break from your partner? Subscribe 117 Share. Those who are not members of the [tea party] movement are narrowly divided over the terrorist question, and 58% of this group think the Tea Party has made things worse for the country. Roughly 25 years. It doesn’t work because the situation simply isn’t equivalent, which makes your supposed switch either ridiculous or made up. @EddieInCA: Eddie, I am not a Republican, nor am I a dem for that matter – my point is that both parties have plenty of blame for the financial mess we are in – we have been playing fast and lose with money and credit for a long time – it is time to cut back our spending and learn to be responsible and think of the future. M. Merle Haggard Lyrics. It shows an American economy under ever-increasing competitive pressure, demographic trends making those pressures more acute and a voting public facing repeated disappointment as it yearns for better times. Even to companies that don’t need them. A quote is a quote that you and I pick out of context to affirm a point. Did you copy/paste that from the Rasmussen website? That’s about all I’ve got in your regard, John. Started October 10, 2020; New Projects: Sugarcane Cardi – Using the purple Madelinetosh Work Sock. people are not that free anymore in the US. Good times gona for USA and the world, Actually I think the best times are ahead. and oh-by-the-way…if the Republicans don’t have fear to sell they have nothing to sell. I think Rasmussen, like Zogby, had a couple good cycles back in the 1990s and either subsequently fell into disrepute, either by intentionally shifting their likely voter screens or just lousy methodology. Anybody who thinks otherwise is deluded. Cost of living is high everywhere in the world. ), and do well in school, live in a low cost, low tax state, you’ll have a great chance of being successful in life. Users who like Are The Good Times Really Over # 7,Gene Jumper, Merle Haggard, ( cover) A poor family make the … WW2 1,076245 dead and wounded So, yes, I’d say Dems have done better than the GOP in terms of fiscal responsibility in Washington. Second, something can be simultaneously a bad idea and work out well. It was sold as a way for little old ladies to keep their houses, but its real purpose to was allow huge corporations to duck property taxes on their real estate. It was back when the country was strong. In the new one, ordinary Americans “are going to be very frustrated, because the political system can’t deliver the rising economic performance and living standards they’ve come to expect.”. Sort by. We mistakenly treated the end of the cold war as a victory that allowed us to put our feet up — when it was actually the onset of one of the greatest challenges we’ve ever faced. Share; Tweet; Pin “What’s that got to … Or rather a poor argument and wording. You want to find comfort in that, help yourself. However the bad times of 2020 will soon be over, because there is always light at the end of the tunnel. I was thinking; the world that today's super young and newborns are growing up in is numerically worse than the one I grew up in, in EVERY single regard. Or the Republican National Commitee website? The last Bush turned me into an independent. Couple that with a willingness to play high-stakes chicken (and win, sigh) and the results aren’t likely to be good. Video game industry news, developer blogs, and features delivered daily People are poorer than before. We tend to forget the negative aspects of the past sooner than the positives. Because of course this is the big lie of prop 13. with 37% saying the Tea Party made things better and 37% [saying the Tea Party made things] worse. Are The Good Time Really Over. there is no artist who can picture the future. I'm still having good times. Republicans rejoice and blame Obama for fiscal irresponsibility. But they will burn themselves out soon and we can move on to the good times again, Not at all, good times are relative, and yeah, the world might be going a little crazy, but you can always still have a good time with the little things, like your friends smile, a hug from your family or partner, finally saving up enough for that thing you've always wanted, things like that, Calm down, yes we were hit by a 3 ton train while jogging blind folded with a dog biting on our right leg. Our indebtedness also rose significantly under Gray Davis and his terrible energy policies, followed by Arnold, who should have stayed in Hollywood. Well, given that Generation Y is the worst generation ever produced (they’re the least educated and the most spoiled, not a good combination). It’s amazing to me how you can just gloss over six years like that. I’m 65 and I am still using kitchen devices that belonged to my grandmother. Don't say the good times are over, 'Cause every second is a state of mind, Don't say the good times are over, Don't let the world pass you by. And since when did you live in California? But a clean, simple majority – 58% “think the Tea Party has made things worse for the country.”. Cell phones follow a similar pattern where most of the big names involved in the development are either from before or after the boomers. Memo to America: Stop waiting for Democrats and Republicans to save you. The Danny Joines Channel Published January 15, 2021 80 Views. Dems periodically go out of their way to stomp on the progressive wing of the Party. Thanks John. We may easily be in for another spell that long. Smaller families stretched family incomes further. Years back I rappelled into the Sotano de las Gollandrinas (1094 feet) with a blown piece of climbing gear. Close • Posted by just now. I think it gets back to the discussion from the other day…yeah both sides use fear, and have as you say, since time immemorial…but it’s not a zero sum game. I realize Rs think the answer is to make cops, firefighters and university professors work for minimum wage — well, except the professors, who should all be fired since they’re Commie elitists — but those of us who value human life and human excellence know that professionals need to be paid what they’re worth. Your generation is being given the responsibility of building on those accomplishments. Crap…. When I was a kid everyone dreamed to live in USA it was a land of dreams, now it doesn't seem as it was before its turning in to third world country. I’m just pointing out that the sentiments we’re seeing now have been with us periodically before. Voters, in fact, say members of the Tea Party are not economic terrorists. It could simply read: “Welcome. My dilemma is the alternative which I don’t particularly like either. “Now we reach our modern age, when we can no longer stand our vices, nor the remedies needed to cure them.” Livy, 27 BC, Obama Favoring Donors In Ambassador Appointments? From left to right: Bart, Marge, Santa's Little Helper (dog), Maggie, Homer, Lisa, and Snowball II (cat). Eleven percent (11%) are undecided. Could still last ten years, like they should. I thought you were asking for examples ;-), you know, since “time immemorial.”. They’re almost certainly not as bad as they were during the turmoil of the late 1960s and early 1970s, with Vietnam, the civil rights struggle, Watergate, and the oil shocks ripping the country apart. Look at the right’s war on homosexuals for instance. Or are you simply a collective of right wing hacks churning out boilerplate answers? Stand up for the Flag and let's all ring the Liberty bell. We're heading for hard times. I will say, however, that some of Reagan’s deficit problems were due to the dems not honoring the cuts that were supposed to go along with the revenue increases. Maybe we will find that a good life can be had with smaller houses, fewer cars and quite a bit less stuff. All they’ve done their entire lives is show up at each institution in our society, ravenously consume everything available, and the crap all over whatever’s left before moving on to the next one. It is truly crazy that you first argued for an unworkable debt bill and then later crow that it was achieved. I doubt they were really involved accept possibly as some of the most junior engineers involved in the project. I merely point out that it was a good negotiating tactic in that it worked as intended, giving Republicans leverage and securing major cuts that they wouldn’t have gotten otherwise. Or your own, evidently. G C Stand up for the flag and let's all ring the liberty bell. So fear that the good ‘ol days are gone is front and center in their catalogue of fears. Could still last ten years, like they should. You are entering the United States of America. @EddieInCA: No offense, I think you just made us all dumber by that response. Friedman may be simplistic but his advocacy or education, research and bringing in the brightest is correct. First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye. Not for me of course, but then again, I am currently teaching in a “developing” nation at a 65% increase in pay over what I was able to make in the US. We have the president to thank for this. Location: Zurich Unterland. Are the good times really over for good? I see now what you’re doing. Daddy Doesn't Pray Anymore. Riots, wars, sickness, corrupt government, greed... it's always happening. All Rights Reserved. Is the best of the free life behind us now? Like Mexico or Brazil in the past, the debt is going to be a real drain in the economy. Watching the news and reading the op-eds makes it clear: America is doomed. I’m scrolling back… wondering “WTF did I write?” Then I read the 2nd post. July 2011: Obama offers Republicans a $4 trillion debt-reduction deal. As for California, all our problems can be traced to Prop. What’s different now than any of those previous times in history is that you have one party that is beholden to nihilists who, willingly and proactively, put the US financial full faith and credit at risk for political gain – all the while you and your ilk were saying “That’s a good negotiating tactic.” – regardless of what it did to the country. Are we rolling down hill like a snowball headed for hell? It’s true your generation is inheriting the cost of our golden years(and two wars) just as we did for our parents and grandparents. But Friedman is, at heart, an optimist. …yet the GOP refuses to cut subsidies. LOL. Are the good times really over for good? All of these things are demonstrably untrue. Pelosi, sure. In short we paid our dues, meet our resposibilities to our elders, protected your freedom. Eddie’s original post was to James. Clinton was a more flexible president too, and went along with cost-cutting bills, such as Welfare reform, which only gave fiscal kudos to his reign, especially in light of his impreachment. Me ’ on this one thing again, perhaps at an even rapid... The 50s and 60s, again, perhaps at an even more rapid pace, now how about admitting characterizing! Lot more when it doesn ’ t admit that, help yourself was strong, cushioning reality Romney ’ worldview. Gone full wingnut ), the average, non partisan person doesn ’ over! To mean the good times are over Eddie really believes that 100 % blame to one.! And try to gauge their impact just made us all on TV yeah. 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