In light of a celebration, whether it’s an end of year break or a big win … For meeting details, connection information and the agendas, please refer to the full announcement document located on the Town Hall Meetings information page or at the link below.. In fact, if you were to ask employees, they might say: When town halls are well run, they give employees the chance to closely interact with senior leaders, which builds trust and confidence. Archive; Town Hall; Feedback; Contact Us. Here are three ways to do so: Instead of rehashing the quarterly financial report, ask the CFO to share what analysts are most concerned about. Consider telling a compelling story that brings the issue to life. Council Meetings. Never skip Q&A. Having the CEO address the team and give a rallying speech is a good way of getting people to feel motivated. There will be a virtual Family Town Hall Meeting for members of the Bar on Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at 12:30 PM in both Edmonton and Calgary. Correspondence to the Mayor and Members of Council regarding agenda items can be made by submitting them to the … The Town of Fort Erie offers live audio streaming during Council, Council-in-Committee and Council-in-Budget Committee meetings. Fun agenda. The safest way for employees to participate is as part of a big group. In this case, a poll could be useful in promoting more positive thinking. In an effort to make the Town of Grimsby Council meetings more accessible for residents, the Town of Grimsby is live streaming meetings of Council. Think about which topics build energy and lift people up, and how others will require serious thought. Catering food is a great way of treating your employees and to celebrate. Attendees will be screened at the door, and are asked to wear a community mask until seated. By dedicating some time in the town hall to address these results, either to ask about outlier opinions, or to realign the company to the chosen strategy of the company. Gone are the days of highly-staged, annual performances with bright lights and timed musical interludes, topped off with a tightly-vetted CEO Q&A. The intention is to create an open space for employees to engage in conversations. No one hates a free meal. The sessions are scheduled months in advance and, a few weeks before the town hall meeting will be held, the communicator in charge starts to work on content the meeting will cover. Start by structuring the session to engage employees’ emotions. The town hall seems like a laundry list (a bulleted list of facts) or rice at a wedding (unstructured, scattered content). In most companies, it can be easy to get stuck on day-to-day work. What do we want employees to know, believe and do as a result of participating in the meeting?”. Whether the meeting is at a country, regional, or international scale, the gathering of a significant part of the company is crucial in shaping the company's organisational culture. They ensure everyone understands the goals of the organization. 6:30pm Planning and Development Council Meeting. Agenda - January 25, 2021. Town Hall meetings are generally held as an opportunity for the Board, Homeowners, and sometimes industry experts (roofers, construction consultants, engineers, lawyers) to discuss specific topics, in a more casual and conversational manner (as compared to a formal Board Meeting). If you have a dedicated minutes-taker at the town hall, having a few ending points crafted out during the meeting, including some key concerns addressed and follow-up actions, could help ensure that everyone is on the same page when they leave. Staff remain on-site Monday - Friday between 8:30am - 4:30pm. Emergency Contacts . Large companies that have dispersed teams can often struggle to stay on the same page, even within a town hall meeting. Making the game about the company, such as fun facts about the company or its employees, could also help build company culture. And it’s made worse when one session is just the same as every other town hall. Use audience response devices or text polling to ask employees their opinions on key issues. Deadline to register is 4 pm on the day before the meeting. View our Council Meeting Calendar to access agendas, minutes, video recordings and staff reports from upcoming and recent Council and Committee meetings.. Meeting agendas will be posted on the Council Meeting Calendar by noon on the Friday before a regular meeting. For many years, town hall meetings have been an important tool for informing citizens about emerging issues, gauge where a community stands on certain subjects and serves as a place to identify and implement solutions to a problem. A theater-style arrangement sends a signal to people that their role is to observe and listen—not participate. Even if time is tight, make time to answer at least two or three questions. 6:30pm Council Meeting. See our Council meeting calendar to confirm the date and time of the meeting. When I worked with a public school district, we often held public meetings to provide taxpayers and parents important updates, and to offer a platform to collect feedback and input. 65 Harwood Ave. S. Ajax, Ontario. “The CEO says he wants questions, but presentations always run long and we end up with only a few minutes for Q&A.” Sharing a meal also acts as an effective social lubricant. When the Town is able to return to regular operations, the Public Council Meetings will return to the regular schedule of the first and third Tuesdays of the month. You need enough time to set up the discussion, facilitate dialogue and build momentum. Choosing the right kind of question to ask could be great in reframing the way someone thinks, making it a powerful motivating tool. Show photos, play audio, create a video. Regular meeting on Monday, January 25 th at 7 p.m. Instead of asking their opinions about an initiative, try an open-ended poll about what the highlight of their quarter was. And they bring people together to create a sense of community. “With all those charts, time moves so slowly.” Typically, company town hall meetings are hosted by a member of upper management, either a CEO or a country/regional manager and are attended by all employees in a large conference hall. Plan your town hall meeting the way you would a special event or a television talk show. Main 905-683-4550. Open Public Meetings. Please Note: This meeting will be recorded. Instead, ask yourself: How can you put this town hall together to raise employees’ energy and leave them feeling more motivated than when they came in? Town hall agendas can be crafted to ensure that the town hall meets your needs, whether to be efficient, motivating, or inclusive. Agendas for upcoming meetings, as well as the most recent minutes of previous meetings will be provided when available. If you need to light a fire under everyone, try this agenda. Since town hall meetings are meant to help align the team for the next month or quarter ahead, sharing key statistics, such as financials or KPIs, will help back up the reasoning for the company’s strategy and actions. Consider hiring a facilitator in addition to having a legal representative … I feel like I heard it all before.” Town Hall Meetings The CCA is proud to present town hall meetings across Canada. Enter the interactive town hall. In fact, the core principle is participation. Clarington's Council Meeting Calendar displays agendas, minutes and video recordings from upcoming and recent Council and Committee meetings.. Instead of calling for questions, coach leaders to pose a question. This is also what the Town Hall Meeting is exactly about. Instead of repeating any existing content, explore new ways to engage the audience. Agendas and Minutes. Upcoming and recent meetings. Start with this premise: A town hall meeting is an event, not a series of presentations. We need your contributions to move forward. Limit your agenda to no more than three key topics (yes, only three) and keep the level of detail to a … To do this, we post our council and committee meeting agendas and minutes so that you can stay up-to-date on the issues that matter most to you. Town Hall meetings are important for team alignment and morale, following this Town Hall meeting agenda will ensure your team has an opportunity to share important information, give and receive recognition, and celebrate wins. Committee of the Whole and Regular Council meetings take place on the same evening, on the first and third Monday of the month beginning at … March 18, 2021, 6-8 pm (CST) An opportunity for church members and leadership to engage in conversation around the Collaborated Unified Strategic Plan (CUSP) A ZOOM link for the meeting will be included in your confirmation email once you register. This would not only raise awareness of what their overseas counterparts are doing, but also keep them aligned to the same overarching goals. While it may be tempting to turn to numbers and statistics, Nancy Duarte wrote in a Forbes article that the power behind authentic and persuasive CEO speeches comes from personal stories. Agenda - March 29, 2021. Council Agendas are posted on the Friday prior to a regular meeting of Goderich Town Council. Celebrating milestones together can help bring the whole company together and foster that sense of community within the company. Allow plenty of time. No more fog machines. By changing the chairs, you signal to employees that this town hall meeting may be different from the ones that came before. 7pm Committee of Adjustment Electronic Hearing. Meetings & Agendas. Town of Ajax. The meeting can be viewed online on the Council Meetings webpage. Of course, you’ve got to do more than just rearrange the room; create an activity (such as a breakout discussion) that takes advantage of the new seating arrangement. Ancient civilizations meeting in the town square offered some early iterations of this group meeting. The result is that employees start to dread town hall meetings rather than looking forward to attending them. A town hall meeting is an informal public meeting around shared subjects of interest. If you have a short timeframe to work with but a large company, picking out initiatives or topics to focus on could help condense the content. Sometimes, you just need to motivate an unmotivated team. The town hall meeting – that staple of corporate employee relations – is evolving. Studies have shown that a shared appreciation for food boosts cooperation and trust, and people who eat together tend to come to an agreement sooner. Instead of giving every topic equal time, create in-depth sessions on the issues that matter most. This seating arrangement signals to employees that they’re in this together—that they’ve got a chance to work together to participate. One of the most common mistakes made in planning town halls is including too many topics. We aim to keep you informed on what's happening in your town by operating in an open and transparent manner. L1S 2H9. Regular meeting on Monday, February 22 nd at 7 p.m. For the town hall to be truly effective, here’s what you should ask: “What are the outcomes we are trying to achieve in holding this town hall? But if the leader poses a question—like “What are the obstacles to achieving this objective?”—employees have the opportunity to participate from a position of strength. This could also be followed up by meeting minutes, a summary of all questions asked, and a transcript of the answers. 6:30pm Public Meeting. This could be a standard prompt to stand up and say hello to the people sitting around you, or a full-on ice-breaker game. The good news is this: You can create content that’s fresh and unexpected; you just need to put in a little effort. Here is a sample: “Please plan to attend the 1st quarter Town Hall Meeting. Physical space matters and sets the tone for the session For example, … The content is as stale as last week’s bread. Here is an example of what I mean—an energy-creating agenda that immerses employees in a key initiative: Thank you for great year; recognize teams that made a difference (5 minutes), Recap 7 priorities for the coming year, give a tangible example for each (5 minutes), Focus on customer service priority: what’s happening with our competitors, why customer service is a differentiator, how we’re working to improve our scores by 10% (15 minutes), Employee perspectives on customer service, brainstorm initial ideas, Q&A and discussion (25 minutes). But when town hall meetings last at least an hour, employees could disengage quickly and lose interest. Here’s a simple change that will make a big difference: rearrange the way the room is set up. Most town halls and other leader venues are too heavily weighted toward presentations, leaving only a few minutes at the end for Q&A. Members of the Bar are encouraged to attend and take their own notes. TOWN HALL WILL BE CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC BEGINNING APRIL 6, 2021. How, then, can you tap into the potential to make town halls as effective as possible? Invite an internal expert to explain what it means. Town hall participation shouldn’t be painful. Passing around a microphone always works. Watch our live streamed Council meetings. at town hall meetings to talk openly about important issues, share opinions and ask burning questions. This is your meeting, and it’s important to create a two-way dialogue about the direction of the company. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(1843972, '65bb9cd7-3459-4feb-a7f3-e3b1907dc0f6', {"region":"na1"}); Some town halls are to address problems or to stay accountable. Committee of the Whole is comprised of four (4) divisions: Administration and Finance, Parks, Recreation and Culture, Public Works, and Planning and Development. It would look something like this: The opening address would usually be led by the CEO or someone from upper management to kick off the town hall meeting. A fun and fuss-free game is a trivia game, which could be played from the audience’s phones. Council minutes are posted following their adoption at the following regular meeting of Goderich Town Council. Town Hall is at a reduced level of service due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Depending on the size of your company, starting with an ice-breaker could help set a lighter tone during the meeting. Shortly you will receive an invitation to anonymously submit questions or feedback about the company. STAFF REMAIN ON SITE. “I don’t know what it means to me.” Town Hall meetings are based on a Question and Answer format with all members of the public welcome to pose questions and provide comments to Council members. Regular meeting on Monday, March 29 th at 7 p.m. According to employee engagement author Liz Jazwiec: “The bottom line is that workplace celebrations foster relationship building, improve morale, enhance retention, and encourage employees to achieve results.”. Or, if there’s a successful project or team that has hit a significant milestone, feature it in the town hall to show recognition for their efforts. All meetings are live streamed on the Town's YouTube channel: Fort Town TV. In many organizations, town halls have become so routine that they run almost on automatic pilot. Instead, consider setting up the room up with round tables, with employees sitting in a semi-circle around one side of each table, facing leaders. Open public meetings are (clearly) open to anyone and everyone, and simply … Town Hall Meeting | The CUSP. In the case of a special meeting, we will post the agenda at least 24 hours before the meeting. To view agendas and minutes for Council meetings, please visit the Agendas & Minutes page. Public meetings begin 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers, located at Paradise Town Hall, 28 McNamara Drive. Many organizers arrange the chairs in theater style: semicircular rows of chairs facing a stage. Never miss a blog article, new offers, or other useful content. Town halls exist to serve everyone; from citizens to civil servants. Even in the most supportive culture, it’s risky for employees to expose potential ignorance by asking a question. Agenda - February 22, 2021. Town Council has a combined meeting approach: Committee of the Whole and Regular Council. By the time the town hall meeting begins, there are 10 or 12 topics shoehorned into 40 minutes of presentation time. He or she meets with leaders, asking, “What do you want to talk about this time?”, But that’s actually the wrong question. Today, every town hall should be planned not just as a way to share information but as an engaging experience. It’s not unusual for organizers to put town halls together by collecting topics from key stakeholders. Instead of reiterating all seven strategic initiatives, focus on one. Here’s how it works: employees ask leaders questions. Auto Attendant 905-619-2529. 9:30am Appeals Committee Meeting. Corporation of the Town of Erin 5684 Trafalgar Rd. The concept of a town hall meeting is nothing new. Create a breakout session where employees share perspectives on the issue. There are a lot more benefits to starting a town hall with a poll, which you can read about here. It sets the standard of how teams within the organisation communicate to each other, the relationship between managers and employees, and the way an organisation problem-solves, strategises, and celebrates together. When major changes occur in a company, its employees risk becoming misaligned. Limit your agenda to no more than three key topics (yes, only three) and keep the level of detail to a … However, the problem occurs when the meeting becomes just a series of dense, one-way presentations. Held in conjunction with our provincial member associations, the meetings provide an excellent opportunity to connect with CCA executive and managers to get the latest news, updates and in-depth information on the many initiatives the CCA is involved in on behalf of Canada’s 60,000 beef farms. Mostly relief that it’s over.”, The potential of effective town hall meetings, 5 actions you can take to plan a meaningful town hall meeting, Objectives like these are a great starting point for building. How Do You Run a Meaningful Town Hall Meeting For Employees? In light of a celebration, whether it’s an end of year break or a big win for the team, try changing up your town hall meeting to be more light-hearted. Town Hall Meetings Notice of upcoming Town Hall Meetings is provided below. Town hall meetings, also known as all hands meetings, are a way for company management to meet and connect with their employees. By doing so, you’re creating focused objectives that build a strong foundation for planning a town hall meeting that’s not based on a collection of topics (see #2), but on measurable outcomes that make the session worth the effort. Go beyond Q&As to transform participation. Consider Hiring a Facilitator. If people are too shy to speak up, use a live audience interaction tool that allows anonymous submissions and question voting. Energize employees early—and give them opportunities to participate throughout the meeting, not just at the end. You could have each team lead share their progress, project leaders share the results from their latest initiatives, or even have the CEO zoom in on a part of the company's culture that they choose to highlight. Members of Council participate on a voluntary basis and there is no formal Agenda. Objectives like these are a great starting point for building better town halls: Increase confidence in the company and trust in leaders, Learn about an issue that’s vital to the organization. To help guide you along, here are five agendas that you can use and adapt to your company’s needs. People avoid making eye contact. At nearly every traditional town hall meeting, there’s a … Town halls share content employees can’t hear anywhere else. For a company with remote teams, this could be a short 5-10 minute presentation from remote workers to talk about what they're working on. 5 Agenda Templates for Your Next Employee Town Hall, works together and celebrates together stays together, How to Create a Gratitude Culture in the Workplace, Leave all questions to the dedicated Q&A session, When someone is speaking, no interruptions will be welcomed, Address Poll results (sent before the meeting). Physical space matters and sets the tone for the conversation. 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