Ein wohlhabendes, junges Paar fährt übers Wochenende von der Stadt aufs Land, um dort vom Vater der Frau das Testament zu empfanden, das … A supposedly idyllic weekend trip to the countryside turns into a never-ending nightmare of traffic jams, revolution, cannibalism and murder as French bourgeois society starts to collapse under the weight of its own consumer preoccupations. Wherever you are. aka: Weekend. Each has a secret lover and conspires to murder the other. Sie sind in einen Autounfall verwickelt und müssen die Reise zu Fuß fortsetzen. The most known Godard film,and in some person's opinion his best.I would say that it is nowhere near the first 4 movies in my opinion,but the great things about this film are the atmosphere(the jazz,the chase,the cigarette smoking,the humphrey bogart style,even the death..) and the inovation of … Killed during an escape attempt, Roland is chopped up and cooked. by Pauline Kael. Original, rarely-shown French release trailer for Jean-Luc Godard's WEEKEND, now touring in a new 35mm print via Janus Films. Auf dem Weg dorthin scheint sich die Welt gegen das Ehepaar verschworen zu haben. Jean-Luc Godard . [4][5] Tim Brayton described it as a "film that reads itself, tells the viewer what that reading should be, and at the same time tells the viewer that this reading is inaccurate and should be ignored. Godard's last traditional movie until 1980 is a Cassandra against uninhibited materialism and future Pol Pots. Alles in Butter | Satire von Jean-Luc Godard. Weekend . Weekend | A wealthy and loveless couple are scheming to collect an inheritance. Ostwind | Satire von Jean-Luc Godard. Jean-Pierre Léaud, comic star of numerous French New Wave films including Truffaut's Les Quatre Cent Coups (The Four Hundred Blows) and Godard's earlier Masculin Féminin, appeared in two roles. Weekend. But neither is it a purely visual film like "2001," existing within its own self-contained rationale. Außer Atem | The film shows the downfall of western civilization through automobiles. Archival interviews with actors Mireille Darc and Jean Yanne, cinematographer Raoul Coutard, and assistant director Claude Miller Excerpt from a French television program on director Jean-Luc Godard, featuring on-set footage from Weekend shot by filmmaker Philippe Garrel End of Story, End of Cinema: Weekend (Jean-Luc Godard, 1967) Jean-Luc Godard’s Weekend was released in Paris on December 29, 1967, capping a calendar year in which he premiered no less than three features and two shorts, including Deux ou trois choses que je sais d’elle (Two or Three Things I Know About Her) and La Chinoise. They drive out to Corinne's parents' home in the country to secure her inheritance from her dying father, resolving to resort to murder if necessary. The film shows the downfall of western civilization through automobiles. Godard's "Weekend" is not a narrative film like "Bullitt," and it makes no attempt to tell a story. Roland and Corinne are a bourgeois couple. Eine Geschichte des Wassers | He commits murder of the accountant who knew about his … "Weekend" is about violence, hatred, the end of ideology and the approaching cataclysm that will destroy civilization. There is not a shred of empathy or humanity to be found here, even as abstract, theoretical ideas. Now, in Weekend, he has just about got down to the bare bones. Aria (Episode: Armide) | 39 Filme, die ihr gesehen haben solltet. Weekend (French: Week-end) is a 1967 French black comedy[2][3] film written and directed by Jean-Luc Godard and starring Mireille Darc and Jean Yanne, both of whom were mainstream French TV stars. Now, in Weekend, he has just about got down to the bare bones. The Criterion Collection . Director . Only the title of Jean-Luc Godard’s new film is casual and innocent; Weekend is the most powerful mystical movie since The Seventh Seal and Fires on the Plain and passages of Kurosawa. Download to watch Offline. The film is a provocative and deliriously funny examination of sexual politics in Paris during the height of the Vietnam War, and its genius is the way Godard seamlessly encodes his complex philosophy of the world into a deceptively simple love … Now, in Weekend, he has just about got down to the bare bones. Die Karabinieri | Seiner … The film is a provocative and deliriously funny examination of sexual politics in Paris during the height of the Vietnam War, and its genius is the way Godard seamlessly encodes his complex philosophy of the world into a deceptively simple love … Vorlage:Rotten Tomatoes/Wartung/Verschiedene Kenner in Wikipedia und Wikidata, Masculin – Feminin oder: Die Kinder von Marx und Coca-Cola, Zwei oder drei Dinge, die ich von ihr weiß, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Weekend_(1967)&oldid=191375141, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Maria und Joseph | Die Frauen sind an allem schuld | So sei die knapp „zehnminütige Kamerafahrt entlang einer Autokolonne auf einer Landstraße“, die „von einer ohrenbetäubenden Geräuschkulisse“ begleitet werde, eine der „unvergeßlichen Sequenzen der Filmgeschichte“. In 1964, Godard described his and his colleagues' impact: "We barged into the cinema like cavemen into the Versailles of Louis XV." Beautiful, interesting, incredible movies — a new film every single day. Nouvelle Vague | April 1969 in die deutschen Kinos. 1967. Jean-Luc Godard (* 3. The film where Godard expresses possibly his most vehement hatred of humanity I've seen and posits that the behavior of the bourgeois are empty, selfish, meaningless gestures that must be smashed but admits there is no good solution to replace the chaos in its void. Features . It is also about the problem of how to make a movie about this. Der Film lief 1968 auf der Berlinale im Wettbewerb um den Goldenen Bären. The most known Godard film,and in some person's opinion his best.I would say that it is nowhere near the first 4 movies in my opinion,but the great things about this film are the atmosphere(the jazz,the chase,the cigarette smoking,the humphrey bogart style,even the death..) and the inovation of … Weekend (Originaltitel: Week End) ist ein französischer Experimentalfilm von Jean-Luc Godard aus dem Jahr 1967. Weekend is a scathing late-sixties satire that presents a critique of bourgeois consumer culture as directed by the most famous member of the Nouvelle Vague, Jean-Luc Godard.The film follows a couple who travel across the French countryside in the hope of snatching away an inheritance from a dying relative. Godard includes moments of political discourse, as well as references to his favourite films – Gösta Berling (1924), Johnny Guitar (1954), The Searchers (1956) – and quips about the relation of art to to reality, but his main goal was to make his arrogant cruel bourgeois couple literally go through hell. Ein junges Paar (Jean Yanne, Mireille Darc) macht sich auf den Weg, um aus reiner Profitgier die Eltern der Frau zu ermorden. Stream Now. Das älteste Gewerbe der Welt | There is not one sympathetic character. Consistently, with the lone exceptions probably being Pierrot Le Fou and Weekend Godard's films are usually more fun to contemplate, analyze, write about, and discuss than they are to watch. Original, rarely-shown French release trailer for Jean-Luc Godard's WEEKEND, now touring in a new 35mm print via Janus Films. 1967. Elf Uhr nachts | Time Out says. Time Out says. Film. Es handle sich um einen „ungeheuer aggressive[n] Film, der seine Kritik in eine intellektuelle Form gießt und durch seine formale Virtuosität besticht“. Ever. Godard, you motherfucker. "[6] Redaktion. Die Geschichte der Nana S. | Immer wieder stoßen sie auf scheinbar Wahnsinnige, darunter auch eine als Indianer verkleidete Kannibalenbande. Director . [3], Die Website filmzentrale.com sprach von „Godards vielleicht ambitionierteste[m] Film“, in dem „jeder Konflikt eine aufs äußerste Extrem getriebene Angelegenheit auf Leben und Tod“ darstelle.[4]. [2] Für den Evangelischen Filmbeobachter war Weekend gleich einem „Menetekel aus zerbeulten und brennenden Autos, aus Schrott, Blut, Leichen, barbarischen Riten und zur Erörterung populärer Revolutionstheorien“. „Der Film ist zum Kotzen. Jean-Luc Godard . Eins plus Eins | Supplier . Ein wohlhabendes, junges Paar fährt übers Wochenende von der Stadt aufs Land, um dort vom Vater der Frau das Testament zu empfanden, das ihnen Millionenbeträge zusichern soll. Since Godard is anything but a dime a dozen in the great pantheon of directors, most have not taken heed of his message. Diese selbstreferentielle, enervierte Aussage des Protagonisten, der … Year after year, Jean-Luc Godard has been chipping away at the language of cinema. They kill her and hit the road again, only to fall into the hands of a group of hippie revolutionaries (calling themselves the Seine and Oise Liberation Front) that support themselves through theft and cannibalism. Außerdem begegnen sie fiktiven und historischen Persönlichkeiten wie Alice im Wunderland, Emily Brontë und dem Revolutionär Antoine de Saint-Just.[1]. Jean Yanne, Jean-Pierre Kalfon, Mireille Darc . Jean Luc Godard's "Weekend" is so dark, so evil and yet so funny. An in-depth review of the film Week End (1967), aka Weekend, directed by Jean-Luc Godard, featuring Mireille Darc, Jean Yanne, Jean-Pierre Kalfon. Determined to collect an inheritance from a dying relative, a bourgeois couple travel across the French countryside while... Read more . With Maksim Matveev, Yuliya Khlynina, Vyacheslav Chepurchenko, Viktor Sukhorukov. Many of Godard's films challenge the conventions of traditional Hollywood in addition to French cinema. Filmrevolutionär Jean-Luc Godard inszenierte bereits 1967 einen Film, der weit über heutige apokalyptische Szenarien hinausging. Since Godard is anything but a dime a dozen in the great pantheon of directors, most have not taken heed of his message. But they don't seem to be organized according to any system. In many ways, this is the perfect Godard film—complex but accessible, critical but sympathetic—and in many ways anticipates 1967’s Weekend. Weekend (French: Week-end) is a 1967 French black comedy film written and directed by Jean-Luc Godard and starring Mireille Darc and Jean Yanne, both of whom were mainstream French TV stars. In one of the first scenes Corinne tells her lover about a sexual experience she had. Dezember 1930 in Paris) ist ein französisch-schweizerischer Regisseur und Drehbuchautor. After their own Facel-Vega is destroyed in a collision, they wander through a series of vignettes involving class struggle and figures from literature and history, such as Louis Antoine de Saint-Just and Emily Brontë. Year after year, Jean-Luc Godard has been chipping away at the language of cinema. Passion | Raoul Coutard served as cinematographer; Weekend was his last collaboration with Godard for over a decade. But revolutionary films always take some time for audiences to catch up. Charlotte und ihr Kerl | von NeonFox | vor 5 Jahren. Weekend book. “Weekend” is the closest thing to a Chabrol film that Godard ever made. In many ways, this is the perfect Godard film—complex but accessible, critical but sympathetic—and in many ways anticipates 1967’s Weekend. Détective | Archival interviews with actors Mireille Darc and Jean Yanne, cinematographer Raoul Coutard, and assistant director Claude Miller Excerpt from a French television program on director Jean-Luc Godard, featuring on-set footage from Weekend shot by filmmaker Philippe Garrel The Criterion Collection . Bildbuch. An in-depth review of the film Week End (1967), aka Weekend, directed by Jean-Luc Godard, featuring Mireille Darc, Jean Yanne, Jean-Pierre Kalfon. Redaktion. The main character of the movie - Igor Lebedev - the finance director of large corporation. It's every man for himself in a crazed consumer world. Vorname Carmen | Eine verheiratete Frau | Godard, you motherfucker. Die sieben Todsünden | In 1964, Godard described his and his colleagues' impact: "We barged into the cinema like cavemen into the Versailles of Louis XV." Weekend (French: Week-end) is a 1967 French black comedy film written and directed by Jean-Luc Godard and starring Mireille Darc and Jean Yanne, both of whom were mainstream French TV stars. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. It … With Mireille Darc, Jean Yanne, Jean-Pierre Kalfon, Yves Afonso. Forever Mozart | This scathing late-sixties satire from Jean-Luc Godard is one of cinema's great anarchic works. Zwei oder drei Dinge, die ich von ihr weiß | Rette sich, wer kann (das Leben) | Weekend - Meine Liebe zu Godards Untergangsvision. It … Liebe und Zorn (Episode: Liebe) | The film where Godard expresses possibly his most vehement hatred of humanity I've seen and posits that the behavior of the bourgeois are empty, selfish, meaningless gestures that must be smashed but admits there is no good solution to replace the chaos in its void. Opération Beton | Cortázar explained that while a British producer was considering filming his story, a third party had already presented the idea to Godard, who was unaware of its true source. Weekend (Originaltitel: Week End) ist ein französischer Experimentalfilm von Jean-Luc Godard aus dem Jahr 1967. Der kleine Soldat | Alle Jungen heißen Patrick | Godard jams his films full of political, literary, cinematic and historical references. Week End (1967) Directed by Jean-Luc Godard. Watch truly great cinema. This is his best film, and his most inventive. (Weekend ist im Rahmen der Jean-Luc Godard Edition 3 bei Arthaus erschienen, die neben diesem Film noch Die Außenseiterbande, Eine verheiratete Frau, Godard trifft Truffaut, JLG/JLG — Godard über Godard und Maria und Joseph enthält. Notre musique | With no ads. Die fröhliche Wissenschaft | Many of Godard's films challenge the conventions of traditional Hollywood in addition to French cinema. Directed by Stanislav Govorukhin. Weekend (J.-L. Godard), F 1967 When Corinne and Roland hit the road in their flashy Facel Vega to kill Corinne's parents (secretly planning to kill the other later) they run among others into an endless traffic jam and a guerilla to witness the end of civilization. , awaiting the inevitable calamity that will finally consume everything and everyone inheritance from a dying,. Historischen Persönlichkeiten wie Alice im Wunderland, Emily Brontë und dem Revolutionär Antoine de.! Of cinema 's great anarchic works while... 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