Yesterday Lost
Reaching back to emptiness
Memories faded to forgetfulness
Building on nothing
Actions guided by flesh and not
Emotions sucked out and crushed into dust
Imagination at work
False images as to what yesterday was
Time never reverses
Words spoken cannot be withdrawn
Moments disappear and evaporate
Desires want to influence and
What is lost cannot be brought back – so
Today is a gift
To make amends and forgive
Needing to embrace the newness of
About Nolan Holloway
I was born and raised in Queens, New York
Degree: Bachelor Degree in Business Management
The Work: My work have been part of an anthology on Creative Talents Unleashed called “Love Is A Four Letter Word”. Have participated in various venues (including church) reciting my poems. My poetry have been posted on various poetry websites.
Favorite Poet: Maya Angelou, “I Rise”