2016 electoral map by county

That’s why they set us up as a republic instead of a democracy, so everybody got a voice in government. God Bless our brilliant founding Fathers. This map actually argues for, not against, the electoral college. So did Las Animas County, which is 42.6 percent Hispanic. So with their two senators and three electoral votes, the politicians have to pay a little attention to Wyoming. His rhetoric was energized and blustered, which is why he won the Primary in the face of so many ‘more of the same’ mostly career politicians with stale pledges. Right, in his view over populated urban centers where people are herded into Welfare Nanny State, Sanctuary Cities, these are the most “important” regions/ (Look up Agenda 21 and understand the plot unfolding.) You don’t really care about the country. But whether or not it can actually be done is really a separate debate. They actually respect people more if they stand up for themselves, and they can’t stand spineless people. Clinton won 7 of 10 congressional districts including one represented by a Republican.[16]. Hillary’s OVERALL popularity is atrocious! The problem with the Electoral College is that it gives extra votes to small states that aren’t reflected in the population. You can NOT EVEN What you fail to mention is that many people and companies are leaving these places for lower “state and local” tax areas such as Florida and Texas. This might just be the state to experience the collapse to which you refer. As a black conservative, good on them. Keep it as it is USA, don’t be fooled by those who want to turn na exceptional American into a commonplace shithole… Yes, that´s the right word to use. Don’t expect government data to report medians though, but a quick look at income bell curves and how they have progressed in the last four decades, will speak volumes. So the left (and the right for that matter) tried everything to stop Trump, but in spite of the heavy headwinds against him he won, plain and simple. “Just” NYC and LA? Man that’s a lot of illegals voting in California. They pay more because people have higher incomes there. How about you research them. How about we exclude federal taxes paid by government employees when making assumptions about who ‘PAYS’ (contributes to an actual net positive Federal Tax balance) Federal tax. How democratic is that? This is a government of the people not of the land. It’s like when they show that map and Wyoming is all red. Interestingly enough, our Founding Fathers understood the concept that a lot of people in a few areas could control the vote, and the few people in lots of areas wouldn’t have a voice at the polls. What of the red counties in the center? Nobody is fit to rule over anybody else. Arizona gets 11, and Alabama gets 9. Displaying the “popular vote” for a presidential election is just a secondary byproduct of counting votes in the individual states to determine to population of the Electors to vote in the Electoral College in December. Thank you founding fathers! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); ©2016 ElectoralMap.net, all rights reserved The data for the results on this site are reported by the Associated Press through the week of Nov. 8, 2016. It’s worked just fine so far. Cities are the meltingpot of racial identity politics, and the Democrats are the race-baiting party extraordinaire. #Brexit. Whatever organization Stop ILLEGALS. I used to live in the country. It came out clearly in the debates that when he get rattled, he responds by lashing out, to his detriment. This has little to do with food, but everything to do with a voter base. nobodysd vote will count unless you are in california. I just love facts, Joseph. The 3,400 or so counties are all decided by the popular vote! You lived in a city once so it’s ok to generalize 150 million people you don’t know. I like the idea of gradation of color from pure red to pure blue based on reasonable proportions. The 12 largest states don’t always vote the same way, so the rest of the states would be the real deciders of the election. Your email address will not be published. Repeat: what makes people in the country so special that each one of their votes is worth 2 votes from someone in Cali? Please >”we don’t care to give it away through non-assimilating immigrants”. Trump will publicly criticize China, bloody them in the eyes of the media, scare the crap out of them … and then when he visits China … [drum roll] … they will roll out a red carpet, give him stairs and a band will play to greet him. > That said the US only exists today because it’s population was unsatisfied with being governed, completely lawfully at the time, by England and overthrew it with violent armed force in the form of sustained armed insurrection. Facts are when the democrats won the previous 2 elections the republicans did not tear away at the electoral process. Clinton won the national popular vote with 48.2% of the vote, while Trump received 46.1% of the vote. Liberal politicians pass all kinds of expensive, senseless laws, while the rest of us make up the difference. Didn’t you just have Obama for eight long years? Got time to troll, but no time to look up what the words mean? Immigrants in those days came to America because they wanted to become Americans and not just set up transplanted versions of their home country’s. Even in most urban areas, she only won by a few! Only two states, Nebraska and Maine, do not follow the winner-takes-all rule. When conservatives disagree with regional politics, they move. Go See “Partial KNOWN” Victims at: http://www.ojjpac.org/memorial.asp. In a place like Montana, a huge geographic area with a small population, those people who do live there have to be stewards of that state and have to deal with issues that people in New York or LA are going to be clueless or unconcerned about, even though those people in the big cities benefit from activities in Montana. All the Nuclear and Military Weapons can NOT Protect Citizens because this country is being INVADED from the Borders. They wouldn’t have this time but they could. Personally I think a populat vote would be more fair, but I do respect the argument. You just care about the proving your “team” is superior to the other “team.”. America is a large country with widely varying territories, climate, and cultures. Why not take a moment to look up the stats going off on a patronizing rant about mean vs median? County by county the Republican Party dominated country. What part of the tax-and-spend Dem game versus fewer taxes/lower taxes keep your money Rep game did you fucking miss? The farmers, people in rural areas have had enough and came out in droves to make American great again instead of voting for a career, lying, corrupt politician. Won- 2,623 Housing in the city is expensive because available land is scarce.


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