bridge collapse 1930s

Anaheim houses surrounded by floodwaters from the Santa Ana River on March 3, 1938. Photo by Watson Airfotos, courtesy of the Anaheim Public Library photograph collection on Anaheim local history. The ship had been going its maximum speed, about 16 mph. "Artbound" explores and illuminates the cultural issues of our times, providing critical in-depth analysis of how the arts and culture affects our society. No watercourse became so enraged as the Santa Ana River, which drained the largest watershed of all the Los Angeles Basin's rivers. "City Rising" illuminates the journey of California's neighborhoods advocating for responsible development. The greatest loss of life came in the Anaheim-area barrios of Atwood and La Jolla, where 43 perished. If you’ve ever wondered what compelled Southern California to so thoroughly re-engineer its hydrology – why it dammed its mountain streams, buried its flatland creeks as storm drains, and paved its rivers into concrete channels – the photographs below provide a succinct and sobering answer. A person walks in the riverbed near a collapsed bridge in North Hollywood. Griffith Park is one of the largest municipal parks in the United States. Though the floodwaters of 1938 were not the highest in the region’s recorded history (those came with the truly Noachian deluge of 1861-62), they were by far the most destructive, coming as they did after decades of questionable development on flood plains had put lives and property in jeopardy. A flooded San Gabriel River in Azusa, showing the collapsed San Gabriel Railroad Bridge. Downtown Anaheim on March 3, 1938. The work was dangerous, but … Faulty construction was to blame for the collapse of the bridge. In the first conversation of UCLA’s “10 Questions: Reckoning” series, social psychologist Tiffany Brannon, interdisciplinary artist Ann Carlson, and gender studies and American Indian studies scholar Mishuana Goeman explore the question, What is Presence? Here's a look back at the 10 deadliest incidents in the last half century. Five people died in North Hollywood when the Lankershim Boulevard bridge collapsed into the Los Angeles River. Scanning the region, providing seeds of engagement through articles, videos, projects and partners, who are narrating the cultural stories of our region. Flooded houses and farms in North Hollywood. Behind-the-scenes negotiations helped establish the Moapa transition from coal to solar. The wreckage of two catwalks is scattered through the lobby of the Kansas City Hyatt Regency Hotel on July 19, 1981. Nathan’s writing has appeared in many publications, including Los Angeles Magazine and the Los Angeles Times. Secretary of State Alex Padilla and Attorney Geneal Xavier Becerra ordered the state Republican Party today to stop using unauthorized ballot collection boxes — some of which were found in Los Angeles and Orange counties — or face punishment. Anna reconnects with a face from her past. Photo courtesy of the Herman J. Schultheis Collection – Los Angeles Public Library.


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