clu haywood

Character Thelma. To me, though? Character Vic Bolito. Was a member of the original Toronto Blue Jays team of 1977. It’s the “tried the corner and missed” part — on a pitch that was about three feet off the plate — that’s makes it a contender for No. Cerrano said it was bad to drink Jobu’s rum. Harris: “Yo, bartender! Vaughn: “What is it, the chick?” Even if he's kind of a dick. Characters in ‘Major League’ Harry Doyle Lou Brown Rick 'Wild Thing' Vaughn “Haywood swings and crushes this one toward South America. 1.

It’s just damn perfect. Ricky Vaughn: “California Penal.”  Peter Vuckovich, Actor: Major League. SB Nation is the largest independent sports media brand, consisting of, and over 300 fan-centric team communities. Vaughn: “What’s that s— on your chest?” For my money, it’s arguably the most quotable movie in American cinematic history. MORE: The inside story of "The Naked Gun" baseball game. Doyle: “Ball four.” The chip on her shoulder will never fade away.

Any one of them will give you another two to three inches drop on your curveball. and join one of thousands of communities. Donovan: “We did.” Come fan with us. Brown can relate to players better and calm them down when Jimmy inevitably spits in their faces and pees in their lockers. Rise to the moment, kid. Harris: “I wouldn’t leave that rum sitting around here with this group.”

Roy Hobbs was arguably the greatest pure baseball player in the history of our unreal baseball universe. And to see them win? Who else would you rather have hitting in the three-hole? Doyle: “Ball eight.”
He invented "hot ice." He would serve as a defensive replacement for Marla Hooch in the late innings of close games and spell Benny "The Jet" at shortstop every once in a while.

The setup: Brown has just told the team that the owner, Phelps, picked this team because she thought it would be awful, and that the players would all be released or traded after the season. Easily the most underrated fictional baseball player of all time, Collins is an RBI machine for Minnesota. Tomlinson is gonna … Vaughn (Charlie Sheen) …

He gets to mentor the young pitching staff while hitting white balls for batting practice and imparting his immense wisdom on the rest of the team. She also had a cannon for a right arm.

Ricky Vaughn (Charlie Sheen) is ready for pitcher right now, and but Vaughn (Charlie Sheen) is strikes out with Haywood (Peter Vuckovich)! The setup: Players getting to know each other in spring training. Claire Holloway: “Here in Cleveland? Vagisil. Character Tom. The setup: Haywood faces Vaughn, regular season.

Executive: “This guy here is dead.” This team. Character Suzanne Dorn. Harris: “You know, you might think about taking Jesus Christ as your savior instead of fooling around with all this stuff.”

Scenes of Cleveland. And that guy she was with? Vaughn: “Stole a car.”Why it’s the best: Quick, to the point, no judgment. Dorn: “Whoa, amigo. The setup: Players arriving to spring training, as the coaching staff watches. Dip on brothers. It’s really great.”Why it’s the best: The “uniforms and everything” line kills me, every time. × sorted by: new. First fan: “At first I thought it was too high.” Another fan: “Too high? Pitched for the Chicago White Sox, Toronto Blue Jays, St. Louis Cardinals & Milwaukee Brewers.

Taylor: “Sorry, Rick. Executive: “I’ve never heard of half of these guys, and the ones I do know are way past their prime.” While Kelly Leak was being a prima donna, Whurlitzer was the workhorse on the mound who would do anything to win. The setup: The first time Lou Brown and Pepper Leach watch Ricky Vaughn throw in spring training.

What does that mean, too high?” Clu Haywood, the burly Yankees first baseman, greets him as he takes a leadoff. This is a guy that struck out the equivalent of Babe Ruth and hit Mickey Mantle-esque home runs. Dunne is our situational lefty. The pitch sails over the catcher and smashes a “No Pepper” sign on the fence. The Cape Cod kid has had some demons in his past but finally seemed to get his head straight while pitching for the Chatham A's. Bobby just signed a $40 million contract with the Giants and has a habit of underperforming, but he's got a lot of pop in his bat for a centerfield and provides a lot of power off the bench. The setup: In the tiebreaker against the Yankees, Ricky “Wild Thing” Vaughn enters from the bullpen in the ninth inning, and the crowd goes crazy as Wild Thing plays on the speakers. The movie starts as a series of amusing one-liners, but along the way you care about the players (while laughing the whole time). Phelps: “Cross him off, then.”Why it’s the best: Pretty much anytime anything has needed to be crossed off any list since I first saw this movie, I said it just like Rachel Phelps. Leach: “Sounded like it.”Why it’s the best: They didn’t need a radar gun. Taylor: “Is that you, Tolbert? Communicator Charlie Sheen.

I stick up for you. So, what are we going to have?” This is a chance to manage in the big leagues.”  And when she smiles and claps. Dorn: “Yeah?

To see the emotion? Put a fastball anywhere near the plate and you'll be fishing it out of the Cuyahoga River. Also, the other great line from this scene:   Taylor: “Well, then, I guess there’s only one thing left to do. he also leads the league in most offensive categories, including nose hair. Having The Jet and Willie Mayes Hayes on the base at the same time would wreak havoc on the base path. Dorn: “Hey big guy. Doyle: “Vaughn into the wind up, and his first offering … juuuust a bit outside. I didn’t know they still had a team.” Cerrano: “Bats. It’s more a work of art than a movie script.
Nobody’s listening anyway.”Why it’s the best: The frustration is real, both for the awfulness of the team and the apathy of the listeners (or lack thereof). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Being a lifelong smoker will do that to you. Don’t think this one’s got the distance,” can work about a dozen times in any baseball game, anywhere, at any level. Monte the color man: “You can’t sat g—damn on the air!

Taylor: “That’s my wife.” Manager Lou Brown: “Now I’m much for giving inspirational addresses.

get reddit premium. A community for redditors to come together and share information about dipping/chewing tobacco. Basically, he's the equivalent of Rickey Henderson, except he doesn't speak about himself in the third person. The setup: Rookie Ricky Vaughn’s trying to finish his complete game. Give him the heater!”Why it’s the best: How many times have you yelled this at your TV during a game, or out toward the mound if you’re at the game? The setup: The veteran pitcher, Eddie Harris, is changing in front of his locker, next to bad-boy rookie Vaughn. 3 Starting Pitcher: Henry Rowengartner. Tomlinson’s going to need a visa to catch this one. Taylor: “French.” GM Charlie Donovan: “Yeah, wound up in the Mexican League. The setup: Opening of the movie. The setup: In the conference room, looking over the list of spring training invitees. And for me, here’s to one more good year in the sun.”Why it’s the best: Because Vaughn, wearing a tank top, leather jacket with the sleeves ripped off and a tie around his bare neck, definitely does not look like a banker in that getup.

BENDER: 30 things we still love about "Major League".

Too high.” And discuss curveballs. Although he retires at the end of his perfect game performance, he still has a lot left in the tank. No. Action documented by Uecker. I ask Jobu to come, take fear from bats. These top 30 lines are what I consider the funniest, the most iconic, the most repeatable, the most usable in everyday life. The setup: Willie Mays Hayes showed up to camp without an invite. Become a Redditor. Doyle: “Don’t worry. Amazing.


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