courteous in a sentence

Be affable and courteous is youth, that you may be honored in age. He has always been a courteous, but extremely uninteresting interview. He was beloved by all the preachers, and his Checks to Antinomianism show that he was a courteous controversialist. He gained from the struggle a more catholic view of human happiness, at delight in the poetry of nature and the affections as well as the poetry of heroic unselfishness, a disposition to study more sympathetically the point of view of opponents, a more courteous style of polemic, a hatred of sectarianism, an ambition,, no less noble and disinterested, but moderated to practical' possibilities. Be courteous with your furniture donation. I thought it only courteous to explain, you see I happened to be born in that room. Rule 6: A blanket rule; being courteous is probably applicable in most f2f and online situations. The Scout Law declares a Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, While the service wasn't outstanding or particularly attentive, the person at the front counter was. Students' behavior on the bus should always be safe and courteous. They do not represent the opinions of Use your common sense and be courteous to other posters. Read more… He was a courteous and kind gentleman. 215. Be courteous to waiters or waitresses serving you. One thing that all of these locations have in common is the freshest premium seafood, prepared and presented by a courteous staff. Always be courteous and quiet when researching. Liberal, courteous, a shrewd observer, loyal and watchful in the cause of Russia, he maintained the best possible relations with Lord Lansdowne and Sir Edward Grey, and became a favourite at Court and in London society. Unfailingly courteous, they spoke of ideas that played out over many centuries. Be courteous if you use this technique; don't overwhelm and already-busy employee. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Courteous" in Example Sentences Page 1. The other chief function of diplomacy is to be the courteous medium of conveying messages from one government to another. She brushed off his request to dance the second cotillion with him, using the graceful, Of course, not everyone likes being followed, so I try to be, This country house in a metropolis prides itself on. Terms and Conditions | Cookie Policy | Contact Us, civil, obliging, polite, affable, complaisant, cooperative courteous, courteous cities, remained courteous, Be courteous, most courteous, polite, respectful, gracious, cordial, affable. 15 "Good night, Lise," said he, rising and courteously kissing her hand as he would have done to a stranger. courteous / examples. Thanking Mufamadi for what he described as courteous and friendly talks, Gibson expressed the hope of future co-operation in an effort to combat crime. Patrons are always welcome to come in for a free consultation - a courteous service that can help individuals decide on a new style, determine how to repair damage, or just experiment with new looks. Because the attractions are interactive and depend on guests' participation, it is important to be courteous to other visitors. They are affectionate and firm in their friendships, kind to their children and their aged and infirm relatives, very respectful to old age, most courteous and polite and very hospitable to strangers. Courteous sentence examples. They were doubtless too courteous to add that fine colours do not make fine colouring. Andrew was a very gentle, courteous man with … B: Yeah! The courteous ideal of French chivalry, with its delectable language, was adopted by all seigniorial Europe, which thus became animated, as it were, by the life-blood of France. All Rights Reserved. 6. Geek guys seem like wholesome, responsible, potential breadwinners who will be polite, She is also usually level-headed, pleasant, intelligent and, Remember to curtsey or bow, and be polite and, Deen is not only punctual, but also professionally, They were quite simply impeccable, very attentive, fun but, I hope the matches this week are close, competitive and, Besides perfecting table manners, these sometimes wait-listed courses advise youngsters on how to shake hands, be. By all means be courteous, pleasant and polite, but don't make an extra effort to put your personality in the spotlight. At this stage, tho always correct and courteous, he gave the impression of resigned fatalism. " As a judge, whether in the Supreme Court or in the House of Lords, he displayed high qualities: he was patient, courteous, logical and learned, and his judgments contain many valuable expositions of the principles of law. All Rights Reserved. The pope in a forcible though formally courteous manner pointed out to him the evil results which his neglect of his royal duties would entail on his subjects, and called on him to appoint one of the Habsburg princes his successor both to the imperial crown and to the thrones of Bohemia and Hungary. courteous. In the online post, Liu was described as courteous and hardworking. synonyms. The courteous ideal of French chivalry, with its delectable language, was adopted by all seigniorial Europe, which thus became animated, as it were, by the life-blood of France. He was courteous to her instead of affectionate, but they were talking — if simple questions and answers could be called conversation. courteous refund of the entire seminar fee you paid. Towards the Church she held a courteous but firm policy, renewing relations between the Frankish kingdom and the pope; and she so far maintained the greatness of the Empire that tradition associated her name with the Roman roads in the north of France, entitling them les chausses de Brunehaut. Rule 6: A blanket rule; being courteous is probably applicable in most f2f and online situations. 143. You need each other, so be courteous and considerate, as you would ask them to be to you. This is a real company with excellent book keeping and two crews of well trained, He appears not so much as a revolt against societal standards as an embodiment of them, being generous, pious, and, He is a solid lookout over issues affecting the city's livability, is a careful deliberator, and is, They are not concentrative, and they are not infallibly, He converses with Don Juan and a couple of other blas mortals, uttering Shavian iconoclasms with an air of, I thank the writer for his argument, and his, Like all French mayors of my experience, he was a, Every indigene learns by hard experience to be, Instead, he gave her unmedicated sugar pills and as, The painters were calm and forbearing, and scrupulously, The people of Villavicencio, as elsewhere in Colombia, we found to be extremely, Francesco bared his head, and bent to the withers of his horse in, Wilson winced under this nagging and not very, At this Narcisse smiled with indulgent and, What an advantage has an imposing or forward nature over a, But, if these censurers were better acquainted with the noble and, Any woman may fall a victim to a limber, manly, and, He bowed, with a happy mixture of dignity and, The last remark was made to a vender of panoramic photographs who was approaching with a. Their manners are more courteous, their women better treated, than is usual with Papuans, but they show perhaps less ingenuity and artistic taste. Set the house rules: The rules of your house may differ from the rules of your guests' homes, so be courteous and clear about what is and what isn't allowed. Know proper table etiquette, say all the right polite words, be courteous and take the time to listen to your date. Everyone was so courteous and the sky was the limit. Its courteous to give gifts to help lift the financial load from the lovebirds, allowing them to focus more time on each other. Instead of an enemy, Nicholas found in Ilagin a stately and courteous gentleman who was particularly anxious to make the young count's acquaintance.


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