doctor who: the age of steel

I was fighting the system. It’s a reminder of just how far both Mickey and Rose have come, how two ordinary, insignificant people became so much more. His computer skills help save the day both back in “World War Three” and in this week’s story; indeed, he’s part of the only team that actually manages to complete its mission. This world lost its Ricky, there are other Cybermen factories to destroy, and his blind grandmother needs looking after. He only joined Lumic to feed information to the Security Services but instead got the Preachers. This season has taken its time in figuring out just what precisely is the relationship between Rose and the 10th Doctor, and “The Idiot’s Lantern” suggests they are now equal partners, at least as much as a 900-year-old Time Lord and a twentysomething human can ever hope to be equals. Rose also is torn about going back in, but the Doctor reminds her that this Jackie is not her mother, and the group make their escape from the rest of the Cybermen. The situation on the parallel Earth of “Rise Of The Cybermen”/“The Age Of Steel” is not nearly so bleak, although MacRae’s script does seem to suffer from some inconsistent world-building. Who would have thought, me and you off the old estate, flying through the stars.” “All those years just sitting there, imagining what we’d do one day. 13 of 19 people found this review helpful. In the tunnels, the Doctor and Mrs Moore meet a Cyberman, which she quickly deactivates with an EMP bomb. Rose breaks down in tears upon seeing her mother alive and hugs her tightly. Outside, Rose tries to persuade Pete into boarding the TARDIS but he refuses. • The World Shapers • Comic Relief Comic • The Good Soldier • Dreadnought • The Flood • The Power of the Cybermen / Drones of Doom / Enemy Mine / Time of the Cybermen • In-Flight Entertainment • Assimilation² • Doctor Who and the Last Stand • The Girl Who Loved Doctor Who • Conversion • Untitled • Cyber Crisis • Supremacy of the Cybermen • The Bidding War • The Lost Dimension. To add insult to injury, the Doctor never even noticed what he had done to Mickey, instead taking childish pleasure in dismissing “Ricky the idiot.”. She also reveals that her husband and two children think her dead and that her name is not really "Mrs Moore". Like "Alien" compared to "Aliens" - both true classics, but in different ways. The Wire herself is a potentially intriguing creation, particularly in how her weakened state makes her alternate between oily villainy and feral hunger. The Doctor states that the whole of London has been sealed off, and the entire population is being taken inside there — to be converted. The other possibility is that Lumic is so obsessed with control and holds humanity in such contempt that he would willingly initiate its destruction. Foreman’s best moment comes right at the end of the episode, as Eddie silently walks away from his former home; there’s a quiet dignity to his gait that suggests the well-meaning soldier he might once have been before fear and rage consumed him. The group decides to split up to increase their chances of getting out of the city. I’m not sure there’s a great episode to be found lurking beneath either “The Long Game” or “The Idiot’s Lantern,” but it’s easy to see a version of each story that is significantly better than what ended up being broadcast. In the midst of the flames, the Cyber-Controller, displaying pure rage at the destruction of his creations, frees himself from the chair and goes on a rampage after the Doctor. There would be three or four standalone episodes to kick off the season, then a two-parter that was built around an alien invasion of Earth—the Slitheen had their go last season, and this time it was the Cybermen’s turn, albeit in a parallel universe. Initial drafts of the parallel Earth story were very close to Mondas' depiction in Spare Parts as a "dying world". Suddenly, Mickey arrives and tells them of Ricky's demise; Jake reacts with a mixture of grief and anger, turning on Mickey. Sort of London-y New York, mind.”. Knowing that Jake and Mickey are observing through a monitor in the zeppelin, the Doctor stalls Lumic, challenging his assertions of an emotionless utopia. Ultimately, “Rise Of The Cybermen”/“The Age Of Steel” is Doctor Who as a big dumb action movie: Lumic’s Cyber-Controller dies plummeting into a giant fireball, for goodness’ sake. It has humour ("You're just making it up as you go along!" Despite their wildly different settings, they share many of the same structural problems. Will the Doctor help prevent this Earth from falling to the Cybermen? Park anywhere, that’s me.” “Good policy. That’s attributable to what I tend to watch TV for—I respond more strongly to ideas than to visuals, and I don’t know as much about directing as I do about writing—but it’s also because most direction on new. It’s only right that her last moment with Mickey sees him remind her of that past. When Ricky is killed, Mickey makes an earnest attempt to step into his parallel self’s shoes, but he never loses sight of what makes him different from his doppelganger. Rose promises that they will come back and see him, but the Doctor reminds her that they only arrived in this parallel universe by accident, and when they leave they must seal the crack in time, meaning they can never come back. Rose and Mickey reminisce about their childhood and how they wondered what they would do with their lives, never imagining they would be travelling to the stars. I do much the same. Choose an adventure below and discover your next favorite movie or TV show. It’s fitting that Noel Clarke plays a dual role in his big departure story, considering he also played multiple Mickeys way back in “Rose.” His work as Ricky is odd; Clarke is unconvincing as the badass leader of the Preachers, but that’s sort of the point. This is such a minor thing, but it’s a good illustration of why “The Idiot’s Lantern” could have benefited from another draft or two. One area that may well have been adversely affected by the mad rush to finish the script is the inter-episode continuity, although this isn’t the first non-Davies episode that feels disconnected from the rest of the season. So, chalk up 3 out of the last 4 episodes that have made you laugh, then made you cry, and made you go "eek".In terms of character development, this is clearly the clincher for Noel Clarke's Mickey (and Ricky). I quoted the exchange up top, and what makes it so powerful is that, for those lines, it’s just Mickey and Rose again. Don’t miss your flight.”, The Doctor destroyed Mickey’s life on the day that they first met. Inside the factory control room, two Cybermen notice an alarm in the tunnels. What to Watch if You Miss the "Game of Thrones" Cast. Pete suggests another way in: through the front door, using dummy EarPods provided by Mrs Moore. In that instant, he sees all his failures and shortcomings, yet he still has the second chance he never imagined he could get. Lumic may have an army, but he is forgetting about the ordinary people, and even an ordinary person — some "idiot" — can save the world. Mrs Moore tells the Doctor that she used to work for Cybus Industries, until one day she read a file that she was not supposed to on the mainframe. They dismiss it and continue to look. To keep up with the woman he loved in spite of himself, he made himself extraordinary, at least as much as a fundamentally ordinary person could ever hope to. She took that from a book, assuming the alias to bolster the impression that she had died and to protect her family. "Yup, but I do it brilliantly"), action, monsters (in this case still more kick-ass cybermen), tragedy and scare tactics. Ultimately, however, Jake lets Mickey go with him, and the Doctor wishes him luck. It does seem a bit of a shame that John Lumic was upgraded before he met the Doctor, which means we never get a proper face-off between, “I’m London’s Most Wanted for parking tickets.” “Great.” “Yeah, they were deliberate. Jake suggests setting the autopilot of the ship to crash and then escaping. When the Cyberman on the Zeppelin attacks Jake and Mickey, the first shot shows it with its arm down, then in the next shot it has its arm up, and in the third shot, it is raising its arm. On the parallel Earth, Mickey tells Jake that he does not intend to replace Ricky but be his own man. But here’s the thing: Mickey’s story didn’t end there. Standing in that doorway, he is confronted both with the spitting image of his beloved relative and with the loose carpeting that killed the original. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. But my favorite moment in this story comes in Rose and Mickey’s final scene together, after the Doctor has reentered the TARDIS. Tardisode 6 serves as a prologue to this episode. Rose cares enough about Mickey to bid him a heartfelt farewell, but it’s the Doctor she loves and saves her real goodbyes for. The story’s villains also show some potential. Ron Cook is suitably tortured as Mr. Magpie, his every gesture and intonation indicating that this is an unremarkable man so desperate to be released from the Wire’s clutches that he will help her steal the brainpower of millions.


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