doreen in the bible

Jesus is the son of God and I believe his message was that we are all children of God. A lot of bible based Christians are using this situation like their team won the league, which is off putting in its arrogance and pride. D : 4 O : 15 R : 18 E : 5 E : 5 N : 14, Numerology Analysis; Splendid , Ambitious , Helpful , Leader , Powerful. And when we do, we become our own best and most helpful teachers. We are all aspects of God incarnate. There are more things in heaven and earth than are dwelt of in our philosophy. And eventually, you will find the right answer. Especially when it is her ex-husbands. I personally resent Christians who claim that the old ways of divination are evil. To me It is very boundary crossing big time.I would not like my self if people tap on to me .I have the right to my own privacy.So does Doreen or anyone else.Even the souls that has past on. My feeling is that there was a universal correction meaning her influence was strong in many who followed her and Doreen may have been operating out of ego/materialism and lost the authentic connection with the divine. Just for a moment ask yourself – maybe it’s true, she had a real encounter with Jesus and her conversion is truly a product of realizing Jesus truly is One with the Father- I had a similar experience a few years ago and know deep in my heart that Jesus is not just a man or a teacher but the Son of God who died and rose again ! In the end this is Doreen’s life and she should follow her heart, not do what everyone else want her to do. Irish Baby Names Meaning: In Irish Baby Names the meaning of the name Doreen is: A, derived from a Celtic word meaning sullen. Instead she has gaslighted these people in public by referring to them as being ‘used by lower energy’ – Talk about spiritual abuse! Its like no one knows how to recognize boundaries anymore or when its time to move on from something and law of attraction is used to try to force. The internet was in an uproar. Since she made money being a Reiki Master herself, she might want to put the hypocrisy away.

You have so many comments already, many seeking outside themselves instead of tuning in again to their higher intuition.

Her name like yours is written on the skein of time and space – Doreen and you too are a divine portion of the cosmic whole. Why would she walk away from that? You can get answers to some of your most pressing questions about Love, finance, life purpose, career, health, who you were in a past life, you can even ask for a healing. The Soul pulls the plug if the physical body is not conforming to its plan. Well Doreen can preach to the choir saying she is guided by Jesus, when in fact she can’t even obey His command about not remarrying if any previous spouses are alive! But I was surprised to hear that it is unusual for spirituality – in the form of healing, psychometry, tarot and similar readings and messages etc – and Jesus to be mixed. Virtue has been exposed as not living in 1,000 sq foot postage stamp property as she put out in a video April 2017 during the time period she was illegally soliticitng donations for her unregistered rescue ranch . It was supposed back in those days some 45 years ago that His kids would all have super powers. I know if I were her lawyer, I would have told her to do exactly what she decided to, which was to present a squeaky clean image and play the part of crying ‘I sinned’ christian. And by the way, not all cultures accept the woman taking the man’s name, so if you can look beyond your own cultural conditioning you will see that there is a whole world out there where both sexes equally decide on what name will be used, as well as cultures that prioritize the woman’s name. Why did you come to that store with your son? I found my path through her teachings so I will always be grateful to her for that. 666 decision is the opposite of 999 decision. So I always thought Doreen had been a Christian as a child and growing up.
Its like the dark side of the new age is making people delusional, get-rich-quicky, excessively self-involved, and narcissistic. Would you like to add a information. Disclaimer: I am a Christian who believes that the Bible is 100% the inspired Word of God, faithfully preserved through the ages, and that any figurative meaning does not discount the literal – though sometimes on the natural and sometimes on the spiritual plane of existence if not both. as being the way and reasons for us (For it then resembles using the magic 8 ball to solve all our problems and solutions, only to create more confusion and perhaps chaos). But to assert that a conversion from new age spirituality to Christianity is inherently backwards, unnatural, or even suspect shows no wisdom, only limitation. Either way, I continue to use some of her earlier books, especially her Angel Therapy products (love the audiobook meditation ) because they resonate with me. I send her love & light on her new journey. I have enjoyed her work over the years. From what I felt and saw in her eyes and her face in that video, she hasn’t changed as a person in the slightest, she’s just donned the Cloak of Christianity after discarding her Cloak Of Spirituality and Angelic Healing.

In my opinion, doing so, she lost any credibility she ever had in any form of spiritual or religious teaching. The problem here is that most people criticizing Doreen’s conversion follow her former path. I think it is safe to say how is easy it can be for any of us to get overwhelmed in our paths and journeys.
Developing your psychic abilities (which are divine communication, because they are the way we communicate as spirit) helps us have that direct relationship. With all of the books she had written, the Angel and Fairie Oracle Decks, the numerous seminars, personal readings and classes that were all about her beliefs, it yielded her a very wealthy life and lifestyle. .. She would not let anyone get near her without someone else being between them. As such, the sharing of insightful questions is more readily available to the masses and these are questions that need answers to them if the Church is to even understand all the NDE testimonies occurring all over the net from those of us who have been dead and have much to share with world that is literally stuck in a spiritual rut these days. Is there Acrostic poem for the name Doreen ? There are very rare chances that people see rows of 3’s right after praying in front of God. However, the world tends to garbage up each other’s thinking with syntax problems when describing all of this simple stuff. What unsettled me was the lack of Christianity displayed. All I can suggest is that people read read read read read and listen to reputable channels on YouTube to get a broad perspective to draw conclusions from – which should always be their own and based in love.

And if not married to Michael, they are living in adultery, leading other Christians to feel it ok to do. Hers is/was a genuine gift (from God) yet which failed to save her from experiencing six marriages and New Age cults. You are putting an end to whatever was bothering you in your mind.

‎Doreen Virtue presents two daily podcasts. She also talked about symbols not being used by Jesus. I strongly agree with you. Change-growth-evolution-expansion-more are the mantras of the Universe. Too bad.


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