elias name meaning bible

Some six years after this he warned Ahab and Jezebel of the violent deaths they would die ( 1 Kings 21:19-24 ; 22:38 ). Elijah was then directed, by the "word of Yahweh," as constantly, to betake himself beyond the western limit of Ahab's kingdom to the Phoenician village of Zarephath, near Sidon. Our research results for the name of Elias (Elias name meaning, Origin of Elias, Pronounced etc. ) He arose and found a cake and a cruse of water. ( 1 Kings 22:1 1 Kings 22:51 ; 2 Kings 1:17 ) before we again catch a glimpse of Elijah. The Biblical baby name Elias is the Greek version of the Hebrew name Elijah and it's meaning is my God is Jehovah. A Tishbeh (Thisbe) in the territory of Naphtali is known from Tobit 1:2; but if (with most modern commentators) the reading of the Septuagint in 1Ki is followed, the word translated "sojourners" is itself "Tishbeh," locating the place in Gilead and making the prophet a native of that mountain region and not merely a "sojourner" there. A foreboding, shared by the "sons of the prophets" at Beth-el and Jericho, warned Elijah that the closing scene of his earthly life was at hand.

At the close of this period of retirement and of preparation for his work (Compare Galatians 1:17 Galatians 1:18 ) Elijah met Obadiah, one of Ahab's officers, whom he had sent out to seek for pasturage for the cattle, and bade him go and tell his master that Elijah was there. (B.C. As the drought advanced the brook dried up. "And it came to pass as they still went on and talked, that, behold, a chariot of fire and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven." His chief characteristic was his hair, long and thick, and hanging down his back. Elijah reassured the steward by a solemn oath that he would show himself to Ahab (1 Kings 18:15).

How sorely both man and beast in Israel were pressed by drought and the resulting famine, is shown by the fact that King Ahab and his chief steward Obadiah were in person searching through the land for any patches of green grass that might serve to keep alive some of the king's own horses and mules (1 Kings 18:5,6). His next refuge was at Zarephath. Does he furnish even the material upon which such a study may profitably be attempted? Our research results for the name of Elias (Elias name meaning, Origin of Elias, Pronounced etc. ) It was believed that the Spirit of God had carried Elijah away to some unknown, inaccessible, mysterious region (1 Kings 18:10,12). Ever since the time of Joshua, the religion of Yahweh had been waging its combat with the old Canaanite worship of the powers of Nature, a worship rendered to local deities, the "Baalim" or "lords" of this and that neighborhood, whose ancient altars stood "upon the high mountains, and upon the hills, and under every green tree" (Deuteronomy 12:2). General Editor. One of the better known characters in the Old Testament, he also made an impact on later Judaism and on the New Testament writers. He was said to be an intercessor for Israel in heaven, a heavenly scribe who recorded the Acts of men, and who had an eternal existence (Ecclus 48:1-14). Of his appearance as he "stood before" Ahab (B.C. Find out more about the name Elias at BabyNames.com. The prophet was bidden to take his stand upon the sacred mount; and Yahweh passed by, heralded by tempest, earthquake and thunderstorm (19:9-12). What does Elias mean? In the face of this danger, the differences between the worship of Yahweh as carried on in the Northern Kingdom and the same worship as practiced at Jerusalem sank out of sight. Throughout a day of blazing sunshine the prophets of Baal called in frenzy upon their god, while Elijah mocked them with merciless sarcasm (1 Kings 18:25-29). is a set of words used to stand for the letters of an alphabet in oral communication. Meaning of Elias. A is for Attributes, you have too many to list, S is for Summer, as warm as the season. Similar names and nicknames for Elias. There in the hollow of the torrent bed he remained, supported in the miraculous manner with which we are all familiar, till the failing of the brook obliged him to forsake it.

Unless we are to suppose an accidental repetition by a very early copyist (early, since it appears already in the Septuagint), we may see in it an indication that Elijah's despondency was not easily removed, or that he sought at Horeb an especial manifestation of Yahweh for his encouragement, or both. On the mountain top Elijah bowed in prayer, sending his servant seven times to look out across the sea for the coming storm. Later, Elijah protested Ahaziah's appeal to Baal-Zebub, the local god of Ekron ( 2 Kings 1:9-15 ; Josephus called this god "the lord of the flies, " as did the Ras Shamra texts ). The prophets of Baal were then put to death by the order of Elijah. The curse concerning Ahab was not literally executed on him, however, but on his successor. The work begun by Elijah was finished, not without blood, by Jehu; we hear no more of the worship of the Tyrian Baal in Israel after that anointed usurper's time (2 Kings 9; 10). The source of both the surnames Ellis and Elliot. STARTS WITH Eli- ( 1 Kings 19:2 ) he was directed to the brook Cherith. Elijah next appears in the narrative as rebuker of Ahab for the judicial murder of Naboth. 2 Kings 3:11,12 admit of no other interpretation than that the succession of Elisha to independent prophetic work had already occurred in the lifetime of Jehoshaphat. His son Ahaziah pulled it down upon his own head. Later Jewish Tradition. Elias Name Meaning. He suddenly appears before Ahab, prophesies a three-years drought in Israel, and proclaims the vengeance of Jehovah for the apostasy of the king. (Josephus, Ant, VIII, xiii, 2, states on the authority of Menander that the drought extended to Phoenicia and continued there for a full year.) The church, however, did not accept this figure of Elijah; only Christ himself would be called on in stressful times. The imagination of some has discerned a "training of Elijah" in the experiences of the prophet; but to admit that there must have been such a training does not oblige us to discover traces of it in the scenes and incidents which are recorded. Those which tend to rationalizing tend also to decrease the importance of Elijah to the history. 1 Kings 16:34 mentions as another instance of the little weight attached in Ahab's time to ancient prophetic threatenings, the rebuilding by Hiel the Bethelite of the banned city of Jericho, "with the loss" of Hiel's eldest and youngest sons. In a similar vein, Jesus rebuked the sons of Zebedee for wondering whether they should call down fire from heaven on the Samaritan village ( Luke 9:54 ). Our research results for the name of ELIAS hasn’t been found in the Bible/Torah/Quran Spelling Alphabet A spelling alphabet, voice procedure alphabet telephone alphabet etc.

Ilyas (Arabic), Elijah (Biblical), Eliyyahu (Biblical Hebrew), Ilia, Ilija, Iliya (Bulgarian), Ilija (Croatian), Elia, Elian (Dutch), Élie (French), Ilia (Georgian), Elijah, Eliyahu, Eliyyahu (Hebrew), Éliás, Illés (Hungarian), Elia (Italian), Ilija (Macedonian), Elis (Medieval English), Eliasz (Polish), Ilie (Romanian), Ilia, Ilya (Russian), Ilija (Serbian), Elías (Spanish), Your email address will not be published. There are few more sublime stories in history than the account of the succeeding events --with the servant of Jehovah and his single attendant on the one hand, and the 850 prophets of Baal on the other; the altars, the descending fire of Jehovah consuming both sacrifice and altar; the rising storm, and the ride across the plain to Jezreel. ( 2 Chronicles 21:12-15 ) It was at Gilgal --probably on the western edge of the hills of Ephraim-- that the prophet received the divine intimation that his departure was at hand. Elias Lönnrot was a 19th century Finnish writer and liguist who compiled the Finnish epic poem “Kalevala”. "Elijah the Tishbite,... of the inhabitants of Gilead" is literally all that is given us to know of his parentage and locality. Elijah was prominently featured in popular legend and theological discussion of eschatological expectation during the intertestamental period. "In the third year," 1 Kings 18:1 (Luke 4:25; James 5:17 give three years and six months as the length of the drought), Elijah was directed to show himself to Ahab as the herald of rain from Yahweh. After sleep he was refreshed with food brought by an angel. Convinced that Yahweh was God alone for them, they readily carried out the prophet's stern sentence of death for the prophets of the idol god (1 Kings 18:38-40). Analysis, gender of Elias, acrostic poem about Elias other details; What Does Elias Mean and History? Here the Lord appeared unto him and said, "What dost thou here, Elijah?" He also answered Jehoshaphat's question ( 2 Kings 3:11 ) and sent a letter to Jehoram ( 2 Chron 21:12-15 ). Three years later there was a break in the drought and Elijah was successful in ending Baal worship at Carmel. form of ELIJAH - Lord is my God. They were 'sore afraid,' but not apparently surprised. Yahweh, not Baal, had the power of life and death, and was the giver of rain and good things. Jesus Himself alludes to Elijah and his sojourn in the land of Sidon (Luke 4:25,26). Introduction ; Browse Names; Advanced Search; Popularity; Namesakes ... Elias. Ahab's dynasty ended because of the Naboth incident, not because of the Baal struggle. Elias is the Greek equivalent of Elijah (Hebrew Eliyahu, Syriac ܐܝܠܺܝܳܐ Eliya, Arabic Eliya), a prophet in Israel in the 9th century BCE, mentioned in several holy books. Luke 9:19; Matthew 27:47-49 parallel Mark 15:35,36. We wrote the NATO (Military) phonetic alphabet, U.S. States, Caountries for you; Hasn’t added the name of any famous person for ELIAS. ( 1 Kings 18:46 ) But in addition to this he occasionally wore the "mantle" or cape of sheepskin which has supplied us with one of our most familiar figures of speech. Obliged to flee from the vengeance of king, or more probably of the queen (comp. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Elias is mentioned in two chapters of the Quran, as follows: And We gave to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – all [of them] We guided. Elijah was here described as a hairy man with a shaggy cloak, evidently the insignia of a prophet ( 2 Kings 1:8 ). whose God is Jehovah. The results provide the hidden meaning of the name. The repetition of identical words by Elijah in 1 Kings 19:10 and 14 represents a difficulty. Distrusting, for the reasons above suggested, any attempt at a detailed representation of the prophet's inner life, one may seek, and prize, what seems to lie upon the surface of the narrative: faith in Yahweh as God of Nature and as covenant God of the patriarchs and their descendants; consuming "zeal" against the false religion which would displace Yahweh from the place which must be His alone; keen vision to perceive hypocrisy and falsehood, and sharp wit to lash them, with the same boldness and disregard of self that must needs mark the true prophet in any age.

During all these two years a famine prevailed in the land. Meaning: God the Lord, the strong Lordpar.

E is for Endless, we’ll be forever friends. He challenged Ahab, whose policies were designed to replace the Israelite idea of kingship with the ancient Near Eastern concept of monarchy and royal law. 9 Is there ELIAS name in the Bible/Torah/Quran?


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