flexible stage advantages and disadvantages

Some governments allow flexible working to be requested after 12 consecutive months of work under certain conditions, like being the parent of a school-aged child. In some businesses, this allows the company to expand its area of service to other time zones or even globally. You might be amazed at how much faster a commute can be if you can drive to the office at 10:00 instead of 8:00. Here are some of the key points to consider when looking at the pros and cons of flexible working. There may be an initial cost to be paid. The advantages to businesses include being able to hold onto valuable staff, having a wider talent pool, reducing absenteeism, increasing commitment from employees and improving productivity. The Pros and Cons of a Flexible Work Schedule. 1. Flexible working often has workers coming and going throughout the day. Some workers like the lesser levels of supervision that usually come with this type of arrangement because it allows them to be less productive. 1. There will always be a few who take advantage of flexible working. Others allow the right to be requested immediately, while some governments have no rules about flexible working whatsoever. It’s not always possible to pick up a phone to call someone or walk down the hall to chat in their office. Others will want to work later. One reason people like to work for themselves is the control issue. It can limit communication. With flexible work schedules, employees stand to experience a good number of benefits. The flow of projects and work may increase … It can create internal dissent. With employer permission they can travel into work and avoid rush hour traffic, therefore arriving more refreshed. The result is two full-time jobs and incomes with no childcare costs. The advantage of a thick, flexible plant cell wall provides is flexibility. Performers must be largely aware of facing the audience most of the time, who themselves act as Peeping Toms peering through the (invisible) Fourth Wall. Not every household is structured in the same way. For those employees who are allowed to work at home all or part of the week, there are the benefits of reduced fuel and motor maintenance costs. The option also reduces employee turnover, absenteeism, and tardiness by allowing workers to flex hours around home and family obligations. Advantages: Everything that is being performed on the stage can be clearly seen by the audience; Scenery that may be needed for each scene can be changed over quickly and effectively; Props and actors alike can be easily hidden on stage if required; If needed, live music from an orchestra can be easily hidden in music pits; Disadvantages.


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