sarah bishop coaching

Perfect for those completely new to Pilates or coming back from an injury, she can help you master the basics and prepare you for signing up to a course of classes with a local instructor. Each athlete deserves the very best from their coach, and I’m excited to help anyone attain and surpass their personal goals! This is key for helping all athletes achieve their true potential and differentiates this program from any old online training plan or simply saying “Here’s the next three months of workouts. I also took an extended break from running to have my daughter – now 8 years old. Parkway, I look forward to helping athletes of all abilities work towards their goals and dreams and I know that I can offer them far more than any pre-made coaching plan that one might find in a magazine or book. I had everything I ever wanted, except seemingly myself. I have learned that training can’t always be perfect and that it’s far better to be 100% healthy and 90% fit vs. being in the best shape of my life but not being able to start a  race because of injury. I had different responsibilities and priorities, but I could still enjoy running like I used to - and I could still feel fulfilled and accomplished by setting new goals. I hadn’t trained for a race in over 10 years. College: Auburn University. Elite runner turned Pro triathlete Wife and mother of 4 girls 2:39 marathon; 2020 Olympic Trials Qualifier Full Ironman debut --> 2020 Like many runners I’ve battled injuries. I value the relationship and communication between athlete and coach and setting long term and short term goals to get you to where you want to be. I think that it’s possible to keep running fast and even keep improving if you have guidance and support through personalized coaching. Whatever your goals are, let me help you achieve them! I still look more like a football player than a marathoner though, but the beauty of running is that is doesn’t matter what your background or build is. Not long after, I set my teaching career aside and joined the Hansons-Brooks Original Distance Project to become a professional runner. I enjoy running longer distances, but I also enjoy the satisfaction that comes from helping others achieve that same feeling I get when I cross the finish line. For 18 years, I’ve helped hundreds of athletes find a healthy version of themselves. 0. Physiotherapy & Sports Massage, Guildford, The Guildford Spectrum, I believe in dreaming big and embracing the challenging task big dreams require. Simply put, the answer is that I like seeing what I can accomplish with my mind and body. In my mind, to steal bases, I needed to get faster at running. Visit for more information.VDOT O2 is a coaching platform for runners of all levels. I am thrilled to be joining with the McKirdy Trained coaching family! Email for info or to book. I was exhausted, but it's when I get home that the work actually began. I hope that together we can find joy in the process. Guildford From running 4:15 in a marathon at 60 years of age to the more competitive side of having 3 women break 3 hours in a marathon, I am honored and excited to bring my skills to the McKirdy Trained Family! I love big nasty goals, and building concepts that move us towards those goals. The VDOT training system and the personal approach to each athlete allows for the greatest opportunity to become the best version of YOU! The Kenyan way of life teaches just how important positivity, determination, and relaxation are in succeeding your goals. After training with McKirdy Trained, I’ve set more PR’s in the past two years than I ever had in the past 20 years, including all distances from 5K to 26.2. I’ve also become more efficient; as a full time working mom that is important for my sanity and my family – but it doesn’t mean I cannot still chase my goals, it just means I approach them in different ways. It’s about the community -  the support and the experience of being a part of something bigger than just my own performance. I accepted the notion that I might never be as good as my Division I All-American 800m self, and that would have to be okay.


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