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In this version, Eurydice, retaining her Greek name, arrives into the chaotic city in the beginning throes of the festival. Engineers reinforced his cage with heavier steel the night before he arrived in case fascist sympathizers tried to break him out. [184], The Pounds were unhappy in Paris. [47], In August 1908 Pound moved to London, carrying 60 copies of A Lume Spento. [223], When Olivia Shakespear died in October 1938 in London, Dorothy asked Ezra to organize the funeral, where he saw their 12-year-old son, Omar, for the first time in eight years. [302], Eric Ormsby wrote of Pound's time in hospital: "To the end Pound remained an anti-Semite, but now he added black Americans and civil rights protesters to his roster of well-nurtured hatreds. Pound". Both D & it appear to be doing well. [322][q] After Pound was discharged in 1958, they kept in touch; Pound wrote to Kasper on 17 April 1959: "Antisemitism is a card in the enemy program, don't play it. Hitler appointed Mussolini head of a fascist puppet state, the Italian Social Republic or Salò Republic. In Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos and Stephen Adams (eds. [179], In 1922 Pound abandoned most of his earlier drafts of The Cantos and began again. [293] It reached the point where Pound refused to discuss any attempt to have him released. ), Witemeyer, Hugh (2005). Love to read your well-organized posts and go through the myths I was brought up.When I was a child I simply found them captivating and they intensely triggered my imagination to run wild.Later on,when we were taught the Greek myths at school,we tried to find the timeless morals under the adventurous surface of the plots and analyse the characters in depth in order to do psychological … In March 1927 he launched his own literary magazine, The Exile, but only four issues were published. "Early Poetry 1908–1920". Two years later he visited New York, where he attended the opening of an exhibition featuring his blue-inked version of Eliot's The Waste Land. [1], Pound's contribution to poetry began with his role in developing Imagism, a movement derived from classical Chinese and Japanese poetry, stressing precision and economy of language. [183] In January 1925 Mountain Press published A Draft of XVI Cantos for the Beginning of a Poem of Some Length. Can you enter the great acorn of light? So I drew you a picture." Sieburth, Richard (2003b). "What I am driving at", he wrote to Jackson Mac Low, "is that some kike might manage to pin an antisem label on me IF he neglected the mass of my writing. [51] The house sat across an alley from the Yorkshire Grey pub, which made an appearance in the Pisan Cantos (Canto 80/502), "concerning the landlady's doings / with a lodger unnamed / az waz near Gt Ti[t]chfield St. next door to the pub".[52]. [146] He said in July 1918 that he "must stop writing so much prose".[147]. [242] The broadcasts were monitored by the United States Foreign Broadcast Monitoring Service, and on 26 July 1943 the United States District Court for the District of Columbia indicted Pound in absentia for treason. And a third time—Ezra! But beyond these surface-level similarities, there are some core differences between my telling of the myth and those of Ovid and others. In Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos and Stephen Adams (eds.). [110] Samuel Putnam knew Pound in Paris in the 1920s, and described him as stubborn, contrary, cantankerous, bossy, touchy, and "devoid of humor"; he was "an American small-towner", in Putnam's view. The following year he transferred to Hamilton College in Clinton, New York, possibly because of his grades. [216] (Daniel Swift writes that this story has been "told and retold, and in each version, the details shift". The New Republic, Esquire, and The Nation followed suit. His requests were denied and the script was forwarded to J. Edgar Hoover. Before he is dashed to pieces at the end, he muses over the body of Eurydice, singing “The happiness of the poor is the great illusion of Carnival, we work all year long...” He accepts his death with a quiet acceptance, and later that morning, the two neighborhood children rush down, carrying Orpheus’s guitar, and play to raise the sun. [147], The March 1919 issue of Poetry published Pound's Poems from the Propertius Series,[151] which appeared to be a translation of the Latin poet Sextus Propertius. Deemed unfit to stand trial, he was incarcerated in St. Elizabeths psychiatric hospital in Washington, D.C., for over 12 years. [395] In 1971 Terrell founded the National Poetry Foundation to focus on Pound and organized conferences on Pound in 1975, 1980, 1985, and 1990. [44] He considered abandoning his efforts to write poetry: "by the soap-smooth stone posts where San Vio / meets with il Canal Grande / between Salviati and the house that was of Don Carlos / shd/I chuck the lot into the tide-water? Two weeks before he died, Pound read for a gathering of friends at a café: "re usury / I was out of focus, taking a symptom for a cause. To set the underworld in a post-Katrina would almost be more appropriate, but as I mentioned in the introduction, impossible for me to do within the framework of my own experience. [74] It was during this period that his antisemitism became apparent; he referred in Patria Mia to the "detestable qualities" of Jews. [333] On 10 August 1956 in the New Times: "It is perfectly well known that the fuss about 'de-segregation' in the United States has been started by Jews." [28] A two-year Harrison fellowship[29] covered his tuition fees and gave him a travel grant of $500, which he used to return to Europe. Moody (2007), 222–225; Aldington (1941), 139, Aldington (1941), 103; for the vicar's name, Hutchins (1965), 82–83. [31] He took courses in English at Penn in 1907, where he fell out with just about everyone, including the department head, Felix Schelling, with silly remarks during lectures and by winding an enormous tin watch very slowly while Schelling spoke. And indeed, there is something dark and grave beneath the surface of Day of the Dead, something unspoken, unmentioned, but impossibly existent, the proverbial “elephant in the corner”: Hurricane Katrina. He defends them when they are attacked, he gets them into magazines and out of jail. [80] In the New Age office in 1918 he met C. H. Douglas, who was developing his economic theory of social credit, which Pound found attractive. [225] In Washington, D.C. he met senators and congressmen but was disappointed by the response. [270] The existence of two sheets of toilet paper showing the first ten lines of Canto LXXIV in pencil suggests he started it while in the cage. Hutchins (1965), 107, citing Pound's letter to her of August 1953; Redman (1991), 17. This assertion of human frailty—essentially that Orpheus’s lack of faith, lack of discipline, or other second-guessing lead to his wife’s second death—is an interpretation embraced by numerous authors, playwrights, and filmmakers in their retellings of the story. From 1917 he wrote music reviews for The New Age as William Atheling and art reviews as B. H. "Ezra Pound as Translator". [217], The meeting left Pound feeling that he was a person of influence, Redman writes, not just a poet but someone who had been consulted by a head of state. [297] Laughlin published The Pisan Cantos on 20 July 1948,[299] and the following February the prize went to Pound. [351], By December 1959 Pound was mired in depression. He is emphatic on his mission to leave town, but the proprietor of the store offers him a job and he decides to stick around. "I don't mean a language to use, but even a language to think in. Coats, Jason M. (Spring 2009). [189] During this period the Pounds lived on Dorothy's income, supplemented by dividends from stock she had invested in. During World War II and the Holocaust in Italy, he made hundreds of antisemitic, paid radio broadcasts for the Italian government, including in German-occupied Italy, attacking the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and above all Jews, as a result of which he was arrested in 1945 by American forces in Italy on charges of treason.   In Ira Nadel (ed.). "Ezra Pound's Personal History: A Transcript". [170] Although Pound was 14 years older, the men became friends, living on the same street for a time and touring Italy together in 1923. ), then at Bryn Mawr College. [160] Consisting of 18 short parts, Mauberley describes a poet whose life has become sterile and meaningless. [328] Using pseudonyms, Pound sent his articles for publication directly to Stock, so that the newspaper's editor may not have realized they had all been written by Pound. There, he finally meets Emily—in the flesh!—but she repudiates him and he is left to drifting and depression. [363] According to a psychiatrist who treated him, Pound had previously been treated with electroconvulsive therapy. After the publication of Cathay, Pound mentioned that he was working on a long poem; in September 1915 he described it as a "cryselephantine poem of immeasurable length which will occupy me for the next four decades unless it becomes a bore". In Matthew Feldman, Henry Mead, Erik Tonning (eds.). [32] In the spring of 1907 he learned that his fellowship would not be renewed. On his mother's side, Pound was descended from William Wadsworth, a Puritan who emigrated to Boston on the Lion in 1632. For all the tragedy, Orpheus and Eurydice are at last reunited in the underworld (247). A. David Moody's three-volume biography, Ezra Pound: Poet (2007–2015), combines biographical narrative with literary criticism.[399]. [83] Pound wrote over 1,000 letters a year during the 1930s and presented his economic ideas and antisemitism in hundreds of articles, as well as in The Cantos. Instead, America needed "race pride". While in custody in Italy, Pound began work on sections of The Cantos that were published as The Pisan Cantos (1948), for which he was awarded the Bollingen Prize for Poetry in 1949 by the Library of Congress, causing enormous controversy. Spoo, Robert (2005). [224] In April 1939 he sailed for New York, believing he could stop America's involvement in World War II, happy to answer reporters' questions about Mussolini while he lounged on the deck of the ship in a tweed jacket. As he searches vainly in this Kafkfaesque nightmare, a janitor approaches him and brings him to a Macumba Ceremony (a spiritual practice that bears much resemblance to Voodoo--the patrons are in white, there is drumming, chanting, dancing, and an altar adorned with flowers, fruits, and other offerings).


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