starting over in a new city

Oh yeah. New nobody at all, had no job plans. The best plan of action would be to socialize with the ones who you will see the most. Depending on your job, this is the best place to meet people at the start. Im 21. I can't believe how much you nailed it. Really hoping this dreadful feeling goes away. It's always nerve-wracking at first, but you can learn to truly love anywhere you live. The most nerve racking thing for me is leaving all my friends behind. Crazy. I also have no friends, and the only people I occasionally see are my gf's friends who are also all phd students. I got lucky and had some awesome co-workers at my new job, so through them I've been able to meet so many people. Red Pill Discussion for personalized questions about specific situations. Want to hear experiences / perspectives from folks who have done this before successfully. She is fearless and ready to go. I can't offer any advise for your move, as I'm old, retired, and on the east coast of Canada. This makes people more likely to show you around and be friends with you because you are new to the area, just they were at one time. My problem was I was so focused on work I never took the time to cultivate a new social circle, which is important. As bad and as stupid as this may sound, sometimes I envy people who aren't close with their families, simply due to the freedom that must come with it. Are you naturally outgoing or introverted? Try to inquire about anything after work things that go on and take every opportunity to go to them. All of these things are inevitable, but getting a company that can provide you with … I recently moved from a city of 180k to 4000 with the mom and dad. If you make a friend at work use them as a probe to figure out where is the popular places, ask to go to them with your friend and keep yourself lose and relaxed and try and interact with everyone you can at these places. Play a game with yourself where you have to step outside the comfort zone regularly, and you'll find it's pretty easy to meet knew people and make connections. You can always hop on tinder and find a girl to show you some things around the city. Hey buddy, I just moved from NZ to England. (it was like a fat kid stumbling across an over turned Mars bar truck) i happened to be drinking in a bar , alone, and some other English people invited me over to join them. Look for group activities, I'm a musician so that was a natural thing for me. moment immediately after I told him, mainly because I still had 8 months left on an apartment lease, I had no job lined up, I had nowhere to live, and I had a car I needed to get rid of. I'm also thinking of moving to Chicago via Memphis and I have the same fears you felt. Just last night, I celebrated New Years with a bunch of friends I made here. ). I would generally suggest hanging out with the work homies while you get settled and then try to find a club or activity to start branching out into. I really needed to read this. But that will pass and it's worth the experience in the end. Just flew there and went with it. But I LOVE your name, and actually have the original Gorgo movie on DVD. Lived in the same city my whole life (large metro area), and considering moving to a new city to change things up. I have never been an outgoing person and I always wonder if I will be able to develop new relationships with people in an entirely new place. I not only moved city's , but a whole continent!!! Always large city to large city. Press J to jump to the feed. Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Gorgo, May 6, 2013. My kids can't understand why I love it. I have done this a few times. What i did was use social media and typed in #mytown and #thissmallcitynearme and found some cool places to check out on my own then added some people from the area. I have never lived in the north east but from what I here it can be very unwelcoming for new comers, I take this with a grain of salt but that's what I hear. Edit: Gold!!! I moved to Queenstown, NZ for a long while. I slept on the floor the first night I moved here. Hey Guest! Mid 20s professional. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I got lucky and had some awesome co-workers at my new job, so through them I've been able to meet so many people. There was definitely an 'Oh shit, what did I just do?' Well where are you from and what city are u moving to? Cities that are growing, like Phoenix or Austin. Overall, moving to new places has been an awesome experience that has really helped me become independent and expand my perspective on life. Him: 'I wish I could do what you're doing.'. How can anyone help you? Since then, I've furnished my apartment and it truly looks like a home (a small home...but still, a home). I think where ever you decide to move to it should be a place where a lot of the people are not from there. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I found someone to sublease my apartment in Texas, I found a place to live off Craigslist, I got a job within a week of being in Chicago, and I sold my car before making the move. Something to consider is that at some point during the transition, you'll probably be the loneliest you've ever been in your life. Excited for my new upcoming move to r/lounge. I did this just over a year ago. Also, dating brings a whole new social circle around. I moved to Chicago. Thank you. Thank you, thank you kind, generous, anonymous internet friend. Believe me... we don't like it. I have I'd highly recommend it! I'm more worried about meeting folks and establishing a social circle in a city where I'd know nobody starting out. The way I see it, why not think about everything that can go right? Cut forward 6 years , allot of hard work , 4 different Australian Visa's and 1 near deportation , i now live practically on the beach , am IT Manager for a big corporation and earn 6 figures (double what i would earn in the UK for the same job). Finding work won't be difficult as my field has a fairly abundant amount of well paying jobs. Had to walk into Woolworths, $3.60 for some bread today. Do you mind if I ask what you do/did for a living? For me its a bit different because i have very few options and still haven't found a job based on the rural area having so few jobs. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Reply 1. Once you start pursuing interests outside of work - ie sports or hobbies - typically that's the easiest way to meet people. Starting over in a new city isn’t exclusively for 20-somethings. I think some people freak themselves out and think about everything that can go wrong when deciding on a life-changing move. Finding work won't be difficult as my field has a fairly abundant amount of well paying jobs. I'm also 28, feeling the same way you must've felt, but work, costs of living and leaving my family behind makes me nervous. By continuing to use this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. I'm still in that 'oh no what have I done?' Can always look on craigslist to rent a room. (You must log in or sign up to reply here. I've done this too and it depends somewhat on your personality. I appreciate this list because I'm about to move to a new city. Just going out and meeting women you typically meet their friends, etc. Assuming you're an optimist and you move to a reasonably decent place, it will generally go something like this: Weeks 1 to 2 - feels like a vacation; you have an awesome time exploring this fun new place, Week 3 to Month 3 - you'll start to second-guess yourself more and more as you realize you have no friends and you start to discover the downsides of your new location; gets progressively worse until month three, give or take, when you'll have an "oh no what have I done?" First 3 months was spent living in a hostel dorm , trying to find work anywhere i could , bars , Markets ect ect and then one day , i got so so lucky. It's quite the change since I went from a warm place with tons to do to actual winters in a pretty quiet place. I wish you the best with your move and the new job! started from nothing but the clothes in my suitcase , and the money i had for my holiday. Which will be at work. Just last night, I celebrated New Years with a bunch of friends I made here. You just have to be active and focused on it. When I arrived in the city, I came up here with 3 suitcases of clothes and nothing else. My long term plan would be to return to my original city as I have family / real estate here that I plan to hold on to. You learn a lot about yourself, that's for damn sure. So I've got big changes ahead of me. in March 2007 i came from the UK to Sydney Australia on a 1 month holiday ...... nearly 7 years later , i couldn't imagine living anywhere else . It was hard at first , as i literally just didn't go home . Currently my SO and I are contemplating starting over with new jobs in a new city. Trying to make friends at all in your 20s and 30s can have you feeling like the new kid on the playground again. As someone who´s on the seventh month of living in a new city, I love you. The others are right about work. It was, without a doubt, the best move I'd ever made. I've done this 5 times in my life--twice for school, once for a job, once because it was a cool place I wanted to live for awhile, and most recently to move to a place I could settle down permanently. Year 3 I actually moved back home. It is not that easy to start over in a new city, because you'll have to adjust to your new neighbors; you also need to adjust to your new environment; and you need to adapt to your new house. Try not to hesitate too much either. Its like, currency exchange took half of my money, but everything costs the same :<. I woke up on a Monday morning, went to my boss and told him I was leaving. This site uses cookies. Starting Over in a New City. and i have only set foot in the UK for 4 days in the last 7 years. So I've been a store manager now for almost three months. You're so fucking vague. I had to find work and a place to live, basically had to set up from scratch. Gorgo Vertical. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. We become accustomed to the stories of 20-somethings moving to new cities after college and starting over… I want to be fearless so badly but I am my own worst enemy. I did that while I went to school in the twin cities, it was the only way I could make it! Tinder helped too by grabbing a tone of girls snaps i quickly made dates and started probing the girls for the cool places.. got some sex along the way too so its been working out so far. When I arrived in the city, I came up here with 3 suitcases of clothes and nothing else. Location: San Francisco, CA. Lived in the same city my whole life (large metro area), and considering moving to a new city to change things up. I'm hoping that I will feel a little better once I find a job. At the time, I was living in a small town in west Texas. Me and my girlfriend want to move to Chicago when we get done with school. My shop opened in the middle of September, and it's been the highest-grocing shop in the company (of 15 shops) from day 1. Your article was insightful.. Mid 20s professional. stage. I moved from Los Angeles, CA to Ann Arbor, MI 4-5 months ago to be with my gf. Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Gorgo, May 6, 2013. Not sure what city your moving to, but I was lucky as there is a LOT of crazy shit to do in Queenstown, something was always going on outside of work. I can barely relate to any of them. The “what ifs” keep playing in my head and I can’t get them to stop. But I see this as the time where I can take this leap of faith, just want to know it's worth it. Glad to see that this comment was helpful for so many--when things get tough it's always good to know that they'll get better. This guide to starting a new life in a new city is here to help make it all a bit easier. Hated the town, hated my job, didn't know anyone. I just got a new, high-paying job in Santa Rosa, CA (about an hour north of San Francisco) that starts June 10th. Doing fun shit is also a great way to meet people too.


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