this the end of the world

Previously… The dates are similar to word palindromes in that they are reversible. I mean, if we can’t trust this guy, who can we trust? However, at midnight on January 1, 2000, the world celebrated the new year, and no planes dropped out of the sky. good news of the Kingdom is being preached, Are We Living in “the Last Days”? Faced with the wealth of alarmist information available on the world wide web, even NASA was compelled to publish an information page about why the world would not end on December 21, 2012. First, God will destroy organized false religion, portrayed as a prostitute named “Babylon the Great.”(Revelation 17:1-5; 18:8) While professing loyalty to God, she has consorted with the world’s political leaders.These very rulers, however, will turn on her. For more information, please see Endnote 23. • Apocalyptic asteroid will hit in the next decade and space agencies are covering it up, says biblical scholar “It’s going to be on December 21, 2020. All rights reserved. 4 In Chapter 8 we learned that Jesus became King in heaven in 1914. 18 Jesus warned that we should not become distracted “with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life.” He said that the end will come suddenly, “as a snare.” He also said that it “will come upon all those dwelling on the face of the whole earth.” Then he added: “Keep awake, then, all the time making supplication [or, praying very sincerely] that you may succeed in escaping all these things that must occur and in standing before the Son of man.” (Luke 21:34-36) Why is it so important to listen to Jesus’ warning? Also known as false dawn, zodiacal lights are rare optical phenomena that occur around sunset and sunrise in early spring and late fall. TERMS OF USE 15. And all those who want to obey God and accept his Kingdom will see every promise of God come true.​—Revelation 20:1-3; 21:3-5. 15 Do you believe that we are living in the last days? Satan is furious because he has “a short period of time” left before God removes him. Another prophecy gives us the answer.​—See Endnotes 21 and 25. Although humans cannot predict what will happen, Jehovah God can. Jesus prophesied: “There will be great earthquakes.” (Luke 21:11) Many powerful earthquakes are now expected every year. Some dates fall on the same weekday every year. And although technology has helped to detect earthquakes earlier than before, many people still die. 2, 3. Although they are hated and persecuted by many, nothing can stop the preaching work, just as Jesus prophesied.​—Luke 21:17. This year, the following predictions are particularly en vogue among apocalypse enthusiasts: If you are worried now, have a look at the following list of some of the more notorious doomsday scenarios in history that fizzled out, just like hundreds of other prophecies through the ages. We have also learned how to be happy and how to live in a way that pleases God. Many Bible prophecies about the last days are coming true. First, we need to learn about a war that took  place in heaven so that we can understand why things are so bad here on earth. - It's The End Of The World (Official Video) - YouTube Because very soon Satan’s wicked world will be destroyed. 2 When we read in the Bible about the end of the world, it means, not the end of planet Earth, but the end of wickedness. “What will be the sign . Shortly after Jesus became King, he threw Satan out of the heavens to the earth. Social psychologists Leon Festinger, Henry Riecken, and Stanley Schachter infiltrated Martin's group to study the effects of such convictions and the group's reactions when the prophesied event did not occur. American radio host Harold Camping had arrived at the date for the apocalypse through a series of calculations that he claimed were based on Jewish feast days and the lunar calendar. Does that mean we should just always ignore them from now on? Heads Up, An Asteroid From A Hidden Planet Is Going Hit Earth Causing A Devastating Tsunami NEXT MONTH! • Conspiracy theorists tie Nibiru, AKA hidden doomsday Planet X, to the current pandemic “And they made a prediction if this wasn’t the end of the world today, certainly my birthday will come again,” he continued. What did Jesus’ disciples want to know, and how did Jesus answer them? (Part 1), Are We Living in “the Last Days”? The end of the world is near—again! 10. Every war, famine and earthquake seems to trigger another thought among Christians that the end is near. Speaking about the last days, Jesus said: “This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth.” (Matthew 24:3, 14) The good news of the Kingdom is being preached in over 230 lands and in more than 700 languages. • Planet X, AKA doomsday planet Nibiru, has returned, sparking more end of the world theories We have learned that only God’s Kingdom can solve all our problems. 9 Disease. ^ par. Copyright © 2008-2020 BroBible. But God will soon do something about it. 2 When we read in the Bible about the end of the world, it means, not the end of planet Earth, but the end of wickedness. Make needed changes in your life so that you can draw closer to God. They might have made a mistake. Yes, all over the earth, Jehovah’s Witnesses from “all nations and tribes” are helping  people to understand what the Kingdom is and what it will do for mankind. He’s furious because he has a short time left before God removes him. In 2019, for example, the world was predicted to end in a nuclear war, an asteroid impact, and a new ice age, to name but a few of the more popular doomsday prophecies. Not only that, but doctors have found 30 new diseases, and some of them have no cure. We are justified in thinking these things because of … “From the beginning I foretell the outcome, and from long ago the things that have not yet been done.”​—Isaiah 46:10. • The University of Oxford has disturbing news about the chance of human extinction within the next year Have you seen the fulfillment of Bible prophecies? When will the world end? If you learn that you need to make changes, don’t be afraid to make them. While many have claimed the Mayans believed that the year 2012 would be when we all meet our demise, which obviously did not happen, Begley says they made a mistake and the apocalypse is actually going to come on December 21, 2020. A Palindrome Day happens when the day’s date can be read the same way backward and forward. (Luke 21:11) Even though doctors have learned how to treat many sicknesses, there are still sicknesses that cannot be cured. © Time and Date AS 1995–2020. Austrian geologist and Nostradamus buff Alexander Tollmann decided to play it safe by sitting it out in a self-built bunker in Austria. See our Countdown to the End of the Mayan Calendar, The world was also supposed to end on October 21, 2011. He said: “The true knowledge will become abundant.” (Daniel 12:4) God would give his people the ability to understand the Bible more clearly than ever before. They might have made a mistake. 12 The Bible foretold that during the last days, the world would be full of pain and suffering. The Daily Express reports Pastor Begley said, “Of course, the Mayan elders said this could have been the end of the world today. LOOK AT ME is the way people are today. Scientists use the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) near Geneva, Switzerland, to set up controlled collisions of particles at very high speeds. After October 21, 2011, the self-proclaimed prophet stated that “nobody could know exactly when the time of the apocalypse would come.”, See how much time has passed since Camping's apocalypse. “December 21, 2020, during the great conjunction when Jupiter and Saturn come within 0.1 degrees of one another and create the brightest star in the skies since the star of Bethlehem. The Daily Express reports Pastor Begley said, “Of course, the Mayan elders said this could have been the end of the world today. But there's a tiny catch: None of the end-of-world predictions ever come true. Is there a way to know what will happen in the future? Publication download options Every year, new apocalyptic predictions waft through the dark fringes of the internet and the tabloid media. You need to take your study seriously. Jehovah will use Jesus and his powerful angels to destroy anyone who refuses to obey Him and his Son. • Doesn’t Matter Who’s President, Because A Rogue Planet Is Heading For Earth To ‘Destroy All Human Life’. Just imagine the misery and pain that millions of people have felt because of war! When the Rapture did not occur, Camping re-evaluated his predictions saying that the event would take place simultaneously with the end of the world. More than a billion people have less than one dollar a day to live on. Heck no! See Venus cozy up to the Waning Crescent Moon in the early morning hours. Martin and a group of followers were convinced that a flying saucer would rescue the true believers before the inevitable destruction of Earth. 17 The apostle Paul explained that the destruction of the wicked will come when most people don’t expect it, “as a thief in the night.” (1 Thessalonians 5:2) Jesus prophesied that many would choose to ignore the evidence that we’re living in the last days. “Well, they obviously made a mistake on December 21, 2012, so they said maybe today would be the end of the world.” Obviously. Because they don’t have enough money to buy food or land on which to grow it. (a) What happened in heaven soon after Jesus became King? “This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth.”​—Matthew 24:14. Since the end is so close, what do you need to do? 11 Do many people behave like this where you live? 3 In this chapter we will discuss evidence that we are living in the time just before the end of the world. According to media reports, some of his followers quit their jobs, sold their homes, and invested large amounts of money in publicizing Camping's predictions. Chicago housewife Dorothy Martin (a.k.a. Use this knowledge to calculate the weekday of any date in your head. (b) According to Revelation 12:12, what would happen on earth after Satan was thrown down? The Mayans now reorganizing and saying this could certainly be the end of the world as we know it.”. 16. (Part 2). The belief was so strong that some broke completely with their previous lives, quitting their jobs, leaving their spouses, and giving away money and possessions. . According to popular belief, this so-called “Millennium Bug” threatened banking systems, planes, and even the safety of weapon systems, leading to an all-consuming chaos on planet Earth. In 2019, for example, the world was predicted to end in a nuclear war, an asteroid impact, and a new ice age, to name but a few of the more popular doomsday prophecies. In addition to his claims about the end of the world, he also predicted that on May 21, 2011, at precisely 6:00 p.m., God's elect people would be assumed into heaven, in an event he called the Rapture. Why will most people be surprised when the end comes? The end will come in two main stages. 10 At 2 Timothy 3:1-5, the Bible says: “In the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here.” The apostle Paul described how many people would behave during the last days.


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