westmont high school counselors

Join a club or sport! My two hobbies are hiking and reading. I enjoy meeting with the students and having them share with me their interests and good news. Phone: 800.777.9011 Email: admissions@westmont.edu If you are a STUDENT and want to meet with your counselor, you may do any of the following: If you are a PARENT or GUARDIAN, please use the following guidelines: If you have a question about your student's current grade or course content, please contact the teacher directly. The best part about my job is when I am able to meet my students, get to know them and learn about their interests. Counselors will try to get back to you within 24-48 hours (not including weekends or Holidays). Play a sport, join a club, become a volunteer in the community. Creating and crafting are my favorite pastimes. The WHS Counseling Department includes four academic counselors, our College and Career Center Specialist, School Based Mental Health Therapist, Bilingual Community Liaison and Registrar. Teachers want to support you! This page includes information about how students and families may get in touch with us, as well as our contact information. Love to travel. I love to travel with my dear husband. Be proactive! Take advantage of Study Hall and tutoring in HW Center. Great job everyone! Current student to counselor ratio is 425:1. Take advantage of the resources and opportunities you have here and learn the skills to find them everywhere you go. Counselors will try to get back to you within 24-48 hours (not including weekends or Holidays). Don’t procrastinate! Please view our other pages for additional information from our department that may be helpful to students and their families. Need additional assistance? Westmont High School. Play a sport, join a club, become a volunteer in the community. The WHS Counseling Department includes four academic counselors, our College and Career Center Specialist, School Based Mental Health Therapist, Bilingual Community Liaison and Registrar. The counselors do not have additional information regarding specific classes, so teachers will be best equipped to inform and guide you. Breathe, take care of yourself and maintain a healthy balance. All of us are here to support our students in achieving their goals both during and following high school. I can never turn down French fries. Love to travel. ... School psychologists assess and counsel students, ... although prices may be higher or lower depending on geographic location and the experience and training of the therapist. California State University, Long Beach. Get to know your teachers, communicate with them and keep yourself updated by always checking Canvas for homework, grades or important announcements. Tambien hablo Español. Creating and crafting are my favorite pastimes. Current student to counselor ratio is 425:1. Coffee is my best friend. Breathe, take care of yourself and maintain a healthy balance. What is the best part of your job: I enjoy having the opportunity to learn about each student and hear their life stories, hopes, and future goals. Ever wonder who is responsible for reading your Westmont application? Become a part of the school community. Tell us something about you: Gryffindor, with Hufflepuff tendencies. Christopher Carter, Reiko Scilingo, Alan Villanueva, Sebastian Gomez Valdez, Olivia Merrick, Alma Hernandez, Kendyl Brower, Laura Lipponen, Ron Belman, Kristie Herrera Garrido, Enya Walker, Jakob Silva, Ilda Livia Huoponen, Lindsay Harris, Lilou Gervais, Irvin Alvarado Martinez (not pictured), Peter Sanfilippo, Francisco Guardarrama. I love it most when I get to sit down and really get to know my students, learning about their interests and supporting each one in their individual goals.


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