We Humans
By Donna
Look through each
kitchen window,
to see thick stews
in pressure pots,
atop high blue flames
surpassing their boiling point,
the stagnant ingredients inside
requiring a stir
thirsts for water.
We are feeding
on dark energy,
normalizing its presence
in our body.
Secure your seat at the table;
for blessings will follow grace,
as raised heads meet open eyes
to break bread and
attempt to remedy the trauma
now ours to fix.
There is something—
something greater
we must
knuckle up
and brace for the fight.
Parts of the dominant race needs to win.
The Others— who have limited sight,
can have some bearing on its outcome.
But no one in their circle
of stature,
of means,
of social standing,
will want to mingle with the Others—
not with the slowest or the fastest of them.
How can we win against
the ones leading with fear?
The monsters—
The ones showing the new ones
how to cut their teeth on hate;
they are the ones
with powerful business
driven by insatiable greed,
the traffickers
of children, of pharmaceuticals,
they are the self-serving politicians
who white-wash lies,
dirties our constitutions and massages systems
where sentencing of murderers salving with guns
are not determined by guilt or innocence
but means, and intentional agendas.
We bear witness to the
spirit of Legislations
failing like breach levees.
If we enter into
the Twilight Zone’s dimensions
not only of sight and sound
but of mind,
to find these monsters
in our world,
in our villages,
and under our beds,
should we ask Anthony
to banish them into the cornfields
because of their unhappy thoughts?
Or is it as Evers said, “you can kill a man,
but you can’t kill an idea”.
Sewing seeds of hate,
in any growing season
yields a darkness
which destroys
like winding weeds
choking flowers in the garden,
squeezing out life,
displaying its dominance.
Our higher selves see the madness.
The ones who are truly free,
are the ones not inflicting judgement.
The Wise Ones before us
now have a reverence for humanity.
These collective souls
know there is a oneness
that defines our consciousness.
From above to within,
Love begets more Love.
We are Love;
the powerful force
that change perceptions.
A pie-in-the sky sentiment…maybe
yet it is the only antidote for hate.
We the greater collective—
the majority—
are ordinary people with
limited financial gains
but armed with voting power,
and purchasing strength.
We far out number the monsters.
We must see through their smoke
and allow our intentions
to disrupt the circles
of their familiar
when it does not
serve us as a whole.
We will not cower in our silence,
but rather display our brilliance
like peacocks
modeling their graceful elegance.
Our thunderous roars,
will speak to wrongs
and through our actions
love over hate
peace over war
truth over lies
humanity over greed.
Together we decide—
We humans…
…we are the Majority
the ones born into tough circumstances
superheroes adorned in blue collars,
the ones surviving without ease
like trees growing through cracked concrete.
The ones with daily grinds and few holidays
blending side hustles with bi-weekly pay.
The ones in prayer regardless of its flaws
wanting more for our kids no matter the cost.
The ones erecting dreams from lottery wins
taking ten minutes in driveways before going in.
The ones with a desk covered with bills
deciding between the blue or red pill.
We are the majority.
Silent and great.
Ten to their one
thousands to their hundred
billions to their million.
We are all creative beings. Our artful passions can be expressed in numerous ways like singing, dancing, or writing poetry. These talents are not bound by age, race, culture or land borders.